require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/except' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper class Constraints #:nodoc: def, constraints, request = Rack::Request) if constraints.any? super(app, constraints, request) else app end end def initialize(app, constraints, request) @app, @constraints, @request = app, constraints, request end def call(env) req = @constraints.each { |constraint| if constraint.respond_to?(:matches?) && !constraint.matches?(req) return [ 404, {'X-Cascade' => 'pass'}, [] ] elsif constraint.respond_to?(:call) && ! return [ 404, {'X-Cascade' => 'pass'}, [] ] end } end end class Mapping #:nodoc: IGNORE_OPTIONS = [:to, :as, :controller, :action, :via, :on, :constraints, :defaults, :only, :except, :anchor, :shallow, :shallow_path, :shallow_prefix] def initialize(set, scope, args) @set, @scope = set, scope @path, @options = extract_path_and_options(args) end def to_route [ app, conditions, requirements, defaults, @options[:as], @options[:anchor] ] end private def extract_path_and_options(args) options = args.extract_options! if using_to_shorthand?(args, options) path, to = options.find { |name, value| name.is_a?(String) } options.merge!(:to => to).delete(path) if path else path = args.first end if @scope[:module] && options[:to] && !options[:to].is_a?(Proc) if options[:to].to_s.include?("#") options[:to] = "#{@scope[:module]}/#{options[:to]}" elsif @scope[:controller].nil? options[:to] = "#{@scope[:module]}##{options[:to]}" end end path = normalize_path(path) path_without_format = path.sub(/\(\.:format\)$/, '') if using_match_shorthand?(path_without_format, options) options[:to] ||= path_without_format[1..-1].sub(%r{/([^/]*)$}, '#\1') options[:as] ||= path_without_format[1..-1].gsub("/", "_") end [ path, options ] end # match "account" => "account#index" def using_to_shorthand?(args, options) args.empty? && options.present? end # match "account/overview" def using_match_shorthand?(path, options) path && options.except(:via, :anchor, :to, :as).empty? && path =~ %r{^/[\w\/]+$} end def normalize_path(path) raise ArgumentError, "path is required" if @scope[:path].blank? && path.blank? Mapper.normalize_path("#{@scope[:path]}/#{path}") end def app to.respond_to?(:call) ? to : => defaults), blocks, @set.request_class ) end def conditions { :path_info => @path }.merge(constraints).merge(request_method_condition) end def requirements @requirements ||= (@options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash) ? @options[:constraints] : {}).tap do |requirements| requirements.reverse_merge!(@scope[:constraints]) if @scope[:constraints] @options.each { |k, v| requirements[k] = v if v.is_a?(Regexp) } end end def defaults @defaults ||= (@options[:defaults] || {}).tap do |defaults| defaults.merge!(default_controller_and_action) defaults.reverse_merge!(@scope[:defaults]) if @scope[:defaults] @options.each { |k, v| defaults[k] = v unless v.is_a?(Regexp) || IGNORE_OPTIONS.include?(k.to_sym) } end end def default_controller_and_action if to.respond_to?(:call) { } else defaults = case to when String controller, action = to.split('#') { :controller => controller, :action => action } when Symbol { :action => to.to_s } else {} end defaults[:controller] ||= default_controller defaults.delete(:controller) if defaults[:controller].blank? defaults.delete(:action) if defaults[:action].blank? if defaults[:controller].blank? && segment_keys.exclude?("controller") raise ArgumentError, "missing :controller" end if defaults[:action].blank? && segment_keys.exclude?("action") raise ArgumentError, "missing :action" end defaults end end def blocks if @options[:constraints].present? && !@options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash) block = @options[:constraints] else block = nil end ((@scope[:blocks] || []) + [ block ]).compact end def constraints @constraints ||= requirements.reject { |k, v| segment_keys.include?(k.to_s) || k == :controller } end def request_method_condition if via = @options[:via] via = Array(via).map { |m| m.to_s.upcase } { :request_method => Regexp.union(*via) } else { } end end def segment_keys @segment_keys ||= Rack::Mount::Strexp.compile(@path, requirements, SEPARATORS) ).names end def to @options[:to] end def default_controller if @options[:controller] @options[:controller].to_s elsif @scope[:controller] @scope[:controller].to_s end end end # Invokes Rack::Mount::Utils.normalize path and ensure that # (:locale) becomes (/:locale) instead of /(:locale). Except # for root cases, where the latter is the correct one. def self.normalize_path(path) path = Rack::Mount::Utils.normalize_path(path) path.sub!(%r{/(\(+)/?([^:]*):}, '\1/\2:') unless path =~ %r{^/\(+:.*\)$} path end module Base def initialize(set) #:nodoc: @set = set end def root(options = {}) match '/', options.reverse_merge(:as => :root) end def match(*args) mapping =, @scope, args).to_route @set.add_route(*mapping) self end def mount(app, options = nil) if options path = options.delete(:at) else options = app app, path = options.find { |k, v| k.respond_to?(:call) } options.delete(app) if app end raise "A rack application must be specified" unless path match(path, options.merge(:to => app, :anchor => false)) self end def default_url_options=(options) @set.default_url_options = options end alias_method :default_url_options, :default_url_options= end module HttpHelpers def get(*args, &block) map_method(:get, *args, &block) end def post(*args, &block) map_method(:post, *args, &block) end def put(*args, &block) map_method(:put, *args, &block) end def delete(*args, &block) map_method(:delete, *args, &block) end def redirect(*args, &block) options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} path = args.shift || block path_proc = path.is_a?(Proc) ? path : proc { |params| path % params } status = options[:status] || 301 body = 'Moved Permanently' lambda do |env| req = params = [req.symbolized_path_parameters] params << req if path_proc.arity > 1 uri = URI.parse(*params)) uri.scheme ||= req.scheme ||= uri.port ||= req.port unless req.port == 80 headers = { 'Location' => uri.to_s, 'Content-Type' => 'text/html', 'Content-Length' => body.length.to_s } [ status, headers, [body] ] end end private def map_method(method, *args, &block) options = args.extract_options! options[:via] = method args.push(options) match(*args, &block) self end end module Scoping def initialize(*args) #:nodoc: @scope = {} super end def scope(*args) options = args.extract_options! options = options.dup if name_prefix = options.delete(:name_prefix) options[:as] ||= name_prefix ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn ":name_prefix was deprecated in the new router syntax. Use :as instead.", caller end case args.first when String options[:path] = args.first when Symbol options[:controller] = args.first end recover = {} options[:constraints] ||= {} unless options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash) block, options[:constraints] = options[:constraints], {} end scope_options.each do |option| if value = options.delete(option) recover[option] = @scope[option] @scope[option] = send("merge_#{option}_scope", @scope[option], value) end end recover[:block] = @scope[:blocks] @scope[:blocks] = merge_blocks_scope(@scope[:blocks], block) recover[:options] = @scope[:options] @scope[:options] = merge_options_scope(@scope[:options], options) yield self ensure scope_options.each do |option| @scope[option] = recover[option] if recover.has_key?(option) end @scope[:options] = recover[:options] @scope[:blocks] = recover[:block] end def controller(controller) scope(controller.to_sym) { yield } end def namespace(path, options = {}) path = path.to_s options = { :path => path, :as => path, :module => path, :shallow_path => path, :shallow_prefix => path }.merge!(options) scope(options) { yield } end def constraints(constraints = {}) scope(:constraints => constraints) { yield } end def defaults(defaults = {}) scope(:defaults => defaults) { yield } end def match(*args) options = args.extract_options! options = (@scope[:options] || {}).merge(options) if @scope[:as] && !options[:as].blank? options[:as] = "#{@scope[:as]}_#{options[:as]}" elsif @scope[:as] && options[:as] == "" options[:as] = @scope[:as].to_s end args.push(options) super(*args) end private def scope_options @scope_options ||= private_methods.grep(/^merge_(.+)_scope$/) { $1.to_sym } end def merge_path_scope(parent, child) Mapper.normalize_path("#{parent}/#{child}") end def merge_shallow_path_scope(parent, child) Mapper.normalize_path("#{parent}/#{child}") end def merge_as_scope(parent, child) parent ? "#{parent}_#{child}" : child end def merge_shallow_prefix_scope(parent, child) parent ? "#{parent}_#{child}" : child end def merge_module_scope(parent, child) parent ? "#{parent}/#{child}" : child end def merge_controller_scope(parent, child) @scope[:module] ? "#{@scope[:module]}/#{child}" : child end def merge_path_names_scope(parent, child) merge_options_scope(parent, child) end def merge_constraints_scope(parent, child) merge_options_scope(parent, child) end def merge_defaults_scope(parent, child) merge_options_scope(parent, child) end def merge_blocks_scope(parent, child) merged = parent ? parent.dup : [] merged << child if child merged end def merge_options_scope(parent, child) (parent || {}).merge(child) end def merge_shallow_scope(parent, child) child ? true : false end end module Resources class Resource #:nodoc: def self.default_actions [:index, :create, :new, :show, :update, :destroy, :edit] end attr_reader :controller, :path, :options def initialize(entities, options = {}) @name = entities.to_s @path = options.delete(:path) || @name @controller = (options.delete(:controller) || @name).to_s @as = options.delete(:as) @options = options end def default_actions self.class.default_actions end def actions if only = options[:only] Array(only).map(&:to_sym) elsif except = options[:except] default_actions - Array(except).map(&:to_sym) else default_actions end end def name @as || @name end def plural name.to_s.pluralize end def singular name.to_s.singularize end def member_name singular end alias_method :nested_name, :member_name # Checks for uncountable plurals, and appends "_index" if they're. def collection_name singular == plural ? "#{plural}_index" : plural end def shallow? options[:shallow] ? true : false end def constraints options[:constraints] || {} end def id_constraint? options[:id] && options[:id].is_a?(Regexp) || constraints[:id] && constraints[:id].is_a?(Regexp) end def id_constraint options[:id] || constraints[:id] end def collection_options (options || {}).dup.tap do |opts| opts.delete(:id) opts[:constraints] = options[:constraints].dup if options[:constraints] opts[:constraints].delete(:id) if options[:constraints].is_a?(Hash) end end def nested_path "#{path}/:#{singular}_id" end def nested_options {}.tap do |opts| opts[:as] = member_name opts["#{singular}_id".to_sym] = id_constraint if id_constraint? opts[:options] = { :shallow => shallow? } unless options[:shallow].nil? end end def resource_scope [{ :controller => controller }] end def collection_scope [path, collection_options] end def member_scope ["#{path}/:id", options] end def new_scope [path] end def nested_scope [nested_path, nested_options] end end class SingletonResource < Resource #:nodoc: def self.default_actions [:show, :create, :update, :destroy, :new, :edit] end def initialize(entities, options) @name = entities.to_s @path = options.delete(:path) || @name @controller = (options.delete(:controller) || @name.to_s.pluralize).to_s @as = options.delete(:as) @options = options end def member_name name end alias :collection_name :member_name def nested_path path end def nested_options {}.tap do |opts| opts[:as] = member_name opts[:options] = { :shallow => shallow? } unless @options[:shallow].nil? end end def shallow? false end def member_scope [path, options] end end def initialize(*args) #:nodoc: super @scope[:path_names] = @set.resources_path_names end def resources_path_names(options) @scope[:path_names].merge!(options) end def resource(*resources, &block) options = resources.extract_options! options = (@scope[:options] || {}).merge(options) options[:shallow] = true if @scope[:shallow] && !options.has_key?(:shallow) if apply_common_behavior_for(:resource, resources, options, &block) return self end resource_scope(, options)) do yield if block_given? collection_scope do post :create if parent_resource.actions.include?(:create) get :new if parent_resource.actions.include?(:new) end member_scope do get :show if parent_resource.actions.include?(:show) put :update if parent_resource.actions.include?(:update) delete :destroy if parent_resource.actions.include?(:destroy) get :edit if parent_resource.actions.include?(:edit) end end self end def resources(*resources, &block) options = resources.extract_options! options = (@scope[:options] || {}).merge(options) options[:shallow] = true if @scope[:shallow] && !options.has_key?(:shallow) if apply_common_behavior_for(:resources, resources, options, &block) return self end resource_scope(, options)) do yield if block_given? collection_scope do get :index if parent_resource.actions.include?(:index) post :create if parent_resource.actions.include?(:create) get :new if parent_resource.actions.include?(:new) end member_scope do get :show if parent_resource.actions.include?(:show) put :update if parent_resource.actions.include?(:update) delete :destroy if parent_resource.actions.include?(:destroy) get :edit if parent_resource.actions.include?(:edit) end end self end def collection unless @scope[:scope_level] == :resources raise ArgumentError, "can't use collection outside resources scope" end collection_scope do yield end end def member unless resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't use member outside resource(s) scope" end member_scope do yield end end def new unless resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't use new outside resource(s) scope" end with_scope_level(:new) do scope(*parent_resource.new_scope) do scope(action_path(:new)) do yield end end end end def nested unless resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't use nested outside resource(s) scope" end with_scope_level(:nested) do if parent_resource.shallow? with_exclusive_scope do if @scope[:shallow_path].blank? scope(*parent_resource.nested_scope) { yield } else scope(@scope[:shallow_path], :as => @scope[:shallow_prefix]) do scope(*parent_resource.nested_scope) { yield } end end end else scope(*parent_resource.nested_scope) { yield } end end end def namespace(path, options = {}) if resource_scope? nested { super } else super end end def shallow scope(:shallow => true) do yield end end def match(*args) options = args.extract_options! options[:anchor] = true unless options.key?(:anchor) if args.length > 1 args.each { |path| match(path, options.dup) } return self end if [:collection, :member, :new].include?(options[:on]) args.push(options) case options.delete(:on) when :collection return collection { match(*args) } when :member return member { match(*args) } when :new return new { match(*args) } end end if @scope[:scope_level] == :resource args.push(options) return member { match(*args) } end path = options.delete(:path) if args.first.is_a?(Symbol) path = path_for_action(args.first, path) options = options_for_action(args.first, options) with_exclusive_scope do return super(path, options) end elsif resource_method_scope? path = path_for_custom_action options[:as] = name_for_action(options[:as]) if options[:as] args.push(options) with_exclusive_scope do scope(path) do return super end end end if resource_scope? raise ArgumentError, "can't define route directly in resource(s) scope" end args.push(options) super end def root(options={}) if @scope[:scope_level] == :resources with_scope_level(:nested) do scope(parent_resource.path, :as => parent_resource.collection_name) do super(options) end end else super(options) end end protected def parent_resource #:nodoc: @scope[:scope_level_resource] end private def apply_common_behavior_for(method, resources, options, &block) if resources.length > 1 resources.each { |r| send(method, r, options, &block) } return true end if path_names = options.delete(:path_names) scope(:path_names => path_names) do send(method, resources.pop, options, &block) end return true end if resource_scope? nested do send(method, resources.pop, options, &block) end return true end false end def resource_scope? [:resource, :resources].include?(@scope[:scope_level]) end def resource_method_scope? [:collection, :member, :new].include?(@scope[:scope_level]) end def with_exclusive_scope begin old_name_prefix, old_path = @scope[:as], @scope[:path] @scope[:as], @scope[:path] = nil, nil with_scope_level(:exclusive) do yield end ensure @scope[:as], @scope[:path] = old_name_prefix, old_path end end def with_scope_level(kind, resource = parent_resource) old, @scope[:scope_level] = @scope[:scope_level], kind old_resource, @scope[:scope_level_resource] = @scope[:scope_level_resource], resource yield ensure @scope[:scope_level] = old @scope[:scope_level_resource] = old_resource end def resource_scope(resource) with_scope_level(resource.is_a?(SingletonResource) ? :resource : :resources, resource) do scope(*parent_resource.resource_scope) do yield end end end def collection_scope with_scope_level(:collection) do scope(*parent_resource.collection_scope) do yield end end end def member_scope with_scope_level(:member) do scope(*parent_resource.member_scope) do yield end end end def path_for_action(action, path) case action when :index, :create "#{@scope[:path]}(.:format)" when :show, :update, :destroy if parent_resource.shallow? "#{@scope[:shallow_path]}/#{parent_resource.path}/:id(.:format)" else "#{@scope[:path]}(.:format)" end when :new "#{@scope[:path]}/#{action_path(:new)}(.:format)" when :edit if parent_resource.shallow? "#{@scope[:shallow_path]}/#{parent_resource.path}/:id/#{action_path(:edit)}(.:format)" else "#{@scope[:path]}/#{action_path(:edit)}(.:format)" end else case @scope[:scope_level] when :collection, :new "#{@scope[:path]}/#{action_path(action, path)}(.:format)" else if parent_resource.shallow? "#{@scope[:shallow_path]}/#{parent_resource.path}/:id/#{action_path(action, path)}(.:format)" else "#{@scope[:path]}/#{action_path(action, path)}(.:format)" end end end end def path_for_custom_action case @scope[:scope_level] when :collection, :new @scope[:path] else if parent_resource.shallow? "#{@scope[:shallow_path]}/#{parent_resource.path}/:id" else @scope[:path] end end end def action_path(name, path = nil) path || @scope[:path_names][name.to_sym] || name.to_s end def options_for_action(action, options) options.reverse_merge( :to => action, :as => name_for_action(action) ) end def name_for_action(action) name_prefix = @scope[:as].blank? ? "" : "#{@scope[:as]}_" shallow_prefix = @scope[:shallow_prefix].blank? ? "" : "#{@scope[:shallow_prefix]}_" case action when :index, :create "#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.collection_name}" when :show, :update, :destroy if parent_resource.shallow? "#{shallow_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" else "#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" end when :edit if parent_resource.shallow? "edit_#{shallow_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" else "edit_#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" end when :new "new_#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" else case @scope[:scope_level] when :collection "#{action}_#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.collection_name}" when :new "#{action}_new_#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" else if parent_resource.shallow? "#{action}_#{shallow_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" else "#{action}_#{name_prefix}#{parent_resource.member_name}" end end end end end include Base include HttpHelpers include Scoping include Resources end end end