module ActionDispatch module Journey # :nodoc: class Router # :nodoc: class Utils # :nodoc: # Normalizes URI path. # # Strips off trailing slash and ensures there is a leading slash. # Also converts downcase url encoded string to uppercase. # # normalize_path("/foo") # => "/foo" # normalize_path("/foo/") # => "/foo" # normalize_path("foo") # => "/foo" # normalize_path("") # => "/" # normalize_path("/%ab") # => "/%AB" def self.normalize_path(path) path = "/#{path}" path.squeeze!('/'.freeze) path.sub!(%r{/+\Z}, ''.freeze) path.gsub!(/(%[a-f0-9]{2})/) { $1.upcase } path = '/' if path == ''.freeze path end # URI path and fragment escaping # class UriEncoder # :nodoc: ENCODE = "%%%02X".freeze US_ASCII = Encoding::US_ASCII UTF_8 = Encoding::UTF_8 EMPTY = "".force_encoding(US_ASCII).freeze DEC2HEX = (0..255){ |i| ENCODE % i }.map{ |s| s.force_encoding(US_ASCII) } ALPHA = "a-zA-Z".freeze DIGIT = "0-9".freeze UNRESERVED = "#{ALPHA}#{DIGIT}\\-\\._~".freeze SUB_DELIMS = "!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=".freeze ESCAPED = /%[a-zA-Z0-9]{2}/.freeze FRAGMENT = /[^#{UNRESERVED}#{SUB_DELIMS}:@\/\?]/.freeze SEGMENT = /[^#{UNRESERVED}#{SUB_DELIMS}:@]/.freeze PATH = /[^#{UNRESERVED}#{SUB_DELIMS}:@\/]/.freeze def escape_fragment(fragment) escape(fragment, FRAGMENT) end def escape_path(path) escape(path, PATH) end def escape_segment(segment) escape(segment, SEGMENT) end def unescape_uri(uri) encoding = uri.encoding == US_ASCII ? UTF_8 : uri.encoding uri.gsub(ESCAPED) { |match| [match[1, 2].hex].pack('C') }.force_encoding(encoding) end protected def escape(component, pattern) component.gsub(pattern){ |unsafe| percent_encode(unsafe) }.force_encoding(US_ASCII) end def percent_encode(unsafe) safe = EMPTY.dup unsafe.each_byte { |b| safe << DEC2HEX[b] } safe end end ENCODER = def self.escape_path(path) ENCODER.escape_path(path.to_s) end def self.escape_segment(segment) ENCODER.escape_segment(segment.to_s) end def self.escape_fragment(fragment) ENCODER.escape_fragment(fragment.to_s) end def self.unescape_uri(uri) ENCODER.unescape_uri(uri) end end end end end