require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' module ActionDispatch module Http module UploadedFile def self.extended(object) object.class_eval do attr_accessor :original_path, :content_type alias_method :local_path, :path if method_defined?(:path) end end # Take the basename of the upload's original filename. # This handles the full Windows paths given by Internet Explorer # (and perhaps other broken user agents) without affecting # those which give the lone filename. # The Windows regexp is adapted from Perl's File::Basename. def original_filename unless defined? @original_filename @original_filename = unless original_path.blank? if original_path =~ /^(?:.*[:\\\/])?(.*)/m $1 else File.basename original_path end end end @original_filename end end module Upload # Convert nested Hashs to HashWithIndifferentAccess and replace # file upload hashs with UploadedFile objects def normalize_parameters(value) if Hash === value && value.has_key?(:tempfile) upload = value[:tempfile] upload.extend(UploadedFile) upload.original_path = value[:filename] upload.content_type = value[:type] upload else super end end private :normalize_parameters end end end