module ActionController class Base < Metal abstract! include AbstractController::Callbacks include AbstractController::Logger include ActionController::Helpers include ActionController::HideActions include ActionController::UrlFor include ActionController::Redirecting include ActionController::Rendering include ActionController::Renderers::All include ActionController::Layouts include ActionController::ConditionalGet include ActionController::RackDelegation include ActionController::Benchmarking include ActionController::Configuration # Legacy modules include SessionManagement include ActionController::Caching include ActionController::MimeResponds # Rails 2.x compatibility include ActionController::Compatibility include ActionController::Cookies include ActionController::Flash include ActionController::Verification include ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection include ActionController::Streaming include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic::ControllerMethods include ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Digest::ControllerMethods include ActionController::FilterParameterLogging include ActionController::Translation # TODO: Extract into its own module # This should be moved together with other normalizing behavior module ImplicitRender def send_action(*) ret = super default_render unless response_body ret end def default_render render end def method_for_action(action_name) super || begin if template_exists?(action_name.to_s, {:formats => formats}, :_prefix => controller_path) "default_render" end end end end include ImplicitRender include ActionController::Rescue def self.inherited(klass) ::ActionController::Base.subclasses << klass.to_s super end def self.subclasses @subclasses ||= [] end def _normalize_options(action = nil, options = {}, &blk) if action.is_a?(Hash) options, action = action, nil elsif action.is_a?(String) || action.is_a?(Symbol) key = case action = action.to_s when %r{^/} then :file when %r{/} then :template else :action end options.merge! key => action elsif action options.merge! :partial => action end if options.key?(:action) && options[:action].to_s.index("/") options[:template] = options.delete(:action) end if options[:status] options[:status] = _interpret_status(options[:status]) end options[:update] = blk if block_given? options end def render(action = nil, options = {}, &blk) options = _normalize_options(action, options, &blk) super(options) end def render_to_string(action = nil, options = {}, &blk) options = _normalize_options(action, options, &blk) super(options) end end end