$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib") require "action_controller" require 'action_controller/test_process' Person = Struct.new("Person", :name, :address, :age) class BenchmarkController < ActionController::Base def message render_text "hello world" end def list @people = [ Person.new("David"), Person.new("Mary") ] render_template "hello: <% for person in @people %>Name: <%= person.name %><% end %>" end def form_helper @person = Person.new "david", "hyacintvej", 24 render_template( "<% person = Person.new 'Mary', 'hyacintvej', 22 %> " + "change the name <%= text_field 'person', 'name' %> and <%= text_field 'person', 'address' %> and <%= text_field 'person', 'age' %>" ) end end #ActionController::Base.template_root = File.dirname(__FILE__) require "benchmark" RUNS = ARGV[0] ? ARGV[0].to_i : 50 require "profile" if ARGV[1] runtime = Benchmark.measure { RUNS.times { BenchmarkController.process_test(ActionController::TestRequest.new({ "action" => "list" })) } } puts "List: #{RUNS / runtime.real}" runtime = Benchmark.measure { RUNS.times { BenchmarkController.process_test(ActionController::TestRequest.new({ "action" => "message" })) } } puts "Message: #{RUNS / runtime.real}" runtime = Benchmark.measure { RUNS.times { BenchmarkController.process_test(ActionController::TestRequest.new({ "action" => "form_helper" })) } } puts "Form helper: #{RUNS / runtime.real}"