* Use a case insensitive URI Regexp for #asset_path. This fix a problem where the same asset path using different case are generating different URIs. Before: image_tag("HTTP://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"/assets/HTTP://google.com\" />" image_tag("http://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />" After: image_tag("HTTP://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"HTTP://google.com\" />" image_tag("http://google.com") # => "<img alt=\"Google\" src=\"http://google.com\" />" *David Celis* * Element of the `collection_check_boxes` and `collection_radio_buttons` can optionally contain html attributes as the last element of the array. *Vasiliy Ermolovich* * Update the HTML `BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTES` in `ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper` to conform to the latest HTML 5.1 spec. Add attributes `allowfullscreen`, `default`, `inert`, `sortable`, `truespeed`, `typemustmatch`. Fix attribute `seamless` (previously misspelled `seemless`). *Alex Peattie* * Fix an issue where partials with a number in the filename weren't being digested for cache dependencies. *Bryan Ricker* Please check [4-0-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-0-stable/actionpack/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.