# AUTHOR: blink ; blink#ruby-lang@irc.freenode.net # THANKS: # apeiros, for session id generation, expiry setup, and threadiness # sergio, threadiness and bugreps require 'rack/session/abstract/id' require 'thread' module Rack module Session # Rack::Session::Pool provides simple cookie based session management. # Session data is stored in a hash held by @pool. # In the context of a multithreaded environment, sessions being # committed to the pool is done in a merging manner. # # Example: # myapp = MyRackApp.new # sessioned = Rack::Session::Pool.new(myapp, # :key => 'rack.session', # :domain => 'foo.com', # :path => '/', # :expire_after => 2592000 # ) # Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run sessioned class Pool < Abstract::ID attr_reader :mutex, :pool DEFAULT_OPTIONS = Abstract::ID::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.dup def initialize(app, options={}) super @pool = Hash.new @mutex = Mutex.new end private def get_session(env, sid) session = @mutex.synchronize do unless sess = @pool[sid] and ((expires = sess[:expire_at]).nil? or expires > Time.now) @pool.delete_if{|k,v| expiry = v[:expire_at] and expiry < Time.now } begin sid = "%08x" % rand(0xffffffff) end while @pool.has_key?(sid) end @pool[sid] ||= {} end [sid, session] end def set_session(env, sid) options = env['rack.session.options'] expiry = options[:expire_after] && options[:at]+options[:expire_after] @mutex.synchronize do old_session = @pool[sid] old_session[:expire_at] = expiry if expiry session = old_session.merge(env['rack.session']) @pool[sid] = session session.each do |k,v| next unless old_session.has_key?(k) and v != old_session[k] warn "session value assignment collision at #{k}: #{old_session[k]} <- #{v}" end if $DEBUG and env['rack.multithread'] end return true rescue warn "#{self} is unable to find server." warn "#{env['rack.session'].inspect} has been lost." warn $!.inspect return false end end end end