module ActionController #:nodoc: module SessionManagement #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.class_eval do extend ClassMethods end end class Middleware DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :path => "/", :key => "_session_id", :httponly => true, }.freeze def cgi_options = ActionController::Base.session_options options = cgi_options.symbolize_keys options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) options[:path] = options.delete(:session_path) options[:key] = options.delete(:session_key) options[:httponly] = options.delete(:session_http_only) if store = ActionController::Base.session_store, options) else # Sessions disabled lambda { |env| } end end end module ClassMethods # Set the session store to be used for keeping the session data between requests. # By default, sessions are stored in browser cookies (:cookie_store), # but you can also specify one of the other included stores (:active_record_store, # :mem_cache_store, or your own custom class. def session_store=(store) if store == :active_record_store self.session_store = ActiveRecord::SessionStore else @@session_store = store.is_a?(Symbol) ? Session.const_get(store.to_s.camelize) : store end end # Returns the session store class currently used. def session_store if defined? @@session_store @@session_store else Session::CookieStore end end def session=(options = {}) self.session_store = nil if options.delete(:disabled) session_options.merge!(options) end # Returns the hash used to configure the session. Example use: # # ActionController::Base.session_options[:session_secure] = true # session only available over HTTPS def session_options @session_options ||= {} end def session(*args) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn( "Disabling sessions for a single controller has been deprecated. " + "Sessions are now lazy loaded. So if you don't access them, " + "consider them off. You can still modify the session cookie " + "options with request.session_options.", caller) end end end end