module ActionController module FilterParameterLogging extend ActiveSupport::Concern # TODO : Remove the defined? check when new base is the main base if defined?(ActionController::Http) include AbstractController::Logger end included do include InstanceMethodsForNewBase end module ClassMethods # Replace sensitive parameter data from the request log. # Filters parameters that have any of the arguments as a substring. # Looks in all subhashes of the param hash for keys to filter. # If a block is given, each key and value of the parameter hash and all # subhashes is passed to it, the value or key # can be replaced using String#replace or similar method. # # Examples: # filter_parameter_logging # => Does nothing, just slows the logging process down # # filter_parameter_logging :password # => replaces the value to all keys matching /password/i with "[FILTERED]" # # filter_parameter_logging :foo, "bar" # => replaces the value to all keys matching /foo|bar/i with "[FILTERED]" # # filter_parameter_logging { |k,v| v.reverse! if k =~ /secret/i } # => reverses the value to all keys matching /secret/i # # filter_parameter_logging(:foo, "bar") { |k,v| v.reverse! if k =~ /secret/i } # => reverses the value to all keys matching /secret/i, and # replaces the value to all keys matching /foo|bar/i with "[FILTERED]" def filter_parameter_logging(*filter_words, &block) parameter_filter ={ |s| s.to_s }.join('|'), true) if filter_words.length > 0 define_method(:filter_parameters) do |unfiltered_parameters| filtered_parameters = {} unfiltered_parameters.each do |key, value| if key =~ parameter_filter filtered_parameters[key] = '[FILTERED]' elsif value.is_a?(Hash) filtered_parameters[key] = filter_parameters(value) elsif block_given? key = key.dup value = value.dup if value yield key, value filtered_parameters[key] = value else filtered_parameters[key] = value end end filtered_parameters end protected :filter_parameters end end module InstanceMethodsForNewBase # TODO : Fix the order of information inside such that it's exactly same as the old base def process(*) ret = super if logger parameters = respond_to?(:filter_parameters) ? filter_parameters(params) : params.dup parameters = parameters.except!(:controller, :action, :format, :_method, :only_path) unless parameters.empty? # TODO : Move DelayedLog to AS log = { " Parameters: #{parameters.inspect}" } end end ret end end private # TODO : This method is not needed for the new base def log_processing_for_parameters parameters = respond_to?(:filter_parameters) ? filter_parameters(params) : params.dup parameters = parameters.except!(:controller, :action, :format, :_method) " Parameters: #{parameters.inspect}" unless parameters.empty? end end end