require 'action_dispatch/journey/nfa/dot' module ActionDispatch module Journey # :nodoc: module GTG # :nodoc: class TransitionTable # :nodoc: include Journey::NFA::Dot attr_reader :memos def initialize @regexp_states = {} @string_states = {} @accepting = {} @memos = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } end def add_accepting(state) @accepting[state] = true end def accepting_states @accepting.keys end def accepting?(state) @accepting[state] end def add_memo(idx, memo) @memos[idx] << memo end def memo(idx) @memos[idx] end def eclosure(t) Array(t) end def move(t, a) move_string(t, a).concat(move_regexp(t, a)) end def as_json(options = nil) simple_regexp = { |h,k| h[k] = {} } @regexp_states.each do |from, hash| hash.each do |re, to| simple_regexp[from][re.source] = to end end { regexp_states: simple_regexp, string_states: @string_states, accepting: @accepting } end def to_svg svg = IO.popen('dot -Tsvg', 'w+') { |f| f.write(to_dot) f.close_write f.readlines } 3.times { svg.shift } svg.join.sub(/width="[^"]*"/, '').sub(/height="[^"]*"/, '') end def visualizer(paths, title = 'FSM') viz_dir = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'visualizer' fsm_js = File.join(viz_dir, 'fsm.js') fsm_css = File.join(viz_dir, 'fsm.css') erb = File.join(viz_dir, 'index.html.erb') states = "function tt() { return #{to_json}; }" fun_routes = paths.shuffle.first(3).map do |ast| { |n| case n when Nodes::Symbol case n.left when ':id' then rand(100).to_s when ':format' then %w{ xml json }.shuffle.first else 'omg' end when Nodes::Terminal then n.symbol else nil end }.compact.join end stylesheets = [fsm_css] svg = to_svg javascripts = [states, fsm_js] # Annoying hack for 1.9 warnings fun_routes = fun_routes stylesheets = stylesheets svg = svg javascripts = javascripts require 'erb' template = erb template.result(binding) end def []=(from, to, sym) to_mappings = states_hash_for(sym)[from] ||= {} to_mappings[sym] = to end def states ss = @string_states.keys + @string_states.values.flat_map(&:values) rs = @regexp_states.keys + @regexp_states.values.flat_map(&:values) (ss + rs).uniq end def transitions @string_states.flat_map { |from, hash| { |s, to| [from, s, to] } } + @regexp_states.flat_map { |from, hash| { |s, to| [from, s, to] } } end private def states_hash_for(sym) case sym when String @string_states when Regexp @regexp_states else raise ArgumentError, 'unknown symbol: %s' % sym.class end end def move_regexp(t, a) return [] if t.empty? t.flat_map { |s| if states = @regexp_states[s] { |re, v| re === a ? v : nil } end }.compact.uniq end def move_string(t, a) return [] if t.empty? do |s| if states = @string_states[s] states[a] end end.compact end end end end end