class CGI #:nodoc: # Add @request.env['RAW_POST_DATA'] for the vegans. module QueryExtension # Initialize the data from the query. # # Handles multipart forms (in particular, forms that involve file uploads). # Reads query parameters in the @params field, and cookies into @cookies. def initialize_query() @cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse((env_table['HTTP_COOKIE'] || env_table['COOKIE'])) if boundary = multipart_form_boundary @multipart = true @params = read_multipart(boundary, Integer(env_table['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) else @multipart = false @params = CGI::parse(read_query_params || "") end end private unless defined?(MULTIPART_FORM_BOUNDARY_RE) MULTIPART_FORM_BOUNDARY_RE = %r|\Amultipart/form-data.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?|n #" end def multipart_form_boundary if env_table['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' MULTIPART_FORM_BOUNDARY_RE.match(env_table['CONTENT_TYPE']).to_a.pop end end def read_params_from_query if defined? MOD_RUBY Apache::request.args || '' else # fixes CGI querystring parsing for POSTs if env_table['QUERY_STRING'].blank? && !env_table['REQUEST_URI'].blank? env_table['QUERY_STRING'] = env_table['REQUEST_URI'].split('?', 2)[1] || '' end env_table['QUERY_STRING'] end end def read_params_from_post stdinput.binmode if stdinput.respond_to?(:binmode) content =['CONTENT_LENGTH'])) || '' env_table['RAW_POST_DATA'] = content.split("&_").first.to_s.freeze # &_ is a fix for Safari Ajax postings that always append \000 end def read_query_params case env_table['REQUEST_METHOD'].to_s.upcase when 'CMD' read_from_cmdline when 'POST', 'PUT' read_params_from_post else # when 'GET', 'HEAD', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS' read_params_from_query end end end # module QueryExtension end