module ActionController module Routing ROUTE_FILE = defined?(RAILS_ROOT) ? File.expand_path(File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'config', 'routes')) : nil class Route attr_reader :defaults # The defaults hash def initialize(path, hash={}) raise ArgumentError, "Second argument must be a hash!" unless hash.kind_of?(Hash) @defaults = hash[:defaults].kind_of?(Hash) ? hash.delete(:defaults) : {} @requirements = hash[:requirements].kind_of?(Hash) ? hash.delete(:requirements) : {} self.items = path hash.each do |k, v| raise TypeError, "Hash keys must be symbols!" unless k.kind_of? Symbol if v.kind_of? Regexp raise ArgumentError, "Regexp requirement on #{k}, but #{k} is not in this route's path!" unless @items.include? k @requirements[k] = v else (@items.include?(k) ? @defaults : @requirements)[k] = v end end @defaults.each do |k, v| raise ArgumentError, "A default has been specified for #{k}, but #{k} is not in the path!" unless @items.include? k @defaults[k] = v.to_s unless v.kind_of?(String) || v.nil? end @requirements.each {|k, v| raise ArgumentError, "A Regexp requirement has been specified for #{k}, but #{k} is not in the path!" if v.kind_of?(Regexp) && ! @items.include?(k)} # Add in defaults for :action and :id. [[:action, 'index'], [:id, nil]].each do |name, default| @defaults[name] = default if @items.include?(name) && ! (@requirements.key?(name) || @defaults.key?(name)) end end # Generate a URL given the provided options. # All values in options should be symbols. # Returns the path and the unused names in a 2 element array. # If generation fails, [nil, nil] is returned # Generation can fail because of a missing value, or because an equality check fails. # # Generate urls will be as short as possible. If the last component of a url is equal to the default value, # then that component is removed. This is applied as many times as possible. So, your index controller's # index action will generate [] def generate(options, defaults={}) non_matching = {|name| ! passes_requirements?(name, options[name] || defaults[name])} non_matching.collect! {|name| requirements_for(name)} return nil, "Mismatching option#{'s' if non_matching.length > 1}:\n #{non_matching.join '\n '}" unless non_matching.empty? used_names = @requirements.inject({}) {|hash, (k, v)| hash[k] = true; hash} # Mark requirements as used so they don't get put in the query params components = @items.collect do |item| if item.kind_of? Symbol used_names[item] = true value = options[item] || defaults[item] || @defaults[item] return nil, requirements_for(item) unless passes_requirements?(item, value) defaults = {} unless defaults == {} || value == defaults[item] # Stop using defaults if this component isn't the same as the default. (value.nil? || item == :controller) ? value : CGI.escape(value.to_s) else item end end @items.reverse_each do |item| # Remove default components from the end of the generated url. break unless item.kind_of?(Symbol) && @defaults[item] == components.last components.pop end # If we have any nil components then we can't proceed. # This might need to be changed. In some cases we may be able to return all componets after nil as extras. missing = []; components.each_with_index {|c, i| missing << @items[i] if c.nil?} return nil, "No values provided for component#{'s' if missing.length > 1} #{missing.join ', '} but values are required due to use of later components" unless missing.empty? # how wide is your screen? unused = (options.keys - used_names.keys).inject({}) do |unused, key| unused[key] = options[key] if options[key] != @defaults[key] unused end components.collect! {|c| c.to_s} return components, unused end # Recognize the provided path, returning a hash of recognized values, or [nil, reason] if the path isn't recognized. # The path should be a list of component strings. # Options is a hash of the ?k=v pairs def recognize(components, options={}) options = options.clone components = components.clone controller_class = nil @items.each do |item| if item == :controller # Special case for controller if components.empty? && @defaults[:controller] controller_class, leftover = eat_path_to_controller(@defaults[:controller].split('/')) raise RoutingError, "Default controller does not exist: #{@defaults[:controller]}" if controller_class.nil? || leftover.empty? == false else controller_class, remaining_components = eat_path_to_controller(components) return nil, "No controller found at subpath #{components.join('/')}" if controller_class.nil? components = remaining_components end options[:controller] = controller_class.controller_path return nil, requirements_for(:controller) unless passes_requirements?(:controller, options[:controller]) elsif item.kind_of? Symbol value = components.shift || @defaults[item] return nil, requirements_for(item) unless passes_requirements?(item, value) options[item] = value.nil? ? value : CGI.unescape(value) else return nil, "No value available for component #{item.inspect}" if components.empty? component = components.shift return nil, "Value for component #{item.inspect} doesn't match #{component}" if component != item end end if controller_class.nil? && @requirements[:controller] # Load a default controller controller_class, extras = eat_path_to_controller(@requirements[:controller].split('/')) raise RoutingError, "Illegal controller path for route default: #{@requirements[:controller]}" unless controller_class && extras.empty? options[:controller] = controller_class.controller_path end @requirements.each {|k,v| options[k] ||= v unless v.kind_of?(Regexp)} return nil, "Route recognition didn't find a controller class!" unless controller_class return nil, "Unused components were left: #{components.join '/'}" unless components.empty? options.delete_if {|k, v| v.nil?} # Remove nil values. return controller_class, options end def inspect when_str = @requirements.empty? ? "" : " when #{@requirements.inspect}" default_str = @defaults.empty? ? "" : " || #{@defaults.inspect}" "<#{self.class.to_s} #{@items.collect{|c| c.kind_of?(String) ? c : c.inspect}.join('/').inspect}#{default_str}#{when_str}>" end protected # Find the controller given a list of path components. # Return the controller class and the unused path components. def eat_path_to_controller(path) path.inject([Controllers, 1]) do |(mod, length), name| name = name.camelize controller_name = name + "Controller" return mod.const_get(controller_name), path[length..-1] if mod.const_available? controller_name return nil, nil unless mod.const_available? name [mod.const_get(name), length + 1] end return nil, nil # Path ended, but no controller found. end def items=(path) items = path.split('/').collect {|c| (/^:(\w+)$/ =~ c) ? $1.intern : c} if path.kind_of?(String) # split and convert ':xyz' to symbols items.shift if items.first == "" items.pop if items.last == "" @items = items # Verify uniqueness of each component. @items.inject({}) do |seen, item| if item.kind_of? Symbol raise ArgumentError, "Illegal route path -- duplicate item #{item}\n #{path.inspect}" if seen.key? item seen[item] = true end seen end end # Verify that the given value passes this route's requirements def passes_requirements?(name, value) return @defaults.key?(name) && @defaults[name].nil? if value.nil? # Make sure it's there if it should be case @requirements[name] when nil then true when Regexp then value = value.to_s match = @requirements[name].match(value) match && match[0].length == value.length else @requirements[name] == value.to_s end end def requirements_for(name) presence = (@defaults.key?(name) && @defaults[name].nil?) requirement = case @requirements[name] when nil then nil when Regexp then "match #{@requirements[name].inspect}" else "be equal to #{@requirements[name].inspect}" end if presence && requirement then "#{name} must be present and #{requirement}" elsif presence || requirement then "#{name} must #{requirement || 'be present'}" else "#{name} has no requirements" end end end class RouteSet def initialize @routes = [] end def add_route(route) raise TypeError, "#{route.inspect} is not a Route instance!" unless route.kind_of?(Route) @routes << route end def empty? @routes.empty? end def each @routes.each {|route| yield route} end # Generate a path for the provided options # Returns the path as an array of components and a hash of unused names # Raises RoutingError if not route can handle the provided components. # # Note that we don't return the first generated path. We do this so that when a route # generates a path from a subset of the available options we can keep looking for a # route which can generate a path that uses more options. # Note that we *do* return immediately if def generate(options, request) raise RoutingError, "There are no routes defined!" if @routes.empty? options = options.symbolize_keys defaults = request.path_parameters.symbolize_keys expand_controller_path!(options, defaults) defaults.delete_if {|k, v| options.key?(k) && options[k].nil?} # Remove defaults that have been manually cleared using :name => nil options = defaults if options.empty? # Get back the current url if no options was passed failures = [] selected = nil self.each do |route| path, unused = route.generate(options, defaults) if path.nil? failures << [route, unused] if ActionController::Base.debug_routes else return path, unused if unused.empty? # Found a perfect route -- we're finished. if selected.nil? || unused.length < selected.last.length failures << [selected.first, "A better url than #{selected[1]} was found."] if selected selected = [route, path, unused] end end end return selected[1..-1] unless selected.nil? raise"Generation failure: No route for url_options #{options.inspect}, defaults: #{defaults.inspect}", failures) end # Recognize the provided path. # Raise RoutingError if the path can't be recognized. def recognize!(request) path = ((%r{^/?(.*)/?$} =~ request.path) ? $1 : request.path).split('/') raise RoutingError, "There are no routes defined!" if @routes.empty? failures = [] self.each do |route| controller, options = route.recognize(path) if controller.nil? failures << [route, options] if ActionController::Base.debug_routes else request.path_parameters = options return controller end end raise"No route for path: #{path.join('/').inspect}", failures) end def expand_controller_path!(options, defaults) if options[:controller] if /^\// =~ options[:controller] options[:controller] = options[:controller][1..-1] defaults.clear # Sending to absolute controller implies fresh defaults else relative_to = defaults[:controller] ? defaults[:controller].split('/')[0..-2].join('/') : '' options[:controller] = relative_to.empty? ? options[:controller] : "#{relative_to}/#{options[:controller]}" defaults.delete(:action) if options.key?(:controller) end else options[:controller] = defaults[:controller] end end def route(*args) add_route(*args)) end alias :connect :route def reload begin require_dependency(ROUTE_FILE) if ROUTE_FILE rescue LoadError, ScriptError => e raise RoutingError, "Cannot load config/routes.rb:\n #{e.message}" ensure # Ensure that there is at least one route: connect(':controller/:action/:id', :action => 'index', :id => nil) if @routes.empty? end end def draw @routes.clear yield self end end def self.draw(*args, &block) Routes.draw(*args) {|*args|*args)} end Routes = end end