module ActionMailer module Quoting #:nodoc: # TODO extract this into Mail itself. # # # Convert the given text into quoted printable format, with an instruction # that the text be eventually interpreted in the given charset. def quoted_printable(text, charset) text = text.gsub( /[^a-z ]/i ) { quoted_printable_encode($&) }. gsub( / /, "_" ) "=?#{charset}?Q?#{text}?=" end # Convert the given character to quoted printable format, taking into # account multi-byte characters (if executing with $KCODE="u", for instance) def quoted_printable_encode(character) result = "" character.each_byte { |b| result << "=%02X" % b } result end # A quick-and-dirty regexp for determining whether a string contains any # characters that need escaping. if !defined?(CHARS_NEEDING_QUOTING) CHARS_NEEDING_QUOTING ='[\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\177-\377]', nil, 'n') end # Quote the given text if it contains any "illegal" characters def quote_if_necessary(text, charset) text = text.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) if text.respond_to?(:force_encoding) (text =~ CHARS_NEEDING_QUOTING) ? quoted_printable(text, charset) : text end # Quote any of the given strings if they contain any "illegal" characters def quote_any_if_necessary(charset, *args) { |v| quote_if_necessary(v, charset) } end # Quote the given address if it needs to be. The address may be a # regular email address, or it can be a phrase followed by an address in # brackets. The phrase is the only part that will be quoted, and only if # it needs to be. This allows extended characters to be used in the # "to", "from", "cc", "bcc" and "reply-to" headers. def quote_address_if_necessary(address, charset) if Array === address { |a| quote_address_if_necessary(a, charset) }.join(", ") elsif address =~ /^(\S.*)\s+(<.*>)$/ address = $2 phrase = quote_if_necessary($1.gsub(/^['"](.*)['"]$/, '\1'), charset) "\"#{phrase}\" #{address}" else address end end # Quote any of the given addresses, if they need to be. def quote_any_address_if_necessary(charset, *args) { |v| quote_address_if_necessary(v, charset) } end end end