*SVN* * Added Base#expires_in(seconds)/Base#expires_now to control HTTP content cache headers #1755 [Thomas Fuchs] * Fixed line number reporting for Builder template errors #1753 [piotr] * Fixed assert_routing so that testing controllers in modules works as expected [Nicholas Seckar, Rick Olson] * Fixed bug with :success/:failure callbacks for the JavaScriptHelper methods #1730 [court3nay/Thomas Fuchs] * Added named_route method to RouteSet instances so that RouteSet instance methods do not prevent certain names from being used. [Nicholas Seckar] * Fixed routes so that routes which do not specify :action in the path or in the requirements have a default of :action => 'index', In addition, fixed url generation so that :action => 'index' does not need to be provided for such urls. [Nicholas Seckar, Markjuh] * Worked around a Safari bug where it wouldn't pass headers through if the response was zero length by having render :nothing return ' ' instead of '' * Fixed Request#subdomains to handle "foo.foo.com" correctly *1.9.1* (11 July, 2005) * Fixed that auto_complete_for didn't force the input string to lower case even as the db comparison was * Fixed that Action View should always use the included Builder, never attempt to require the gem, to ensure compatibility * Added that nil options are not included in tags, so tag("p", :ignore => nil) now returns


but that tag("p", :ignore => "") still includes it #1465 [michael@schuerig.de] * Fixed that UrlHelper#link_to_unless/link_to_if used html_escape on the name if no link was to be applied. This is unnecessary and breaks its use with images #1649 [joergd@pobox.com] * Improved error message for DoubleRenderError * Fixed routing to allow for testing of *path components #1650 [Nicholas Seckar] * Added :handle as an option to sortable_element to restrict the drag handle to a given class #1642 [thejohnny] * Added a bunch of script.aculo.us features #1644, #1677, #1695 [Thomas Fuchs] * Effect.ScrollTo, to smoothly scroll the page to an element * Better Firefox flickering handling on SlideUp/SlideDown * Removed a possible memory leak in IE with draggables * Added support for cancelling dragging my hitting ESC * Added capability to remove draggables/droppables and redeclare sortables in dragdrop.js (this makes it possible to call sortable_element on the same element more than once, e.g. in AJAX returns that modify the sortable element. all current sortable 'stuff' on the element will be discarded and the sortable will be rebuilt) * Always reset background color on Effect.Highlight; this make change backwards-compatibility, to be sure include style="background-color:(target-color)" on your elements or else elements will fall back to their CSS rules (which is a good thing in most circumstances) * Removed circular references from element to prevent memory leaks (still not completely gone in IE) * Changes to class extension in effects.js * Make Effect.Highlight restore any previously set background color when finishing (makes effect work with CSS classes that set a background color) * Fixed myriads of memory leaks in IE and Gecko-based browsers [David Zülke] * Added incremental and local autocompleting and loads of documentation to controls.js [Ivan Krstic] * Extended the auto_complete_field helper to accept tokens option * Changed object extension mechanism to favor Object.extend to make script.aculo.us easily adaptable to support 3rd party libs like IE7.js [David Zülke] * Fixed that named routes didn't use the default values for action and possible other parameters #1534 [Nicholas Seckar] * Fixed JavascriptHelper#visual_effect to use camelize such that :blind_up will work #1639 [pelletierm@eastmedia.net] * Fixed that a SessionRestoreError was thrown if a model object was placed in the session that wasn't available to all controllers. This means that it's no longer necessary to use the 'model :post' work-around in ApplicationController to have a Post model in your session. *1.9.0* (6 July, 2005) * Added logging of the request URI in the benchmark statement (makes it easy to grep for slow actions) * Added javascript_include_tag :defaults shortcut that'll include all the default javascripts included with Action Pack (prototype, effects, controls, dragdrop) * Cache several controller variables that are expensive to calculate #1229 [skaes@web.de] * The session class backing CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore may be replaced with any class that duck-types with a subset of Active Record. See docs for details #1238 [skaes@web.de] * Fixed that hashes was not working properly when passed by GET to lighttpd #849 [Nicholas Seckar] * Fixed assert_template nil will be true when no template was rendered #1565 [maceywj@telus.net] * Added :prompt option to FormOptions#select (and the users of it, like FormOptions#select_country etc) to create "Please select" style descriptors #1181 [Michael Schuerig] * Added JavascriptHelper#update_element_function, which returns a Javascript function (or expression) that'll update a DOM element according to the options passed #933 [mortonda@dgrmm.net]. Examples: <%= update_element_function("products", :action => :insert, :position => :bottom, :content => "

New product!

") %> <% update_element_function("products", :action => :replace, :binding => binding) do %>

Product 1

Product 2

<% end %> * Added :field_name option to DateHelper#select_(year|month|day) to deviate from the year/month/day defaults #1266 [Marcel Molina] * Added JavascriptHelper#draggable_element and JavascriptHelper#drop_receiving_element to facilitate easy dragging and dropping through the script.aculo.us libraries #1578 [Thomas Fuchs] * Added that UrlHelper#mail_to will now also encode the default link title #749 [f.svehla@gmail.com] * Removed the default option of wrap=virtual on FormHelper#text_area to ensure XHTML compatibility #1300 [thomas@columbus.rr.com] * Adds the ability to include XML CDATA tags using Builder #1563 [Josh Knowles]. Example: xml.cdata! "some text" # => * Added evaluation of