module AbstractController module ViewPaths extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :_view_paths self._view_paths = end delegate :template_exists?, :view_paths, :formats, :formats=, :locale, :locale=, :to => :lookup_context # LookupContext is the object responsible to hold all information required to lookup # templates, i.e. view paths and details. Check ActionView::LookupContext for more # information. def lookup_context @lookup_context ||=, details_for_lookup) end def details_for_lookup { } end def append_view_path(path) lookup_context.view_paths.push(*path) end def prepend_view_path(path) lookup_context.view_paths.unshift(*path) end def template_exists?(*args) lookup_context.exists?(*args) end module ClassMethods # Append a path to the list of view paths for this controller. # # ==== Parameters # path:: If a String is provided, it gets converted into # the default view path. You may also provide a custom view path # (see ActionView::ViewPathSet for more information) def append_view_path(path) self.view_paths = view_paths.dup + Array(path) end # Prepend a path to the list of view paths for this controller. # # ==== Parameters # path:: If a String is provided, it gets converted into # the default view path. You may also provide a custom view path # (see ActionView::ViewPathSet for more information) def prepend_view_path(path) self.view_paths = Array(path) + view_paths.dup end # A list of all of the default view paths for this controller. def view_paths _view_paths end # Set the view paths. # # ==== Parameters # paths:: If a ViewPathSet is provided, use that; # otherwise, process the parameter into a ViewPathSet. def view_paths=(paths) self._view_paths = paths.is_a?(ActionView::PathSet) ? paths : ActionView::Base.process_view_paths(paths) self._view_paths.freeze end end end end