module ActionController # Includes +url_for+ into the host class. The class has to provide a +RouteSet+ by implementing # the _routes method. Otherwise, an exception will be raised. # # In addition to AbstractController::UrlFor, this module accesses the HTTP layer to define # url options like the +host+. In order to do so, this module requires the host class # to implement +env+ and +request+, which need to be a Rack-compatible. # # class RootUrl # include ActionController::UrlFor # include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers # # delegate :env, :request, to: :controller # # def initialize(controller) # @controller = controller # @url = root_path # named route from the application. # end # end module UrlFor extend ActiveSupport::Concern include AbstractController::UrlFor def url_options @_url_options ||= { :host =>, :port => request.optional_port, :protocol => request.protocol, :_recall => request.path_parameters }.merge!(super).freeze if (same_origin = _routes.equal?(env["action_dispatch.routes".freeze])) || (script_name = env["ROUTES_#{_routes.object_id}_SCRIPT_NAME"]) || (original_script_name = env['ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME'.freeze]) @_url_options.dup.tap do |options| if original_script_name options[:original_script_name] = original_script_name else options[:script_name] = same_origin ? request.script_name.dup : script_name end options.freeze end else @_url_options end end end end