=begin rdoc = General Purpose TMail Utilities =end #-- # Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Minero Aoki # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Note: Originally licensed under LGPL v2+. Using MIT license for Rails # with permission of Minero Aoki. #++ module TMail class SyntaxError < StandardError; end def TMail.new_boundary 'mimepart_' + random_tag end def TMail.new_message_id( fqdn = nil ) fqdn ||= ::Socket.gethostname "<#{random_tag()}@#{fqdn}.tmail>" end def TMail.random_tag @uniq += 1 t = Time.now sprintf('%x%x_%x%x%d%x', t.to_i, t.tv_usec, $$, Thread.current.object_id, @uniq, rand(255)) end private_class_method :random_tag @uniq = 0 module TextUtils # Defines characters per RFC that are OK for TOKENs, ATOMs, PHRASEs and CONTROL characters. aspecial = '()<>[]:;.\\,"' tspecial = '()<>[];:\\,"/?=' lwsp = " \t\r\n" control = '\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff' ATOM_UNSAFE = /[#{Regexp.quote aspecial}#{control}#{lwsp}]/n PHRASE_UNSAFE = /[#{Regexp.quote aspecial}#{control}]/n TOKEN_UNSAFE = /[#{Regexp.quote tspecial}#{control}#{lwsp}]/n CONTROL_CHAR = /[#{control}]/n def atom_safe?( str ) # Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as an ATOM not ATOM_UNSAFE === str end def quote_atom( str ) # If the string supplied has ATOM unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified (ATOM_UNSAFE === str) ? dquote(str) : str end def quote_phrase( str ) # If the string supplied has PHRASE unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified (PHRASE_UNSAFE === str) ? dquote(str) : str end def token_safe?( str ) # Returns true if the string supplied is free from characters not allowed as a TOKEN not TOKEN_UNSAFE === str end def quote_token( str ) # If the string supplied has TOKEN unsafe characters in it, will return the string quoted # in double quotes, otherwise returns the string unmodified (TOKEN_UNSAFE === str) ? dquote(str) : str end def dquote( str ) # Wraps supplied string in double quotes unless it is already wrapped # Returns double quoted string unless str =~ /^".*?"$/ '"' + str.gsub(/["\\]/n) {|s| '\\' + s } + '"' else str end end private :dquote def unquote( str ) # Unwraps supplied string from inside double quotes # Returns unquoted string str =~ /^"(.*?)"$/ ? $1 : str end def join_domain( arr ) arr.map {|i| if /\A\[.*\]\z/ === i i else quote_atom(i) end }.join('.') end ZONESTR_TABLE = { 'jst' => 9 * 60, 'eet' => 2 * 60, 'bst' => 1 * 60, 'met' => 1 * 60, 'gmt' => 0, 'utc' => 0, 'ut' => 0, 'nst' => -(3 * 60 + 30), 'ast' => -4 * 60, 'edt' => -4 * 60, 'est' => -5 * 60, 'cdt' => -5 * 60, 'cst' => -6 * 60, 'mdt' => -6 * 60, 'mst' => -7 * 60, 'pdt' => -7 * 60, 'pst' => -8 * 60, 'a' => -1 * 60, 'b' => -2 * 60, 'c' => -3 * 60, 'd' => -4 * 60, 'e' => -5 * 60, 'f' => -6 * 60, 'g' => -7 * 60, 'h' => -8 * 60, 'i' => -9 * 60, # j not use 'k' => -10 * 60, 'l' => -11 * 60, 'm' => -12 * 60, 'n' => 1 * 60, 'o' => 2 * 60, 'p' => 3 * 60, 'q' => 4 * 60, 'r' => 5 * 60, 's' => 6 * 60, 't' => 7 * 60, 'u' => 8 * 60, 'v' => 9 * 60, 'w' => 10 * 60, 'x' => 11 * 60, 'y' => 12 * 60, 'z' => 0 * 60 } def timezone_string_to_unixtime( str ) # Takes a time zone string from an EMail and converts it to Unix Time (seconds) if m = /([\+\-])(\d\d?)(\d\d)/.match(str) sec = (m[2].to_i * 60 + m[3].to_i) * 60 m[1] == '-' ? -sec : sec else min = ZONESTR_TABLE[str.downcase] or raise SyntaxError, "wrong timezone format '#{str}'" min * 60 end end WDAY = %w( Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat TMailBUG ) MONTH = %w( TMailBUG Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TMailBUG ) def time2str( tm ) # [ruby-list:7928] gmt = Time.at(tm.to_i) gmt.gmtime offset = tm.to_i - Time.local(*gmt.to_a[0,6].reverse).to_i # DO NOT USE strftime: setlocale() breaks it sprintf '%s, %s %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %+.2d%.2d', WDAY[tm.wday], tm.mday, MONTH[tm.month], tm.year, tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec, *(offset / 60).divmod(60) end MESSAGE_ID = /<[^\@>]+\@[^>\@]+>/ def message_id?( str ) MESSAGE_ID === str end MIME_ENCODED = /=\?[^\s?=]+\?[QB]\?[^\s?=]+\?=/i def mime_encoded?( str ) MIME_ENCODED === str end def decode_params( hash ) new = Hash.new encoded = nil hash.each do |key, value| if m = /\*(?:(\d+)\*)?\z/.match(key) ((encoded ||= {})[m.pre_match] ||= [])[(m[1] || 0).to_i] = value else new[key] = to_kcode(value) end end if encoded encoded.each do |key, strings| new[key] = decode_RFC2231(strings.join('')) end end new end NKF_FLAGS = { 'EUC' => '-e -m', 'SJIS' => '-s -m' } def to_kcode( str ) flag = NKF_FLAGS[TMail.KCODE] or return str NKF.nkf(flag, str) end RFC2231_ENCODED = /\A(?:iso-2022-jp|euc-jp|shift_jis|us-ascii)?'[a-z]*'/in def decode_RFC2231( str ) m = RFC2231_ENCODED.match(str) or return str begin to_kcode(m.post_match.gsub(/%[\da-f]{2}/in) {|s| s[1,2].hex.chr }) rescue m.post_match.gsub(/%[\da-f]{2}/in, "") end end def quote_boundary # Make sure the Content-Type boundary= parameter is quoted if it contains illegal characters # (to ensure any special characters in the boundary text are escaped from the parser # (such as = in MS Outlook's boundary text)) if @body =~ /^(.*)boundary=(.*)$/m preamble = $1 remainder = $2 if remainder =~ /;/ remainder =~ /^(.*?)(;.*)$/m boundary_text = $1 post = $2.chomp else boundary_text = remainder.chomp end if boundary_text =~ /[\/\?\=]/ boundary_text = "\"#{boundary_text}\"" unless boundary_text =~ /^".*?"$/ @body = "#{preamble}boundary=#{boundary_text}#{post}" end end end end end