require 'delegate' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/strip' module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteWrapper < SimpleDelegator def endpoint app.dispatcher? ? "#{controller}##{action}" : rack_app.inspect end def constraints requirements.except(:controller, :action) end def rack_app end def path super.spec.to_s end def name super.to_s end def reqs @reqs ||= begin reqs = endpoint reqs += " #{constraints}" unless constraints.empty? reqs end end def controller requirements[:controller] || ':controller' end def action requirements[:action] || ':action' end def internal? internal end def engine? rack_app.respond_to?(:routes) end end ## # This class is just used for displaying route information when someone # executes `rake routes` or looks at the RoutingError page. # People should not use this class. class RoutesInspector # :nodoc: def initialize(routes) @engines = {} @routes = routes end def format(formatter, filter = nil) routes_to_display = filter_routes(normalize_filter(filter)) routes = collect_routes(routes_to_display) if routes.none? formatter.no_routes(collect_routes(@routes)) return formatter.result end formatter.header routes formatter.section routes @engines.each do |name, engine_routes| formatter.section_title "Routes for #{name}" formatter.section engine_routes end formatter.result end private def normalize_filter(filter) if filter.is_a?(Hash) && filter[:controller] { controller: /#{filter[:controller].downcase.sub(/_?controller\z/, '').sub('::', '/')}/ } elsif filter { controller: /#{filter}/, action: /#{filter}/, verb: /#{filter}/, name: /#{filter}/, path: /#{filter}/ } end end def filter_routes(filter) if filter do |route| route_wrapper = filter.any? { |default, value| route_wrapper.send(default) =~ value } end else @routes end end def collect_routes(routes) routes.collect do |route| end.reject(&:internal?).collect do |route| collect_engine_routes(route) { name:, verb: route.verb, path: route.path, reqs: route.reqs } end end def collect_engine_routes(route) name = route.endpoint return unless route.engine? return if @engines[name] routes = route.rack_app.routes if routes.is_a?(ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet) @engines[name] = collect_routes(routes.routes) end end end class ConsoleFormatter def initialize @buffer = [] end def result @buffer.join("\n") end def section_title(title) @buffer << "\n#{title}:" end def section(routes) @buffer << draw_section(routes) end def header(routes) @buffer << draw_header(routes) end def no_routes(routes) @buffer << if routes.none? <<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc You don't have any routes defined! Please add some routes in config/routes.rb. MESSAGE else "No routes were found for this controller" end @buffer << "For more information about routes, see the Rails guide:" end private def draw_section(routes) header_lengths = ['Prefix', 'Verb', 'URI Pattern'].map(&:length) name_width, verb_width, path_width = widths(routes).zip(header_lengths).map(&:max) do |r| "#{r[:name].rjust(name_width)} #{r[:verb].ljust(verb_width)} #{r[:path].ljust(path_width)} #{r[:reqs]}" end end def draw_header(routes) name_width, verb_width, path_width = widths(routes) "#{"Prefix".rjust(name_width)} #{"Verb".ljust(verb_width)} #{"URI Pattern".ljust(path_width)} Controller#Action" end def widths(routes) [ { |r| r[:name].length }.max || 0, { |r| r[:verb].length }.max || 0, { |r| r[:path].length }.max || 0] end end class HtmlTableFormatter def initialize(view) @view = view @buffer = [] end def section_title(title) @buffer << %(#{title}) end def section(routes) @buffer << @view.render(partial: "routes/route", collection: routes) end # the header is part of the HTML page, so we don't construct it here. def header(routes) end def no_routes(*) @buffer << <<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc

You don't have any routes defined!

MESSAGE end def result @view.raw @view.render(layout: "routes/table") { @view.raw @buffer.join("\n") } end end end end