class CGI #:nodoc: module QueryExtension # Initialize the data from the query. # # Handles multipart forms (in particular, forms that involve file uploads). # Reads query parameters in the @params field, and cookies into @cookies. def initialize_query @cookies = CGI::Cookie::parse(env_table['HTTP_COOKIE'] || env_table['COOKIE']) # Fix some strange request environments. if method = env_table['REQUEST_METHOD'] method = method.to_s.downcase.intern else method = :get end # POST assumes missing Content-Type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. content_type = env_table['CONTENT_TYPE'] if content_type.blank? && method == :post content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' end # Force content length to zero if missing. content_length = env_table['CONTENT_LENGTH'].to_i # Set multipart to false by default. @multipart = false # POST and PUT may have params in entity body. If content type is # missing for POST, assume urlencoded. If content type is missing # for PUT, don't assume anything and don't parse the parameters: # it's likely binary data. # # The other HTTP methods have their params in the query string. if method == :post || method == :put if boundary = extract_multipart_form_boundary(content_type) @multipart = true @params = read_multipart(boundary, content_length) elsif content_type.blank? || content_type.downcase !~ %r{^application/x-www-form-urlencoded.*} read_params(method, content_length) @params = {} end end @params ||= CGI.parse(read_params(method, content_length)) end private unless defined?(MULTIPART_FORM_BOUNDARY_RE) MULTIPART_FORM_BOUNDARY_RE = %r|\Amultipart/form-data.*boundary=\"?([^\";,]+)\"?|n #" end def extract_multipart_form_boundary(content_type) MULTIPART_FORM_BOUNDARY_RE.match(content_type).to_a.pop end if defined? MOD_RUBY def read_query Apache::request.args || '' end else def read_query # fixes CGI querystring parsing for lighttpd env_qs = env_table['QUERY_STRING'] if env_qs.blank? && !(uri = env_table['REQUEST_URI']).blank? uri.split('?', 2)[1] || '' else env_qs end end end def read_body(content_length) stdinput.binmode if stdinput.respond_to?(:binmode) content = || '' # Fix for Safari Ajax postings that always append \000 content.chop! if content[-1] == 0 content.gsub! /&_=$/, '' env_table['RAW_POST_DATA'] = content.freeze end def read_params(method, content_length) case method when :get read_query when :post, :put read_body(content_length) when :cmd read_from_cmdline else # :head, :delete, :options, :trace, :connect read_query end end end # module QueryExtension end