module ActionMailer module MailHelper # Uses Text::Format to take the text and format it, indented two spaces for # each line, and wrapped at 72 columns. def block_format(text) formatted = text.split(/\n\r?\n/).collect { |paragraph| format_paragraph(paragraph) }.join("\n\n") # Make list points stand on their own line formatted.gsub!(/[ ]*([*]+) ([^*]*)/) { |s| " #{$1} #{$2.strip}\n" } formatted.gsub!(/[ ]*([#]+) ([^#]*)/) { |s| " #{$1} #{$2.strip}\n" } formatted end # Access the mailer instance. def mailer @_controller end # Access the message instance. def message @_message end # Access the message attachments list. def attachments @_message.attachments end # Returns +text+ wrapped at +len+ columns and indented +indent+ spaces. # # === Examples # # my_text = "Here is a sample text with more than 40 characters" # # format_paragraph(my_text, 25, 4) # # => " Here is a sample text with\n more than 40 characters" def format_paragraph(text, len = 72, indent = 2) sentences = [[]] text.split.each do |word| if sentences.first.present? && (sentences.last + [word]).join(' ').length > len sentences << [word] else sentences.last << word end end { |sentence| "#{" " * indent}#{sentence.join(' ')}" }.join "\n" end end end