require 'singleton' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/starts_ends_with' require 'active_support/deprecation' module Mime class Mimes include Enumerable def initialize @mimes = [] @symbols = nil end def each @mimes.each { |x| yield x } end def <<(type) @mimes << type @symbols = nil end def delete_if @mimes.delete_if { |x| yield x }.tap { @symbols = nil } end def symbols @symbols ||= map(&:to_sym) end end SET = EXTENSION_LOOKUP = {} LOOKUP = { |h, k| h[k] = unless k.blank? } class << self def [](type) return type if type.is_a?(Type) Type.lookup_by_extension(type) end def fetch(type) return type if type.is_a?(Type) EXTENSION_LOOKUP.fetch(type.to_s) { |k| yield k } end def const_missing(sym) if Mime::Type.registered?(sym) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn <<-eow Accessing mime types via constants is deprecated. Please change: `Mime::#{sym}` to: `Mime::Type[:#{sym}]` eow Mime::Type[sym] else super end end def const_defined?(sym, inherit = true) if Mime::Type.registered?(sym) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn <<-eow Accessing mime types via constants is deprecated. Please change: `Mime.const_defined?(#{sym})` to: `Mime::Type.registered?(:#{sym})` eow true else super end end end # Encapsulates the notion of a mime type. Can be used at render time, for example, with: # # class PostsController < ActionController::Base # def show # @post = Post.find(params[:id]) # # respond_to do |format| # format.html # format.ics { render body: @post.to_ics, mime_type: Mime::Type.lookup("text/calendar") } # format.xml { render xml: @post } # end # end # end class Type attr_reader :symbol @register_callbacks = [] # A simple helper class used in parsing the accept header class AcceptItem #:nodoc: attr_accessor :index, :name, :q alias :to_s :name def initialize(index, name, q = nil) @index = index @name = name q ||= 0.0 if @name == Mime::Type[:ALL].to_s # default wildcard match to end of list @q = ((q || 1.0).to_f * 100).to_i end def <=>(item) result = item.q <=> @q result = @index <=> item.index if result == 0 result end def ==(item) @name == item.to_s end end class AcceptList < Array #:nodoc: def assort! sort! # Take care of the broken text/xml entry by renaming or deleting it if text_xml_idx && app_xml_idx app_xml.q = [text_xml.q, app_xml.q].max # set the q value to the max of the two exchange_xml_items if app_xml_idx > text_xml_idx # make sure app_xml is ahead of text_xml in the list delete_at(text_xml_idx) # delete text_xml from the list elsif text_xml_idx = Mime::Type[:XML].to_s end # Look for more specific XML-based types and sort them ahead of app/xml if app_xml_idx idx = app_xml_idx while idx < length type = self[idx] break if type.q < app_xml.q if '+xml' self[app_xml_idx], self[idx] = self[idx], app_xml @app_xml_idx = idx end idx += 1 end end map! { |i| Mime::Type.lookup( }.uniq! to_a end private def text_xml_idx @text_xml_idx ||= index('text/xml') end def app_xml_idx @app_xml_idx ||= index(Mime::Type[:XML].to_s) end def text_xml self[text_xml_idx] end def app_xml self[app_xml_idx] end def exchange_xml_items self[app_xml_idx], self[text_xml_idx] = text_xml, app_xml @app_xml_idx, @text_xml_idx = text_xml_idx, app_xml_idx end end TYPES = {} class << self TRAILING_STAR_REGEXP = /(text|application)\/\*/ PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_REGEXP = /;\s*\w+="?\w+"?/ def register_callback(&block) @register_callbacks << block end def registered?(symbol) TYPES.key? symbol end def [](symbol) TYPES[symbol] end def add_type(symbol, type) TYPES[symbol] = type end def lookup(string) LOOKUP[string] end def lookup_by_extension(extension) EXTENSION_LOOKUP[extension.to_s] end # Registers an alias that's not used on mime type lookup, but can be referenced directly. Especially useful for # rendering different HTML versions depending on the user agent, like an iPhone. def register_alias(string, symbol, extension_synonyms = []) register(string, symbol, [], extension_synonyms, true) end def register(string, symbol, mime_type_synonyms = [], extension_synonyms = [], skip_lookup = false) new_mime =, symbol, mime_type_synonyms) add_type symbol.upcase, new_mime SET << new_mime ([string] + mime_type_synonyms).each { |str| LOOKUP[str] = new_mime } unless skip_lookup ([symbol] + extension_synonyms).each { |ext| EXTENSION_LOOKUP[ext.to_s] = new_mime } @register_callbacks.each do |callback| end new_mime end def parse(accept_header) if !accept_header.include?(',') accept_header = accept_header.split(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_REGEXP).first parse_trailing_star(accept_header) || [Mime::Type.lookup(accept_header)].compact else list, index =, 0 accept_header.split(',').each do |header| params, q = header.split(PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_REGEXP) if params.present? params.strip! params = parse_trailing_star(params) || [params] params.each do |m| list <<, m.to_s, q) index += 1 end end end list.assort! end end def parse_trailing_star(accept_header) parse_data_with_trailing_star($1) if accept_header =~ TRAILING_STAR_REGEXP end # For an input of 'text', returns [Mime::Type[:JSON], Mime::Type[:XML], Mime::Type[:ICS], # Mime::Type[:HTML], Mime::Type[:CSS], Mime::Type[:CSV], Mime::Type[:JS], Mime::Type[:YAML], Mime::Type[:TEXT]. # # For an input of 'application', returns [Mime::Type[:HTML], Mime::Type[:JS], # Mime::Type[:XML], Mime::Type[:YAML], Mime::Type[:ATOM], Mime::Type[:JSON], Mime::Type[:RSS], Mime::Type[:URL_ENCODED_FORM]. def parse_data_with_trailing_star(input) { |m| m =~ input } end # This method is opposite of register method. # # To unregister a MIME type: # # Mime::Type.unregister(:mobile) def unregister(symbol) symbol = symbol.upcase mime = TYPES.delete symbol SET.delete_if { |v| v.eql?(mime) } LOOKUP.delete_if { |_,v| v.eql?(mime) } EXTENSION_LOOKUP.delete_if { |_,v| v.eql?(mime) } end end def initialize(string, symbol = nil, synonyms = []) @symbol, @synonyms = symbol, synonyms @string = string end def to_s @string end def to_str to_s end def to_sym @symbol end def ref symbol || to_s end def ===(list) if list.is_a?(Array) (@synonyms + [ self ]).any? { |synonym| list.include?(synonym) } else super end end def ==(mime_type) return false unless mime_type (@synonyms + [ self ]).any? do |synonym| synonym.to_s == mime_type.to_s || synonym.to_sym == mime_type.to_sym end end def =~(mime_type) return false unless mime_type regexp = @synonyms.any? { |synonym| synonym.to_s =~ regexp } || @string =~ regexp end def html? symbol == :html || @string =~ /html/ end def all?; false; end private def to_ary; end def to_a; end def method_missing(method, *args) if method.to_s.ends_with? '?' method[0..-2].downcase.to_sym == to_sym else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) #:nodoc: method.to_s.ends_with? '?' end class All < Type def all?; true; end def html?; true; end end end class NullType include Singleton def nil? true end def ref; end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) method.to_s.ends_with? '?' end private def method_missing(method, *args) false if method.to_s.ends_with? '?' end end end require 'action_dispatch/http/mime_types'