require 'benchmark' module ActionController #:nodoc: # The benchmarking module times the performance of actions and reports to the logger. If the Active Record # package has been included, a separate timing section for database calls will be added as well. module Benchmarking #:nodoc: def self.append_features(base) super base.class_eval { alias_method :perform_action_without_benchmark, :perform_action alias_method :perform_action, :perform_action_with_benchmark alias_method :render_without_benchmark, :render alias_method :render, :render_with_benchmark } end def render_with_benchmark(template_name = default_template_name, status = "200 OK") if logger.nil? render_without_benchmark(template_name, status) else @rendering_runtime = Benchmark::measure{ render_without_benchmark(template_name, status) }.real end end def perform_action_with_benchmark if logger.nil? perform_action_without_benchmark else runtime = [Benchmark::measure{ perform_action_without_benchmark }.real, 0.0001].max log_message = "Completed in #{sprintf("%4f", runtime)} (#{(1 / runtime).floor} reqs/sec)" log_message << rendering_runtime(runtime) if @rendering_runtime log_message << active_record_runtime(runtime) if Object.const_defined?("ActiveRecord") && ActiveRecord::Base.connected? end end private def rendering_runtime(runtime) " | Rendering: #{sprintf("%f", @rendering_runtime)} (#{sprintf("%d", (@rendering_runtime / runtime) * 100)}%)" end def active_record_runtime(runtime) db_runtime = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reset_runtime db_percentage = (db_runtime / runtime) * 100 " | DB: #{sprintf("%f", db_runtime)} (#{sprintf("%d", db_percentage)}%)" end end end