module ActionDispatch # A simple Rack application that renders exceptions in the given public path. class PublicExceptions attr_accessor :public_path def initialize(public_path) @public_path = public_path end def call(env) exception = env["action_dispatch.exception"] status = env["PATH_INFO"][1..-1] request = content_type = request.formats.first format = content_type && "to_#{content_type.to_sym}" body = { :status => status, :error => exception.message } render(status, body, format, content_type) end private def render(status, body, format, content_type) if format && body.respond_to?(format) render_format(status, content_type, body.public_send(format)) else render_html(status) end end def render_format(status, content_type, body) [status, {'Content-Type' => "#{content_type}; charset=#{ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset}", 'Content-Length' => body.bytesize.to_s}, [body]] end def render_html(status) found = false path = "#{public_path}/#{status}.#{I18n.locale}.html" if I18n.locale path = "#{public_path}/#{status}.html" unless path && (found = File.exist?(path)) if found || File.exist?(path) render_format(status, 'text/html', else [404, { "X-Cascade" => "pass" }, []] end end end end