require 'active_support/core_ext/file/path' require 'rack/chunked' module ActionController #:nodoc: # Allow views to be streamed back to the client as they are rendered. # # The default way Rails renders views is by first rendering the template # and then the layout. The first chunk of response is sent to the client # just after the whole template is rendered, all queries are made and the # layout is processed. # # Streaming inverts the rendering flow by rendering the layout first and # streaming each part of the layout as they are processed. This allows the # header of the html (which is usually in the layout) to be streamed back # to client very quickly, allowing javascripts and stylesheets to be loaded # earlier than usual. # # This approach was introduced in Rails 3.1 and is still improving. Several # Rack middlewares may not work and you need to be careful when streaming. # Those points are going to be addressed soon. # # In order to use streaming, you will need to use a Ruby version that # supports Fibers (Fibers are supported since version 1.9.2 of the main # Ruby implementation). # # == Examples # # Streaming can be added to a controller easily, all you need to do is # call stream at the controller class: # # class PostsController # stream # end # # The +stream+ method accepts the same options as +before_filter+ and friends: # # class PostsController # stream :only => :index # end # # You can also selectively turn on streaming for specific actions: # # class PostsController # def index # @post = Post.scoped # render :stream => true # end # end # # == When to use streaming # # Streaming may be considering an overkill for common actions like # new or edit. The real benefit of streaming is on expensive actions # that, for example, does a lot of queries on the database. # # In such actions, you want to delay queries execution as much as you can. # For example, imagine the following dashboard action: # # def dashboard # @posts = Post.all # @pages = Page.all # @articles = Article.all # end # # Most of the queries here are happening in the controller. In order to benefit # most of streaming, you would want to rewrite it as: # # def dashboard # # Allow lazily execution of the query # @posts = Post.scoped # @pages = Page.scoped # @articles = Article.scoped # render :stream => true # end # # == Communication between layout and template # # When streaming, the layout is rendered first than the template. # This means that, if your application currently rely on variables set # in the template to be used in the layout, they won't work once you # move to streaming. The proper way to communicate between layout and # template, regardless if you use streaming or not, is by using # +content_for+, +provide+ and +yield+. # # Take a simple example where the layout expects the template to tell # which title to use: # # # <%= yield :title %> # <%= yield %> # # # You would use +content_for+ in your template to specify the title: # # <%= content_for :title, "Main" %> # Hello # # And the final result would be: # # # Main # Hello # # # However, if +content_for+ is called several times, the final result # would have all calls concatenated. For instance, if we have the following # template: # # <%= content_for :title, "Main" %> # Hello # <%= content_for :title, " page" %> # # The final result would be: # # # Main page # Hello # # # This means that, if you have yield :title in your layout # and you want to use streaming, you would have to render the whole template # (and eventually trigger all queries) before streaming the title and all # assets, which kills the purpose of streaming. For this reason Rails 3.1 # introduces a helper called +provide+ that does the same as +content_for+ # but tells the layout to stop searching for other entries and continue rendering. # # For instance, the template below, using +provide+: # # <%= provide :title, "Main" %> # Hello # <%= content_for :title, " page" %> # # Has as final result: # # # Main # Hello # # # That said, when streaming, you need to properly check your templates # and chose when to use +provide+ and +content_for+. # # == Headers, cookies, session and flash # # When streaming, the HTTP headers are sent to the client right before # it renders the first line. This means that, modifying headers, cookies, # session or flash after the template start rendering will not propagate # to the client. # # If you try to modify cookies, session or flash, a ClosedError will be # raised, showing those objects are closed for modification. # # == Middlewares # # Middlewares that need to manipulate the body won't work with streaming. # You should disable those middlewares whenever streaming in development # or production. For instance, Rack::Bug won't work when streaming as it # needs to inject contents in the HTML body. # # Also Rack::Cache won't work with streaming as it does not support # streaming bodies yet. So, whenever streaming, Cache-Control is automatically # set to "no-cache". # # == Errors # # When it comes to streaming, exceptions get a bit more complicated. This # happens because part of the template was already rendered and streamed to # the client, making it impossible to render a whole exception page. # # Currently, when an exception happens in development or production, Rails # will automatically stream to the client: # # "> # # The first two characters (">) are required in case the exception happens # while rendering attributes for a given tag. You can check the real cause # for the exception in your logger. # # == Web server support # # Not all web servers support streaming out-of-the-box. You need to check # the instructions for each of them. # # ==== Unicorn # # Unicorn supports streaming but it needs to be configured. For this, you # need to create a config file as follow: # # # unicorn.config.rb # listen 3000, :tcp_nopush => false # # And use it on initialization: # # unicorn_rails --config-file unicorn.config.rb # # You may also want to configure other parameters like :tcp_nodelay. Please # check its documentation for more information: # # If you are using unicorn with nginx, you may need to tweak nginx. # Streaming should work out of the box on Rainbows. # # ==== Passenger # # To be described. # module Streaming extend ActiveSupport::Concern include AbstractController::Rendering attr_internal :stream module ClassMethods # Render streaming templates. It accepts :only, :except, :if and :unless as options # to specify when to stream, as in ActionController filters. def stream(options={}) if defined?(Fiber) before_filter :_stream_filter, options else raise "You cannot use streaming if Fiber is not available." end end end protected # Mark following render calls as streaming. def _stream_filter #:nodoc: = true end # Consider the stream option when normalazing options. def _normalize_options(options) #:nodoc: super options[:stream] = unless options.key?(:stream) end # Set proper cache control and transfer encoding when streaming def _process_options(options) #:nodoc: super if options[:stream] if env["HTTP_VERSION"] == "HTTP/1.0" options.delete(:stream) else headers["Cache-Control"] ||= "no-cache" headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" headers.delete("Content-Length") end end end # Call render_to_body if we are streaming instead of usual +render+. def _render_template(options) #:nodoc: if options.delete(:stream) view_renderer.render_body(view_context, options) else super end end end end