module ActionMailer # Accessors and helpers that ActionMailer::Base and ActionMailer::Part have # in common. Using these helpers you can easily add subparts or attachments # to your message: # # def my_mail_message(...) # ... # part "text/plain" do |p| # p.body "hello, world" # p.transfer_encoding "base64" # end # # attachment "image/jpg" do |a| # a.body ="hello.jpg") # a.filename = "hello.jpg" # end # end module PartContainer # The list of subparts of this container attr_reader :parts # Add a part to a multipart message, with the given content-type. The # part itself is yielded to the block so that other properties (charset, # body, headers, etc.) can be set on it. def part(params) params = {:content_type => params} if String === params part = yield part if block_given? @parts << part end # Add an attachment to a multipart message. This is simply a part with the # content-disposition set to "attachment". def attachment(params, &block) params = { :content_type => params } if String === params params = { :disposition => "attachment", :transfer_encoding => "base64" }.merge(params) part(params, &block) end private def normalize_new_lines(text) #:nodoc: text.to_s.gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") end def setup_multiple_parts(mailer, real_content_type, ctype_attrs) #:nodoc: @parts.each do |p| part = (TMail::Mail === p ? p : p.to_mail(self)) << part end if real_content_type =~ /multipart/ ctype_attrs.delete "charset" mailer.set_content_type(real_content_type, nil, ctype_attrs) end end def parse_content_type(defaults=nil) #:nodoc: if content_type.blank? return defaults ? [ defaults.content_type, { 'charset' => defaults.charset } ] : [ nil, {} ] end ctype, *attrs = content_type.split(/;\s*/) attrs = attrs.inject({}) { |h,s| k,v = s.split(/=/, 2); h[k] = v; h } [ctype, {"charset" => charset || defaults && defaults.charset}.merge(attrs)] end end end