# frozen_string_literal: true require "test_helper" class Rails::Conductor::ActionMailbox::InboundEmailsControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest test "create inbound email" do with_rails_env("development") do assert_difference -> { ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.count }, +1 do post rails_conductor_inbound_emails_path, params: { mail: { from: "Jason Fried ", to: "Replies ", cc: "CC ", bcc: "Bcc ", in_reply_to: "<4e6e35f5a38b4_479f13bb90078178@small-app-01.mail>", subject: "Hey there", body: "How's it going?" } } end mail = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.last.mail assert_equal %w[ jason@37signals.com ], mail.from assert_equal %w[ replies@example.com ], mail.to assert_equal %w[ cc@example.com ], mail.cc assert_equal %w[ bcc@example.com ], mail.bcc assert_equal "4e6e35f5a38b4_479f13bb90078178@small-app-01.mail", mail.in_reply_to assert_equal "Hey there", mail.subject assert_equal "How's it going?", mail.body.decoded end end test "create inbound email with bcc" do with_rails_env("development") do assert_difference -> { ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.count }, +1 do post rails_conductor_inbound_emails_path, params: { mail: { from: "Jason Fried ", bcc: "Replies ", subject: "Hey there", body: "How's it going?" } } end mail = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.last.mail assert_equal %w[ jason@37signals.com ], mail.from assert_equal %w[ replies@example.com ], mail.bcc assert_equal "Hey there", mail.subject assert_equal "How's it going?", mail.body.decoded end end test "create inbound email with attachments" do with_rails_env("development") do assert_difference -> { ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.count }, +1 do post rails_conductor_inbound_emails_path, params: { mail: { from: "Jason Fried ", to: "Replies ", subject: "Let's debate some attachments", body: "Let's talk about these images:", attachments: [ fixture_file_upload("files/avatar1.jpeg"), fixture_file_upload("files/avatar2.jpeg") ] } } end mail = ActionMailbox::InboundEmail.last.mail assert_equal "Let's talk about these images:", mail.text_part.decoded assert_equal 2, mail.attachments.count assert_equal %w[ avatar1.jpeg avatar2.jpeg ], mail.attachments.collect(&:filename) end end private def with_rails_env(env) old_rails_env = Rails.env Rails.env = env yield ensure Rails.env = old_rails_env end end