* Add alias `ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile#to_io` to `ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile#tempfile`. *Tim Linquist* * Returns null type format when format is not know and controller is using `any` format block. Fixes #14462. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Improve routing error page with fuzzy matching search. *Winston* * Only make deeply nested routes shallow when parent is shallow. Fixes #14684. *Andrew White*, *James Coglan* * Append link to bad code to backtrace when exception is SyntaxError. *Boris Kuznetsov* * Swapped the parameters of assert_equal in `assert_select` so that the proper values were printed correctly Fixes #14422. *Vishal Lal* * The method `shallow?` returns false if the parent resource is a singleton so we need to check if we're not inside a nested scope before copying the :path and :as options to their shallow equivalents. Fixes #14388. *Andrew White* * Make logging of CSRF failures optional (but on by default) with the `log_warning_on_csrf_failure` configuration setting in `ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection`. *John Barton* * Fix URL generation in controller tests with request-dependent `default_url_options` methods. *Tony Wooster* Please check [4-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-1-stable/actionpack/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.