require 'abstract_unit' class AutoLayoutMailer < ActionMailer::Base def hello(recipient) recipients recipient subject "You have a mail" from "" end def spam(recipient) recipients recipient subject "You have a mail" from "" body render(:inline => "Hello, <%= @world %>", :layout => 'spam', :body => { :world => "Earth" }) end def nolayout(recipient) recipients recipient subject "You have a mail" from "" body render(:inline => "Hello, <%= @world %>", :layout => false, :body => { :world => "Earth" }) end end class ExplicitLayoutMailer < ActionMailer::Base layout 'spam', :except => [:logout] def signup(recipient) recipients recipient subject "You have a mail" from "" end def logout(recipient) recipients recipient subject "You have a mail" from "" end end class LayoutMailerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup set_delivery_method :test ActionMailer::Base.perform_deliveries = true ActionMailer::Base.deliveries = [] @recipient = 'test@localhost' end def teardown restore_delivery_method end def test_should_pickup_default_layout mail = AutoLayoutMailer.create_hello(@recipient) assert_equal "Hello from layout Inside", mail.body.strip end def test_should_pickup_layout_given_to_render mail = AutoLayoutMailer.create_spam(@recipient) assert_equal "Spammer layout Hello, Earth", mail.body.strip end def test_should_respect_layout_false mail = AutoLayoutMailer.create_nolayout(@recipient) assert_equal "Hello, Earth", mail.body.strip end def test_explicit_class_layout mail = ExplicitLayoutMailer.create_signup(@recipient) assert_equal "Spammer layout We do not spam", mail.body.strip end def test_explicit_layout_exceptions mail = ExplicitLayoutMailer.create_logout(@recipient) assert_equal "You logged out", mail.body.strip end end