$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/") require 'test/unit' require 'action_mailer' class MockSMTP def self.deliveries @@deliveries end def initialize @@deliveries = [] end def sendmail(mail, from, to) @@deliveries << [mail, from, to] end end class Net::SMTP def self.start(*args) yield MockSMTP.new end end class TestMailer < ActionMailer::Base def signed_up(recipient) @recipients = recipient @subject = "[Signed up] Welcome #{recipient}" @from = "system@loudthinking.com" @sent_on = Time.local(2004, 12, 12) @body["recipient"] = recipient end def cancelled_account(recipient) self.recipients = recipient self.subject = "[Cancelled] Goodbye #{recipient}" self.from = "system@loudthinking.com" self.sent_on = Time.local(2004, 12, 12) self.body = "Goodbye, Mr. #{recipient}" end def cc_bcc(recipient) recipients recipient subject "testing bcc/cc" from "system@loudthinking.com" sent_on Time.local(2004, 12, 12) cc "nobody@loudthinking.com" bcc "root@loudthinking.com" body "Nothing to see here." end def iso_charset(recipient) @recipients = recipient @subject = "testing isø charsets" @from = "system@loudthinking.com" @sent_on = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 @cc = "nobody@loudthinking.com" @bcc = "root@loudthinking.com" @body = "Nothing to see here." @charset = "iso-8859-1" end def unencoded_subject(recipient) @recipients = recipient @subject = "testing unencoded subject" @from = "system@loudthinking.com" @sent_on = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 @cc = "nobody@loudthinking.com" @bcc = "root@loudthinking.com" @body = "Nothing to see here." end def extended_headers(recipient) @recipients = recipient @subject = "testing extended headers" @from = "Grytøyr " @sent_on = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 @cc = "Grytøyr " @bcc = "Grytøyr " @body = "Nothing to see here." @charset = "iso-8859-1" end def utf8_body(recipient) @recipients = recipient @subject = "testing utf-8 body" @from = "Foo áëô îü " @sent_on = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 @cc = "Foo áëô îü " @bcc = "Foo áëô îü " @body = "åœö blah" @charset = "utf-8" end def multipart_with_mime_version(recipient) recipients recipient subject "multipart with mime_version" from "test@example.com" sent_on Time.local(2004, 12, 12) mime_version "1.1" content_type "multipart/alternative" part "text/plain" do |p| p.body = "blah" end part "text/html" do |p| p.body = "blah" end end def multipart_with_utf8_subject(recipient) recipients recipient subject "Foo áëô îü" from "test@example.com" charset "utf-8" part "text/plain" do |p| p.body = "blah" end part "text/html" do |p| p.body = "blah" end end def explicitly_multipart_example(recipient, ct=nil) recipients recipient subject "multipart example" from "test@example.com" sent_on Time.local(2004, 12, 12) body "plain text default" content_type ct if ct part "text/html" do |p| p.charset = "iso-8859-1" p.body = "blah" end attachment :content_type => "image/jpeg", :filename => "foo.jpg", :body => "123456789" end def implicitly_multipart_example(recipient, cs = nil, order = nil) @recipients = recipient @subject = "multipart example" @from = "test@example.com" @sent_on = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 @body = { "recipient" => recipient } @charset = cs if cs @implicit_parts_order = order if order end def html_mail(recipient) recipients recipient subject "html mail" from "test@example.com" body "Emphasize this" content_type "text/html" end def html_mail_with_underscores(recipient) subject "html mail with underscores" body %{_Google} end def custom_template(recipient) recipients recipient subject "[Signed up] Welcome #{recipient}" from "system@loudthinking.com" sent_on Time.local(2004, 12, 12) template "signed_up" body["recipient"] = recipient end def various_newlines(recipient) recipients recipient subject "various newlines" from "test@example.com" body "line #1\nline #2\rline #3\r\nline #4\r\r" + "line #5\n\nline#6\r\n\r\nline #7" end def various_newlines_multipart(recipient) recipients recipient subject "various newlines multipart" from "test@example.com" content_type "multipart/alternative" part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => "line #1\nline #2\rline #3\r\nline #4\r\r" part :content_type => "text/html", :body => "

line #1


line #2


line #3


line #4

\r\r" end def nested_multipart(recipient) recipients recipient subject "nested multipart" from "test@example.com" content_type "multipart/mixed" part :content_type => "multipart/alternative", :content_disposition => "inline" do |p| p.part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => "test text\nline #2" p.part :content_type => "text/html", :body => "test HTML
\nline #2" end attachment :content_type => "application/octet-stream",:filename => "test.txt", :body => "test abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz" end def unnamed_attachment(recipient) recipients recipient subject "nested multipart" from "test@example.com" content_type "multipart/mixed" part :content_type => "text/plain", :body => "hullo" attachment :content_type => "application/octet-stream", :body => "test abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz" end def headers_with_nonalpha_chars(recipient) recipients recipient subject "nonalpha chars" from "One: Two " cc "Three: Four " bcc "Five: Six " body "testing" end class < charset } end mail end def setup ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :test ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] @recipient = 'test@localhost' end def test_nested_parts created = nil assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_nested_multipart(@recipient)} assert_equal 2,created.parts.size assert_equal 2,created.parts.first.parts.size assert_equal "multipart/mixed", created.content_type assert_equal "multipart/alternative", created.parts.first.content_type assert_equal "text/plain", created.parts.first.parts.first.content_type assert_equal "text/html", created.parts.first.parts[1].content_type assert_equal "application/octet-stream", created.parts[1].content_type end def test_signed_up expected = new_mail expected.to = @recipient expected.subject = "[Signed up] Welcome #{@recipient}" expected.body = "Hello there, \n\nMr. #{@recipient}" expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com" expected.date = Time.local(2004, 12, 12) expected.mime_version = nil created = nil assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_signed_up(@recipient) } assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised { TestMailer.deliver_signed_up(@recipient) } assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded end def test_custom_template expected = new_mail expected.to = @recipient expected.subject = "[Signed up] Welcome #{@recipient}" expected.body = "Hello there, \n\nMr. #{@recipient}" expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com" expected.date = Time.local(2004, 12, 12) created = nil assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_custom_template(@recipient) } assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded end def test_cancelled_account expected = new_mail expected.to = @recipient expected.subject = "[Cancelled] Goodbye #{@recipient}" expected.body = "Goodbye, Mr. #{@recipient}" expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com" expected.date = Time.local(2004, 12, 12) created = nil assert_nothing_raised { created = TestMailer.create_cancelled_account(@recipient) } assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised { TestMailer.deliver_cancelled_account(@recipient) } assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded end def test_cc_bcc expected = new_mail expected.to = @recipient expected.subject = "testing bcc/cc" expected.body = "Nothing to see here." expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com" expected.cc = "nobody@loudthinking.com" expected.bcc = "root@loudthinking.com" expected.date = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 created = nil assert_nothing_raised do created = TestMailer.create_cc_bcc @recipient end assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised do TestMailer.deliver_cc_bcc @recipient end assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded end def test_iso_charset expected = new_mail( "iso-8859-1" ) expected.to = @recipient expected.subject = encode "testing isø charsets", "iso-8859-1" expected.body = "Nothing to see here." expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com" expected.cc = "nobody@loudthinking.com" expected.bcc = "root@loudthinking.com" expected.date = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 created = nil assert_nothing_raised do created = TestMailer.create_iso_charset @recipient end assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised do TestMailer.deliver_iso_charset @recipient end assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded end def test_unencoded_subject expected = new_mail expected.to = @recipient expected.subject = "testing unencoded subject" expected.body = "Nothing to see here." expected.from = "system@loudthinking.com" expected.cc = "nobody@loudthinking.com" expected.bcc = "root@loudthinking.com" expected.date = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 created = nil assert_nothing_raised do created = TestMailer.create_unencoded_subject @recipient end assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised do TestMailer.deliver_unencoded_subject @recipient end assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded end def test_instances_are_nil assert_nil ActionMailer::Base.new assert_nil TestMailer.new end def test_deliveries_array assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries assert_equal 0, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size TestMailer.deliver_signed_up(@recipient) assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first end def test_perform_deliveries_flag ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = false TestMailer.deliver_signed_up(@recipient) assert_equal 0, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true TestMailer.deliver_signed_up(@recipient) assert_equal 1, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size end def test_unquote_quoted_printable_subject msg = <" expected = new_mail "iso-8859-1" expected.to = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "iso-8859-1" expected.subject = "testing extended headers" expected.body = "Nothing to see here." expected.from = quote_address_if_necessary "Grytøyr ", "iso-8859-1" expected.cc = quote_address_if_necessary "Grytøyr ", "iso-8859-1" expected.bcc = quote_address_if_necessary "Grytøyr ", "iso-8859-1" expected.date = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 created = nil assert_nothing_raised do created = TestMailer.create_extended_headers @recipient end assert_not_nil created assert_equal expected.encoded, created.encoded assert_nothing_raised do TestMailer.deliver_extended_headers @recipient end assert_not_nil ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first assert_equal expected.encoded, ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first.encoded end def test_utf8_body_is_not_quoted @recipient = "Foo áëô îü " expected = new_mail "utf-8" expected.to = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.subject = "testing utf-8 body" expected.body = "åœö blah" expected.from = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.cc = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.bcc = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.date = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 created = TestMailer.create_utf8_body @recipient assert_match(/åœö blah/, created.encoded) end def test_multiple_utf8_recipients @recipient = ["\"Foo áëô îü\" ", "\"Example Recipient\" "] expected = new_mail "utf-8" expected.to = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.subject = "testing utf-8 body" expected.body = "åœö blah" expected.from = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient.first, "utf-8" expected.cc = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.bcc = quote_address_if_necessary @recipient, "utf-8" expected.date = Time.local 2004, 12, 12 created = TestMailer.create_utf8_body @recipient assert_match(/\nFrom: =\?utf-8\?Q\?Foo_.*?\?= \r/, created.encoded) assert_match(/\nTo: =\?utf-8\?Q\?Foo_.*?\?= , Example Recipient _Google}, mail.body end def test_various_newlines mail = TestMailer.create_various_newlines(@recipient) assert_equal("line #1\nline #2\nline #3\nline #4\n\n" + "line #5\n\nline#6\n\nline #7", mail.body) end def test_various_newlines_multipart mail = TestMailer.create_various_newlines_multipart(@recipient) assert_equal "line #1\nline #2\nline #3\nline #4\n\n", mail.parts[0].body assert_equal "

line #1


line #2


line #3


line #4

\n\n", mail.parts[1].body end def test_headers_removed_on_smtp_delivery ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp TestMailer.deliver_cc_bcc(@recipient) assert MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].include?("root@loudthinking.com") assert MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].include?("nobody@loudthinking.com") assert MockSMTP.deliveries[0][2].include?(@recipient) assert_match %r{^Cc: nobody@loudthinking.com}, MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0] assert_match %r{^To: #{@recipient}}, MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0] assert_no_match %r{^Bcc: root@loudthinking.com}, MockSMTP.deliveries[0][0] end def test_recursive_multipart_processing fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email7") mail = TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) assert_equal "This is the first part.\n\nAttachment: test.rb\nAttachment: test.pdf\n\n\nAttachment: smime.p7s\n", mail.body end def test_decode_encoded_attachment_filename fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email8") mail = TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) attachment = mail.attachments.last assert_equal "01QuienTeDijat.Pitbull.mp3", attachment.original_filename end def test_wrong_mail_header fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email9") assert_raise(TMail::SyntaxError) { TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) } end def test_decode_message_with_unknown_charset fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email10") mail = TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) assert_nothing_raised { mail.body } end def test_decode_message_with_unquoted_atchar_in_header fixture = File.read(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/fixtures/raw_email11") mail = TMail::Mail.parse(fixture) assert_not_nil mail.from end def test_empty_header_values_omitted result = TestMailer.create_unnamed_attachment(@recipient).encoded assert_match %r{Content-Type: application/octet-stream[^;]}, result assert_match %r{Content-Disposition: attachment[^;]}, result end def test_headers_with_nonalpha_chars mail = TestMailer.create_headers_with_nonalpha_chars(@recipient) assert !mail.from_addrs.empty? assert !mail.cc_addrs.empty? assert !mail.bcc_addrs.empty? assert_match(/:/, mail.from_addrs.to_s) assert_match(/:/, mail.cc_addrs.to_s) assert_match(/:/, mail.bcc_addrs.to_s) end def test_deliver_with_mail_object mail = TestMailer::create_headers_with_nonalpha_chars(@recipient) assert_nothing_raised { TestMailer.deliver(mail) } assert_equal 1, TestMailer.deliveries.length end end