# AUTHOR: blink ; blink#ruby-lang@irc.freenode.net # bugrep: Andreas Zehnder require 'rack/utils' require 'time' module Rack module Session module Abstract # ID sets up a basic framework for implementing an id based sessioning # service. Cookies sent to the client for maintaining sessions will only # contain an id reference. Only #get_session and #set_session should # need to be overwritten. # # All parameters are optional. # * :key determines the name of the cookie, by default it is # 'rack.session' # * :domain and :path set the related cookie values, by default # domain is nil, and the path is '/'. # * :expire_after is the number of seconds in which the session # cookie will expire. By default it is set not to provide any # expiry time. class ID attr_reader :key DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :key => 'rack.session', :path => '/', :domain => nil, :expire_after => nil } def initialize(app, options={}) @default_options = self.class::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @key = @default_options[:key] @default_context = context app end def call(env) @default_context.call(env) end def context(app) Rack::Utils::Context.new self, app do |env| load_session env response = app.call(env) commit_session env, response response end end private # Extracts the session id from provided cookies and passes it and the # environment to #get_session. It then sets the resulting session into # 'rack.session', and places options and session metadata into # 'rack.session.options'. def load_session(env) sid = (env['HTTP_COOKIE']||'')[/#{@key}=([^,;]+)/,1] sid, session = get_session(env, sid) unless session.is_a?(Hash) puts 'Session: '+sid.inspect+"\n"+session.inspect if $DEBUG raise TypeError, 'Session not a Hash' end options = @default_options. merge({ :id => sid, :by => self, :at => Time.now }) env['rack.session'] = session env['rack.session.options'] = options return true end # Acquires the session from the environment and the session id from # the session options and passes them to #set_session. It then # proceeds to set a cookie up in the response with the session's id. def commit_session(env, response) unless response.is_a?(Array) puts 'Response: '+response.inspect if $DEBUG raise ArgumentError, 'Response is not an array.' end options = env['rack.session.options'] unless options.is_a?(Hash) puts 'Options: '+options.inspect if $DEBUG raise TypeError, 'Options not a Hash' end sid, time, z = options.values_at(:id, :at, :by) unless self == z warn "#{self} not managing this session." return end unless env['rack.session'].is_a?(Hash) warn 'Session: '+sid.inspect+"\n"+session.inspect if $DEBUG raise TypeError, 'Session not a Hash' end unless set_session(env, sid) warn "Session not saved." if $DEBUG warn "#{env['rack.session'].inspect} has been lost."if $DEBUG return false end cookie = Utils.escape(@key)+'='+Utils.escape(sid) cookie<< "; domain=#{options[:domain]}" if options[:domain] cookie<< "; path=#{options[:path]}" if options[:path] if options[:expire_after] expiry = time + options[:expire_after] cookie<< "; expires=#{expiry.httpdate}" end case a = (h = response[1])['Set-Cookie'] when Array then a << cookie when String then h['Set-Cookie'] = [a, cookie] when nil then h['Set-Cookie'] = cookie end return true end # Should return [session_id, session]. All thread safety and session # retrival proceedures should occur here. # If nil is provided as the session id, generation of a new valid id # should occur within. def get_session(env, sid) raise '#get_session needs to be implemented.' end # All thread safety and session storage proceedures should occur here. # Should return true or false dependant on whether or not the session # was saved or not. def set_session(env, sid) raise '#set_session needs to be implemented.' end end end end end