module ActionController module Head # Return a response that has no content (merely headers). The options # argument is interpreted to be a hash of header names and values. # This allows you to easily return a response that consists only of # significant headers: # # head :created, :location => person_path(@person) # # It can also be used to return exceptional conditions: # # return head(:method_not_allowed) unless # return head(:bad_request) unless valid_request? # render def head(status, options = {}) options, status = status, nil if status.is_a?(Hash) status ||= options.delete(:status) || :ok location = options.delete(:location) options.each do |key, value| headers[key.to_s.dasherize.split(/-/).map { |v| v.capitalize }.join("-")] = value.to_s end render :nothing => true, :status => status, :location => location end end end