require 'action_dispatch/journey' require 'forwardable' require 'thread_safe' require 'active_support/concern' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/to_query' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/remove_method' require 'active_support/core_ext/array/extract_options' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/filters' require 'action_controller/metal/exceptions' require 'action_dispatch/http/request' require 'action_dispatch/routing/endpoint' module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet #:nodoc: # Since the router holds references to many parts of the system # like engines, controllers and the application itself, inspecting # the route set can actually be really slow, therefore we default # alias inspect to to_s. alias inspect to_s class Dispatcher < Routing::Endpoint #:nodoc: def initialize(defaults) @defaults = defaults @controller_class_names = end def dispatcher?; true; end def serve(req) req.check_path_parameters! params = req.path_parameters prepare_params!(params) # Just raise undefined constant errors if a controller was specified as default. unless controller = controller(params, @defaults.key?(:controller)) return [404, {'X-Cascade' => 'pass'}, []] end dispatch(controller, params[:action], req.env) end def prepare_params!(params) normalize_controller!(params) merge_default_action!(params) end # If this is a default_controller (i.e. a controller specified by the user) # we should raise an error in case it's not found, because it usually means # a user error. However, if the controller was retrieved through a dynamic # segment, as in :controller(/:action), we should simply return nil and # delegate the control back to Rack cascade. Besides, if this is not a default # controller, it means we should respect the @scope[:module] parameter. def controller(params, default_controller=true) if params && params.key?(:controller) controller_param = params[:controller] controller_reference(controller_param) end rescue NameError => e raise ActionController::RoutingError, e.message, e.backtrace if default_controller end private def controller_reference(controller_param) const_name = @controller_class_names[controller_param] ||= "#{controller_param.camelize}Controller" ActiveSupport::Dependencies.constantize(const_name) end def dispatch(controller, action, env) controller.action(action).call(env) end def normalize_controller!(params) params[:controller] = params[:controller].underscore if params.key?(:controller) end def merge_default_action!(params) params[:action] ||= 'index' end end # A NamedRouteCollection instance is a collection of named routes, and also # maintains an anonymous module that can be used to install helpers for the # named routes. class NamedRouteCollection #:nodoc: include Enumerable attr_reader :routes, :url_helpers_module def initialize @routes = {} @path_helpers = @url_helpers = @url_helpers_module = @path_helpers_module = end def route_defined?(name) key = name.to_sym @path_helpers.include?(key) || @url_helpers.include?(key) end def helpers ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish) `named_routes.helpers` is deprecated, please use `route_defined?(route_name)` to see if a named route was defined. MSG @path_helpers + @url_helpers end def helper_names + end def clear! @path_helpers.each do |helper| @path_helpers_module.send :undef_method, helper end @url_helpers.each do |helper| @url_helpers_module.send :undef_method, helper end @routes.clear @path_helpers.clear @url_helpers.clear end def add(name, route) key = name.to_sym path_name = :"#{name}_path" url_name = :"#{name}_url" if routes.key? key @path_helpers_module.send :undef_method, path_name @url_helpers_module.send :undef_method, url_name end routes[key] = route define_url_helper @path_helpers_module, route, path_name, route.defaults, name, LEGACY define_url_helper @url_helpers_module, route, url_name, route.defaults, name, UNKNOWN @path_helpers << path_name @url_helpers << url_name end def get(name) routes[name.to_sym] end def key?(name) routes.key? name.to_sym end alias []= add alias [] get alias clear clear! def each routes.each { |name, route| yield name, route } self end def names routes.keys end def length routes.length end def path_helpers_module(warn = false) if warn mod = @path_helpers_module helpers = @path_helpers do include mod helpers.each do |meth| define_method(meth) do |*args, &block| ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("The method `#{meth}` cannot be used here as a full URL is required. Use `#{meth.to_s.sub(/_path$/, '_url')}` instead") super(*args, &block) end end end else @path_helpers_module end end class UrlHelper # :nodoc: def self.create(route, options, route_name, url_strategy) if optimize_helper?(route), options, route_name, url_strategy) else new route, options, route_name, url_strategy end end def self.optimize_helper?(route) !route.glob? && route.path.requirements.empty? end attr_reader :url_strategy, :route_name class OptimizedUrlHelper < UrlHelper # :nodoc: attr_reader :arg_size def initialize(route, options, route_name, url_strategy) super @required_parts = @route.required_parts @arg_size = @required_parts.size end def call(t, args, inner_options) if args.size == arg_size && !inner_options && optimize_routes_generation?(t) options = t.url_options.merge @options options[:path] = optimized_helper(args) options else super end end private def optimized_helper(args) params = parameterize_args(args) missing_keys = missing_keys(params) unless missing_keys.empty? raise_generation_error(params, missing_keys) end @route.format params end def optimize_routes_generation?(t) t.send(:optimize_routes_generation?) end def parameterize_args(args) params = {} { |k,v| params[k] = v } params end def missing_keys(args){ |part, arg| arg.nil? || arg.empty? }.keys end def raise_generation_error(args, missing_keys) constraints = Hash[@route.requirements.merge(args).sort] message = "No route matches #{constraints.inspect}" message << " missing required keys: #{missing_keys.sort.inspect}" raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError, message end end def initialize(route, options, route_name, url_strategy) @options = options @segment_keys = route.segment_keys.uniq @route = route @url_strategy = url_strategy @route_name = route_name end def call(t, args, inner_options) controller_options = t.url_options options = controller_options.merge @options hash = handle_positional_args(controller_options, deprecate_string_options(inner_options) || {}, args, options, @segment_keys) t._routes.url_for(hash, route_name, url_strategy) end def handle_positional_args(controller_options, inner_options, args, result, path_params) if args.size > 0 if args.size < path_params.size - 1 # take format into account path_params -= controller_options.keys path_params -= result.keys end path_params.each { |param| result[param] = inner_options[param] || args.shift } end result.merge!(inner_options) end DEPRECATED_STRING_OPTIONS = %w[controller action] def deprecate_string_options(options) options ||= {} deprecated_string_options = options.keys & DEPRECATED_STRING_OPTIONS if deprecated_string_options.any? msg = "Calling URL helpers with string keys #{deprecated_string_options.join(", ")} is deprecated. Use symbols instead." ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(msg) deprecated_string_options.each do |option| value = options.delete(option) options[option.to_sym] = value end end options end end private # Create a url helper allowing ordered parameters to be associated # with corresponding dynamic segments, so you can do: # # foo_url(bar, baz, bang) # # Instead of: # # foo_url(bar: bar, baz: baz, bang: bang) # # Also allow options hash, so you can do: # # foo_url(bar, baz, bang, sort_by: 'baz') # def define_url_helper(mod, route, name, opts, route_key, url_strategy) helper = UrlHelper.create(route, opts, route_key, url_strategy) mod.module_eval do define_method(name) do |*args| options = nil options = args.pop if args.last.is_a? Hash self, args, options end end end end # :stopdoc: # strategy for building urls to send to the client PATH = ->(options) { ActionDispatch::Http::URL.path_for(options) } FULL = ->(options) { ActionDispatch::Http::URL.full_url_for(options) } UNKNOWN = ->(options) { ActionDispatch::Http::URL.url_for(options) } LEGACY = ->(options) { if options.key?(:only_path) if options[:only_path] ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish) You are calling a `*_path` helper with the `only_path` option explicitly set to `true`. This option will stop working on path helpers in Rails 5. Simply remove the `only_path: true` argument from your call as it is redundant when applied to a path helper. MSG else ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish) You are calling a `*_path` helper with the `only_path` option explicitly set to `false`. This option will stop working on path helpers in Rails 5. Use the corresponding `*_url` helper instead. MSG end else end } # :startdoc: attr_accessor :formatter, :set, :named_routes, :default_scope, :router attr_accessor :disable_clear_and_finalize, :resources_path_names attr_accessor :default_url_options, :request_class alias :routes :set def self.default_resources_path_names { :new => 'new', :edit => 'edit' } end def initialize(request_class = ActionDispatch::Request) self.named_routes = self.resources_path_names = self.class.default_resources_path_names self.default_url_options = {} self.request_class = request_class @append = [] @prepend = [] @disable_clear_and_finalize = false @finalized = false @set = @router = @set @formatter = @set end def draw(&block) clear! unless @disable_clear_and_finalize eval_block(block) finalize! unless @disable_clear_and_finalize nil end def append(&block) @append << block end def prepend(&block) @prepend << block end def eval_block(block) if block.arity == 1 raise "You are using the old router DSL which has been removed in Rails 3.1. " << "Please check how to update your routes file at:" end mapper = if default_scope mapper.with_default_scope(default_scope, &block) else mapper.instance_exec(&block) end end private :eval_block def finalize! return if @finalized @append.each { |blk| eval_block(blk) } @finalized = true end def clear! @finalized = false named_routes.clear set.clear formatter.clear @prepend.each { |blk| eval_block(blk) } end def dispatcher(defaults) end module MountedHelpers #:nodoc: extend ActiveSupport::Concern include UrlFor end # Contains all the mounted helpers across different # engines and the `main_app` helper for the application. # You can include this in your classes if you want to # access routes for other engines. def mounted_helpers MountedHelpers end def define_mounted_helper(name) return if MountedHelpers.method_defined?(name) routes = self MountedHelpers.class_eval do define_method "_#{name}" do, _routes_context) end end MountedHelpers.class_eval(<<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1) def #{name} @_#{name} ||= _#{name} end RUBY end def url_helpers(include_path_helpers = true) routes = self do extend ActiveSupport::Concern include UrlFor # Define url_for in the singleton level so one can do: # Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.url_for(args) @_routes = routes class << self delegate :url_for, :optimize_routes_generation?, to: '@_routes' attr_reader :_routes def url_options; {}; end end url_helpers = routes.named_routes.url_helpers_module # Make named_routes available in the module singleton # as well, so one can do: # Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.posts_path extend url_helpers # Any class that includes this module will get all # named routes... include url_helpers if include_path_helpers path_helpers = routes.named_routes.path_helpers_module else path_helpers = routes.named_routes.path_helpers_module(true) end include path_helpers extend path_helpers # plus a singleton class method called _routes ... included do singleton_class.send(:redefine_method, :_routes) { routes } end # And an instance method _routes. Note that # UrlFor (included in this module) add extra # conveniences for working with @_routes. define_method(:_routes) { @_routes || routes } end end def empty? routes.empty? end def add_route(app, conditions = {}, requirements = {}, defaults = {}, name = nil, anchor = true) raise ArgumentError, "Invalid route name: '#{name}'" unless name.blank? || name.to_s.match(/^[_a-z]\w*$/i) if name && named_routes[name] raise ArgumentError, "Invalid route name, already in use: '#{name}' \n" \ "You may have defined two routes with the same name using the `:as` option, or " \ "you may be overriding a route already defined by a resource with the same naming. " \ "For the latter, you can restrict the routes created with `resources` as explained here: \n" \ "" end path = conditions.delete :path_info ast = conditions.delete :parsed_path_info path = build_path(path, ast, requirements, anchor) conditions = build_conditions(conditions, { |x| x.to_sym }) route = @set.add_route(app, path, conditions, defaults, name) named_routes[name] = route if name route end def build_path(path, ast, requirements, anchor) strexp = ast, path, requirements, SEPARATORS, anchor) pattern = builder = pattern.spec # Get all the symbol nodes followed by literals that are not the # dummy node. symbols = pattern.spec.grep(Journey::Nodes::Symbol).find_all { |n| builder.followpos(n).first.literal? } # Get all the symbol nodes preceded by literals. symbols.concat pattern.spec.find_all(&:literal?).map { |n| builder.followpos(n).first }.find_all(&:symbol?) symbols.each { |x| x.regexp = /(?:#{Regexp.union(x.regexp, '-')})+/ } pattern end private :build_path def build_conditions(current_conditions, path_values) conditions = current_conditions.dup # Rack-Mount requires that :request_method be a regular expression. # :request_method represents the HTTP verb that matches this route. # # Here we munge values before they get sent on to rack-mount. verbs = conditions[:request_method] || [] unless verbs.empty? conditions[:request_method] = %r[^#{verbs.join('|')}$] end conditions.keep_if do |k, _| k == :action || k == :controller || k == :required_defaults || @request_class.public_method_defined?(k) || path_values.include?(k) end end private :build_conditions class Generator #:nodoc: PARAMETERIZE = lambda do |name, value| if name == :controller value elsif value.is_a?(Array) { |v| v.to_param }.join('/') elsif param = value.to_param param end end attr_reader :options, :recall, :set, :named_route def initialize(named_route, options, recall, set) @named_route = named_route @options = options.dup @recall = recall.dup @set = set normalize_recall! normalize_options! normalize_controller_action_id! use_relative_controller! normalize_controller! normalize_action! end def controller @options[:controller] end def current_controller @recall[:controller] end def use_recall_for(key) if @recall[key] && (!@options.key?(key) || @options[key] == @recall[key]) if !named_route_exists? || segment_keys.include?(key) @options[key] = @recall.delete(key) end end end # Set 'index' as default action for recall def normalize_recall! @recall[:action] ||= 'index' end def normalize_options! # If an explicit :controller was given, always make :action explicit # too, so that action expiry works as expected for things like # # generate({controller: 'content'}, {controller: 'content', action: 'show'}) # # (the above is from the unit tests). In the above case, because the # controller was explicitly given, but no action, the action is implied to # be "index", not the recalled action of "show". if options[:controller] options[:action] ||= 'index' options[:controller] = options[:controller].to_s end if options.key?(:action) options[:action] = (options[:action] || 'index').to_s end end # This pulls :controller, :action, and :id out of the recall. # The recall key is only used if there is no key in the options # or if the key in the options is identical. If any of # :controller, :action or :id is not found, don't pull any # more keys from the recall. def normalize_controller_action_id! use_recall_for(:controller) or return use_recall_for(:action) or return use_recall_for(:id) end # if the current controller is "foo/bar/baz" and controller: "baz/bat" # is specified, the controller becomes "foo/baz/bat" def use_relative_controller! if !named_route && different_controller? && !controller.start_with?("/") old_parts = current_controller.split('/') size = controller.count("/") + 1 parts = old_parts[0...-size] << controller @options[:controller] = parts.join("/") end end # Remove leading slashes from controllers def normalize_controller! @options[:controller] = controller.sub(%r{^/}, '') if controller end # Move 'index' action from options to recall def normalize_action! if @options[:action] == 'index' @recall[:action] = @options.delete(:action) end end # Generates a path from routes, returns [path, params]. # If no route is generated the formatter will raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError def generate @set.formatter.generate(named_route, options, recall, PARAMETERIZE) end def different_controller? return false unless current_controller controller.to_param != current_controller.to_param end private def named_route_exists? named_route && set.named_routes[named_route] end def segment_keys set.named_routes[named_route].segment_keys end end # Generate the path indicated by the arguments, and return an array of # the keys that were not used to generate it. def extra_keys(options, recall={}) generate_extras(options, recall).last end def generate_extras(options, recall={}) route_key = options.delete :use_route path, params = generate(route_key, options, recall) return path, params.keys end def generate(route_key, options, recall = {}), options, recall, self).generate end private :generate RESERVED_OPTIONS = [:host, :protocol, :port, :subdomain, :domain, :tld_length, :trailing_slash, :anchor, :params, :only_path, :script_name, :original_script_name] def optimize_routes_generation? default_url_options.empty? end def find_script_name(options) options.delete(:script_name) { '' } end def path_for(options, route_name = nil) # :nodoc: url_for(options, route_name, PATH) end # The +options+ argument must be a hash whose keys are *symbols*. def url_for(options, route_name = nil, url_strategy = UNKNOWN) options = default_url_options.merge options user = password = nil if options[:user] && options[:password] user = options.delete :user password = options.delete :password end recall = options.delete(:_recall) { {} } original_script_name = options.delete(:original_script_name) script_name = find_script_name options if original_script_name script_name = original_script_name + script_name end path_options = options.dup RESERVED_OPTIONS.each { |ro| path_options.delete ro } path, params = generate(route_name, path_options, recall) if options.key? :params params.merge! options[:params] end options[:path] = path options[:script_name] = script_name options[:params] = params options[:user] = user options[:password] = password options end def call(env) req = req.path_info = Journey::Router::Utils.normalize_path(req.path_info) @router.serve(req) end def recognize_path(path, environment = {}) method = (environment[:method] || "GET").to_s.upcase path = Journey::Router::Utils.normalize_path(path) unless path =~ %r{://} extras = environment[:extras] || {} begin env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for(path, {:method => method}) rescue URI::InvalidURIError => e raise ActionController::RoutingError, e.message end req = @router.recognize(req) do |route, params| params.merge!(extras) params.each do |key, value| if value.is_a?(String) value = value.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) params[key] = URI.parser.unescape(value) end end old_params = req.path_parameters req.path_parameters = old_params.merge params app = if app.matches?(req) && app.dispatcher? dispatcher = if dispatcher.controller(params, false) dispatcher.prepare_params!(params) return params else raise ActionController::RoutingError, "A route matches #{path.inspect}, but references missing controller: #{params[:controller].camelize}Controller" end end end raise ActionController::RoutingError, "No route matches #{path.inspect}" end end end end