require 'abstract_unit' require 'action_controller' class WelcomeController < ActionController::Base end AppRoutes = class ActionMailer::Base include AppRoutes.url_helpers end class UrlTestMailer < ActionMailer::Base default_url_options[:host] = '' configure do |c| c.assets_dir = '' # To get the tests to pass end def signed_up_with_url(recipient) @recipient = recipient @welcome_url = url_for host: "", controller: "welcome", action: "greeting" mail(to: recipient, subject: "[Signed up] Welcome #{recipient}", from: "", date: Time.local(2004, 12, 12)) end def exercise_url_for(options) @options = options @url = url_for(@options) mail(from: '', to: '', subject: 'subject') end end class ActionMailerUrlTest < ActionMailer::TestCase class DummyModel def self.model_name 'dummy_model') end def persisted? false end def model_name self.class.model_name end def to_model self end end def encode( text, charset="UTF-8" ) quoted_printable( text, charset ) end def new_mail( charset="UTF-8" ) mail = mail.mime_version = "1.0" if charset mail.content_type ["text", "plain", { "charset" => charset }] end mail end def assert_url_for(expected, options, relative = false) expected = "{expected}" if expected.start_with?('/') && !relative urls = UrlTestMailer.exercise_url_for(options).body.to_s.chomp.split assert_equal expected, urls.first assert_equal expected, urls.second end def setup @recipient = 'test@localhost' end def test_url_for UrlTestMailer.delivery_method = :test AppRoutes.draw do get ':controller(/:action(/:id))' get '/welcome' => 'foo#bar', as: 'welcome' get '/dummy_model' => 'foo#baz', as: 'dummy_model' end # string assert_url_for 'http://foo/', 'http://foo/' # symbol assert_url_for '/welcome', :welcome # hash assert_url_for '/a/b/c', controller: 'a', action: 'b', id: 'c' assert_url_for '/a/b/c', {controller: 'a', action: 'b', id: 'c', only_path: true}, true # model assert_url_for '/dummy_model', # class assert_url_for '/dummy_model', DummyModel # array assert_url_for '/dummy_model' , [DummyModel] end def test_signed_up_with_url UrlTestMailer.delivery_method = :test AppRoutes.draw do get ':controller(/:action(/:id))' get '/welcome' => "foo#bar", as: "welcome" end expected = new_mail = @recipient expected.subject = "[Signed up] Welcome #{@recipient}" expected.body = "Hello there,\n\nMr. #{@recipient}. Please see our greeting at\n\n<img alt=\"Somelogo\" src=\"/images/somelogo.png\" />" expected.from = "" = Time.local(2004, 12, 12) expected.content_type = "text/html" created = nil assert_nothing_raised { created = UrlTestMailer.signed_up_with_url(@recipient) } assert_not_nil created expected.message_id = '<123@456>' created.message_id = '<123@456>' assert_dom_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised { UrlTestMailer.signed_up_with_url(@recipient).deliver_now } assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first delivered = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first delivered.message_id = '<123@456>' assert_dom_equal expected.encoded, delivered.encoded end end