* Bring back proc with arity of 1 in `ActionMailer::Base.default` proc since it was supported in Rails 5.0 but not deprecated. *Jimmy Bourassa* ## Rails 5.2.0.beta2 (November 28, 2017) ## * No changes. ## Rails 5.2.0.beta1 (November 27, 2017) ## * Add `assert_enqueued_email_with` test helper. assert_enqueued_email_with ContactMailer, :welcome do ContactMailer.welcome.deliver_later end *Mikkel Malmberg* * Allow Action Mailer classes to configure their delivery job. class MyMailer < ApplicationMailer self.delivery_job = MyCustomDeliveryJob ... end *Matthew Mongeau* Please check [5-1-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-1-stable/actionmailer/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.