require 'rake/testtask' require 'rubygems/package_task' test_files = Dir.glob('test/**/*_test.rb') desc "Default Task" task :default => :test # Run the unit tests do |t| t.libs << 'test' # make sure we include the tests in alphabetical order as on some systems # this will not happen automatically and the tests (as a whole) will error t.test_files = test_files.sort t.warning = true t.verbose = true t.ruby_opts = ["--dev"] if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) end namespace :test do task :isolated do test_files.all? do |file| sh(Gem.ruby, '-w', '-Ilib:test', file) end or raise "Failures" end end spec = eval('actionpack.gemspec')) do |p| p.gem_spec = spec end desc "Release to rubygems" task :release => :package do require 'rake/gemcutter' Rake::Task['gem:push'].invoke end task :lines do load File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/tools/line_statistics' files = FileList["lib/**/*.rb"] end rule '.rb' => '.y' do |t| sh "racc -l -o #{} #{t.source}" end task compile: 'lib/action_dispatch/journey/parser.rb'