module ActionDispatch module Http class UploadedFile attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type, :tempfile, :headers def initialize(hash) @tempfile = hash[:tempfile] raise(ArgumentError, ':tempfile is required') unless @tempfile @original_filename = encode_filename(hash[:filename]) @content_type = hash[:type] @headers = hash[:head] end # Delegate these methods to the tempfile. [:read, :open, :close, :path, :rewind, :size, :eof?].each do |method| class_eval "def #{method}(*args); @tempfile.#{method}(*args); end" end private def encode_filename(filename) # Encode the filename in the utf8 encoding, unless it is nil filename.force_encoding("UTF-8").encode! if filename end end module Upload # Convert nested Hash to HashWithIndifferentAccess and replace # file upload hash with UploadedFile objects def normalize_parameters(value) if Hash === value && value.has_key?(:tempfile) else super end end private :normalize_parameters end end end