require 'optparse' require 'action_controller/integration' module ActionController class RequestProfiler # Wrap up the integration session runner. class Sandbox include Integration::Runner def self.benchmark(n, script) new(script).benchmark(n) end def initialize(script_path) @quiet = false define_run_method( reset! end def benchmark(n) @quiet = true print ' ' result = Benchmark.realtime do n.times do |i| run print i % 10 == 0 ? 'x' : '.' $stdout.flush end end puts result ensure @quiet = false end def say(message) puts " #{message}" unless @quiet end private def define_run_method(script) instance_eval "def run; #{script}; end", __FILE__, __LINE__ end end attr_reader :options def initialize(options = {}) @options = default_options.merge(options) end def = nil, options = {}) profiler = new(options) profiler.parse_options(args) if args end def run sandbox =[:script]) puts 'Warming up once' elapsed = warmup(sandbox) puts '%.2f sec, %d requests, %d req/sec' % [elapsed, sandbox.request_count, sandbox.request_count / elapsed] puts "\n#{options[:benchmark] ? 'Benchmarking' : 'Profiling'} #{options[:n]}x" options[:benchmark] ? benchmark(sandbox) : profile(sandbox) end def profile(sandbox) load_ruby_prof results = RubyProf.profile { benchmark(sandbox) } show_profile_results results results end def benchmark(sandbox) sandbox.request_count = 0 elapsed = sandbox.benchmark(options[:n]).to_f count = sandbox.request_count.to_i puts '%.2f sec, %d requests, %d req/sec' % [elapsed, count, count / elapsed] end def warmup(sandbox) Benchmark.realtime { } end def default_options { :n => 100, :open => 'open %s &' } end # Parse command-line options def parse_options(args) do |opt| opt.banner = "USAGE: #{$0} [options] [session script path]" opt.on('-n', '--times [0000]', 'How many requests to process. Defaults to 100.') { |v| options[:n] = v.to_i } opt.on('-b', '--benchmark', 'Benchmark instead of profiling') { |v| options[:benchmark] = v } opt.on('--open [CMD]', 'Command to open profile results. Defaults to "open %s &"') { |v| options[:open] = v } opt.on('-h', '--help', 'Show this help') { puts opt; exit } opt.parse args if args.empty? puts opt exit end options[:script] = args.pop end end protected def load_ruby_prof begin require 'ruby-prof' #RubyProf.measure_mode = RubyProf::ALLOCATED_OBJECTS rescue LoadError abort '`gem install ruby-prof` to use the profiler' end end def show_profile_results(results) "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/profile-graph.html", 'w' do |file| `#{options[:open] % file.path}` if options[:open] end "#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/profile-flat.txt", 'w' do |file| `#{options[:open] % file.path}` if options[:open] end end end end