module ActionController #:nodoc: # Actions that fail to perform as expected throw exceptions. These # exceptions can either be rescued for the public view (with a nice # user-friendly explanation) or for the developers view (with tons of # debugging information). The developers view is already implemented by # the Action Controller, but the public view should be tailored to your # specific application. # # The default behavior for public exceptions is to render a static html # file with the name of the error code thrown. If no such file exists, an # empty response is sent with the correct status code. # # You can override what constitutes a local request by overriding the # local_request? method in your own controller. Custom rescue # behavior is achieved by overriding the rescue_action_in_public # and rescue_action_locally methods. module Rescue def self.included(base) #:nodoc: base.send :include, ActiveSupport::Rescuable base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :perform_action, :rescue end end module ClassMethods def rescue_action(env) exception = env.delete('action_dispatch.rescue.exception') request = response = new.process(request, response, :rescue_action, exception).to_a end end protected # Exception handler called when the performance of an action raises # an exception. def rescue_action(exception) rescue_with_handler(exception) || raise(exception) end private def perform_action_with_rescue perform_action_without_rescue rescue Exception => exception rescue_action(exception) end end end