* Fallback to `ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']` in `url_for`. Fixed an issue where the `RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT` environment variable is not prepended to the path when `url_for` is called. If `SCRIPT_NAME` (used by Rack) is set, it takes precedence. Fixes #5122. *Yasyf Mohamedali* * Partitioning of routes is now done when the routes are being drawn. This helps to decrease the time spent filtering the routes during the first request. *Guo Xiang Tan* * Fix regression in functional tests. Responses should have default headers assigned. See #18423. *Jeremy Kemper*, *Yves Senn* * Deprecate AbstractController#skip_action_callback in favor of individual skip_callback methods (which can be made to raise an error if no callback was removed). *Iain Beeston* * Alias the `ActionDispatch::Request#uuid` method to `ActionDispatch::Request#request_id`. Due to implementation, `config.log_tags = [:request_id]` also works in substitute for `config.log_tags = [:uuid]`. *David Ilizarov* * Change filter on /rails/info/routes to use an actual path regexp from rails and not approximate javascript version. Oniguruma supports much more extensive list of features than javascript regexp engine. Fixes #18402. *Ravil Bayramgalin* * Non-string authenticity tokens do not raise NoMethodError when decoding the masked token. *Ville Lautanala* * Add `http_cache_forever` to Action Controller, so we can cache a response that never gets expired. *arthurnn* * `ActionController#translate` supports symbols as shortcuts. When shortcut is given it also lookups without action name. *Max Melentiev* * Expand `ActionController::ConditionalGet#fresh_when` and `stale?` to also accept a collection of records as the first argument, so that the following code can be written in a shorter form. # Before def index @articles = Article.all fresh_when(etag: @articles, last_modified: @articles.maximum(:updated_at)) end # After def index @articles = Article.all fresh_when(@articles) end *claudiob* * Explicitly ignored wildcard verbs when searching for HEAD routes before fallback Fixes an issue where a mounted rack app at root would intercept the HEAD request causing an incorrect behavior during the fall back to GET requests. Example: draw do get '/home' => 'test#index' mount rack_app, at: '/' end head '/home' assert_response :success In this case, a HEAD request runs through the routes the first time and fails to match anything. Then, it runs through the list with the fallback and matches `get '/home'`. The original behavior would match the rack app in the first pass. *Terence Sun* * Migrating xhr methods to keyword arguments syntax in `ActionController::TestCase` and `ActionDispatch::Integration` Old syntax: xhr :get, :create, params: { id: 1 } New syntax example: get :create, params: { id: 1 }, xhr: true *Kir Shatrov* * Migrating to keyword arguments syntax in `ActionController::TestCase` and `ActionDispatch::Integration` HTTP request methods. Example: post :create, params: { y: x }, session: { a: 'b' } get :view, params: { id: 1 } get :view, params: { id: 1 }, format: :json *Kir Shatrov* * Preserve default url options when generating URLs. Fixes an issue that would cause default_url_options to be lost when generating URLs with fewer positional arguments than parameters in the route definition. *Tekin Suleyman* * Deprecate *_via_redirect integration test methods. Use `follow_redirect!` manually after the request call for the same behavior. *Aditya Kapoor* * Add `ActionController::Renderer` to render arbitrary templates outside controller actions. Its functionality is accessible through class methods `render` and `renderer` of `ActionController::Base`. *Ravil Bayramgalin* * Support `:assigns` option when rendering with controllers/mailers. *Ravil Bayramgalin* * Default headers, removed in controller actions, are no longer reapplied on the test response. *Jonas Baumann* * Deprecate all *_filter callbacks in favor of *_action callbacks. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Allow you to pass `prepend: false` to protect_from_forgery to have the verification callback appended instead of prepended to the chain. This allows you to let the verification step depend on prior callbacks. Example: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_action :authenticate protect_from_forgery prepend: false, unless: -> { @authenticated_by.oauth? } private def authenticate if oauth_request? # authenticate with oauth @authenticated_by = 'oauth'.inquiry else # authenticate with cookies @authenticated_by = 'cookie'.inquiry end end end *Josef Šimánek* * Remove `ActionController::HideActions`. *Ravil Bayramgalin* * Remove `respond_to`/`respond_with` placeholder methods, this functionality has been extracted to the `responders` gem. *Carlos Antonio da Silva* * Remove deprecated assertion files. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated usage of string keys in URL helpers. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `only_path` option on `*_path` helpers. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `NamedRouteCollection#helpers`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated support to define routes with `:to` option that doesn't contain `#`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `ActionDispatch::Response#to_ary`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `ActionDispatch::Request#deep_munge`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated `ActionDispatch::Http::Parameters#symbolized_path_parameters`. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Remove deprecated option `use_route` in controller tests. *Rafael Mendonça França* * Ensure `append_info_to_payload` is called even if an exception is raised. Fixes an issue where when an exception is raised in the request the additonal payload data is not available. See: * #14903 * https://github.com/roidrage/lograge/issues/37 *Dieter Komendera*, *Margus Pärt* * Correctly rely on the response's status code to handle calls to `head`. *Robin Dupret* * Using `head` method returns empty response_body instead of returning a single space " ". The old behavior was added as a workaround for a bug in an early version of Safari, where the HTTP headers are not returned correctly if the response body has a 0-length. This is been fixed since and the workaround is no longer necessary. Fixes #18253. *Prathamesh Sonpatki* * Fix how polymorphic routes works with objects that implement `to_model`. *Travis Grathwell* * Stop converting empty arrays in `params` to `nil`. This behaviour was introduced in response to CVE-2012-2660, CVE-2012-2694 and CVE-2013-0155 ActiveRecord now issues a safe query when passing an empty array into a where clause, so there is no longer a need to defend against this type of input (any nils are still stripped from the array). *Chris Sinjakli* * Fixed usage of optional scopes in url helpers. *Alex Robbin* * Fixed handling of positional url helper arguments when `format: false`. Fixes #17819. *Andrew White*, *Tatiana Soukiassian* Please check [4-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/4-2-stable/actionpack/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.