#-- # = COPYRIGHT: # # Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Minero Aoki # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Note: Originally licensed under LGPL v2+. Using MIT license for Rails # with permission of Minero Aoki. #++ #:stopdoc: require 'nkf' require 'tmail/base64' require 'tmail/stringio' require 'tmail/utils' #:startdoc: module TMail #:stopdoc: class << self attr_accessor :KCODE end self.KCODE = 'NONE' module StrategyInterface def create_dest( obj ) case obj when nil StringOutput.new when String StringOutput.new(obj) when IO, StringOutput obj else raise TypeError, 'cannot handle this type of object for dest' end end module_function :create_dest #:startdoc: # Returns the TMail object encoded and ready to be sent via SMTP etc. # You should call this before you are packaging up your email to # correctly escape all the values that need escaping in the email, line # wrap the email etc. # # It is also a good idea to call this before you marshal or serialize # a TMail object. # # For Example: # # email = TMail::Load(my_email_file) # email_to_send = email.encoded def encoded( eol = "\r\n", charset = 'j', dest = nil ) accept_strategy Encoder, eol, charset, dest end # Returns the TMail object decoded and ready to be used by you, your # program etc. # # You should call this before you are packaging up your email to # correctly escape all the values that need escaping in the email, line # wrap the email etc. # # For Example: # # email = TMail::Load(my_email_file) # email_to_send = email.encoded def decoded( eol = "\n", charset = 'e', dest = nil ) # Turn the E-Mail into a string and return it with all # encoded characters decoded. alias for to_s accept_strategy Decoder, eol, charset, dest end alias to_s decoded def accept_strategy( klass, eol, charset, dest = nil ) #:nodoc: dest ||= '' accept klass.new( create_dest(dest), charset, eol ) dest end end #:stopdoc: ### ### MIME B encoding decoder ### class Decoder include TextUtils encoded = '=\?(?:iso-2022-jp|euc-jp|shift_jis)\?[QB]\?[a-z0-9+/=]+\?=' ENCODED_WORDS = /#{encoded}(?:\s+#{encoded})*/i OUTPUT_ENCODING = { 'EUC' => 'e', 'SJIS' => 's', } def self.decode( str, encoding = nil ) encoding ||= (OUTPUT_ENCODING[TMail.KCODE] || 'j') opt = '-mS' + encoding str.gsub(ENCODED_WORDS) {|s| NKF.nkf(opt, s) } end def initialize( dest, encoding = nil, eol = "\n" ) @f = StrategyInterface.create_dest(dest) @encoding = (/\A[ejs]/ === encoding) ? encoding[0,1] : nil @eol = eol end def decode( str ) self.class.decode(str, @encoding) end private :decode def terminate end def header_line( str ) @f << decode(str) end def header_name( nm ) @f << nm << ': ' end def header_body( str ) @f << decode(str) end def space @f << ' ' end alias spc space def lwsp( str ) @f << str end def meta( str ) @f << str end def text( str ) @f << decode(str) end def phrase( str ) @f << quote_phrase(decode(str)) end def kv_pair( k, v ) v = dquote(v) unless token_safe?(v) @f << k << '=' << v end def puts( str = nil ) @f << str if str @f << @eol end def write( str ) @f << str end end ### ### MIME B-encoding encoder ### # # FIXME: This class can handle only (euc-jp/shift_jis -> iso-2022-jp). # class Encoder include TextUtils BENCODE_DEBUG = false unless defined?(BENCODE_DEBUG) def Encoder.encode( str ) e = new() e.header_body str e.terminate e.dest.string end SPACER = "\t" MAX_LINE_LEN = 78 RFC_2822_MAX_LENGTH = 998 OPTIONS = { 'EUC' => '-Ej -m0', 'SJIS' => '-Sj -m0', 'UTF8' => nil, # FIXME 'NONE' => nil } def initialize( dest = nil, encoding = nil, eol = "\r\n", limit = nil ) @f = StrategyInterface.create_dest(dest) @opt = OPTIONS[TMail.KCODE] @eol = eol @folded = false @preserve_quotes = true reset end def preserve_quotes=( bool ) @preserve_quotes end def preserve_quotes @preserve_quotes end def normalize_encoding( str ) if @opt then NKF.nkf(@opt, str) else str end end def reset @text = '' @lwsp = '' @curlen = 0 end def terminate add_lwsp '' reset end def dest @f end def puts( str = nil ) @f << str if str @f << @eol end def write( str ) @f << str end # # add # def header_line( line ) scanadd line end def header_name( name ) add_text name.split(/-/).map {|i| i.capitalize }.join('-') add_text ':' add_lwsp ' ' end def header_body( str ) scanadd normalize_encoding(str) end def space add_lwsp ' ' end alias spc space def lwsp( str ) add_lwsp str.sub(/[\r\n]+[^\r\n]*\z/, '') end def meta( str ) add_text str end def text( str ) scanadd normalize_encoding(str) end def phrase( str ) str = normalize_encoding(str) if CONTROL_CHAR === str scanadd str else add_text quote_phrase(str) end end # FIXME: implement line folding # def kv_pair( k, v ) return if v.nil? v = normalize_encoding(v) if token_safe?(v) add_text k + '=' + v elsif not CONTROL_CHAR === v add_text k + '=' + quote_token(v) else # apply RFC2231 encoding kv = k + '*=' + "iso-2022-jp'ja'" + encode_value(v) add_text kv end end def encode_value( str ) str.gsub(TOKEN_UNSAFE) {|s| '%%%02x' % s[0] } end private def scanadd( str, force = false ) types = '' strs = [] if str.respond_to?(:encoding) enc = str.encoding str.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) end until str.empty? if m = /\A[^\e\t\r\n ]+/.match(str) types << (force ? 'j' : 'a') if str.respond_to?(:encoding) strs.push m[0].force_encoding(enc) else strs.push m[0] end elsif m = /\A[\t\r\n ]+/.match(str) types << 's' if str.respond_to?(:encoding) strs.push m[0].force_encoding(enc) else strs.push m[0] end elsif m = /\A\e../.match(str) esc = m[0] str = m.post_match if esc != "\e(B" and m = /\A[^\e]+/.match(str) types << 'j' if str.respond_to?(:encoding) strs.push m[0].force_encoding(enc) else strs.push m[0] end end else raise 'TMail FATAL: encoder scan fail' end (str = m.post_match) unless m.nil? end do_encode types, strs end def do_encode( types, strs ) # # result : (A|E)(S(A|E))* # E : W(SW)* # W : (J|A)+ but must contain J # (J|A)*J(J|A)* # A : <> # J : <> # S : <> # # An encoding unit is `E'. # Input (parameter `types') is (J|A)(J|A|S)*(J|A) # if BENCODE_DEBUG puts puts '-- do_encode ------------' puts types.split(//).join(' ') p strs end e = /[ja]*j[ja]*(?:s[ja]*j[ja]*)*/ while m = e.match(types) pre = m.pre_match concat_A_S pre, strs[0, pre.size] unless pre.empty? concat_E m[0], strs[m.begin(0) ... m.end(0)] types = m.post_match strs.slice! 0, m.end(0) end concat_A_S types, strs end def concat_A_S( types, strs ) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' a = ?a; s = ?s else a = 'a'.ord; s = 's'.ord end i = 0 types.each_byte do |t| case t when a then add_text strs[i] when s then add_lwsp strs[i] else raise "TMail FATAL: unknown flag: #{t.chr}" end i += 1 end end METHOD_ID = { ?j => :extract_J, ?e => :extract_E, ?a => :extract_A, ?s => :extract_S } def concat_E( types, strs ) if BENCODE_DEBUG puts '---- concat_E' puts "types=#{types.split(//).join(' ')}" puts "strs =#{strs.inspect}" end flush() unless @text.empty? chunk = '' strs.each_with_index do |s,i| mid = METHOD_ID[types[i]] until s.empty? unless c = __send__(mid, chunk.size, s) add_with_encode chunk unless chunk.empty? flush chunk = '' fold c = __send__(mid, 0, s) raise 'TMail FATAL: extract fail' unless c end chunk << c end end add_with_encode chunk unless chunk.empty? end def extract_J( chunksize, str ) size = max_bytes(chunksize, str.size) - 6 size = (size % 2 == 0) ? (size) : (size - 1) return nil if size <= 0 if str.respond_to?(:encoding) enc = str.encoding str.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) "\e$B#{str.slice!(0, size)}\e(B".force_encoding(enc) else "\e$B#{str.slice!(0, size)}\e(B" end end def extract_A( chunksize, str ) size = max_bytes(chunksize, str.size) return nil if size <= 0 str.slice!(0, size) end alias extract_S extract_A def max_bytes( chunksize, ssize ) (restsize() - '=?iso-2022-jp?B??='.size) / 4 * 3 - chunksize end # # free length buffer # def add_text( str ) @text << str # puts '---- text -------------------------------------' # puts "+ #{str.inspect}" # puts "txt >>>#{@text.inspect}<<<" end def add_with_encode( str ) @text << "=?iso-2022-jp?B?#{Base64.encode(str)}?=" end def add_lwsp( lwsp ) # puts '---- lwsp -------------------------------------' # puts "+ #{lwsp.inspect}" fold if restsize() <= 0 flush(@folded) @lwsp = lwsp end def flush(folded = false) # puts '---- flush ----' # puts "spc >>>#{@lwsp.inspect}<<<" # puts "txt >>>#{@text.inspect}<<<" @f << @lwsp << @text if folded @curlen = 0 else @curlen += (@lwsp.size + @text.size) end @text = '' @lwsp = '' end def fold # puts '---- fold ----' unless @f.string =~ /^.*?:$/ @f << @eol @lwsp = SPACER else fold_header @folded = true end @curlen = 0 end def fold_header # Called because line is too long - so we need to wrap. # First look for whitespace in the text # if it has text, fold there # check the remaining text, if too long, fold again # if it doesn't, then don't fold unless the line goes beyond 998 chars # Check the text to see if there is whitespace, or if not @wrapped_text = [] until @text.blank? fold_the_string end @text = @wrapped_text.join("#{@eol}#{SPACER}") end def fold_the_string whitespace_location = @text =~ /\s/ || @text.length # Is the location of the whitespace shorter than the RCF_2822_MAX_LENGTH? # if there is no whitespace in the string, then this unless mazsize(whitespace_location) <= 0 @text.strip! @wrapped_text << @text.slice!(0...whitespace_location) # If it is not less, we have to wrap it destructively else slice_point = RFC_2822_MAX_LENGTH - @curlen - @lwsp.length @text.strip! @wrapped_text << @text.slice!(0...slice_point) end end def restsize MAX_LINE_LEN - (@curlen + @lwsp.size + @text.size) end def mazsize(whitespace_location) # Per RFC2822, the maximum length of a line is 998 chars RFC_2822_MAX_LENGTH - (@curlen + @lwsp.size + whitespace_location) end end #:startdoc: end # module TMail