# frozen_string_literal: true require "thread" gem "redis", "~> 3.0" require "redis" module ActionCable module SubscriptionAdapter class Redis < Base # :nodoc: prepend ChannelPrefix # Overwrite this factory method for Redis connections if you want to use a different Redis library than the redis gem. # This is needed, for example, when using Makara proxies for distributed Redis. cattr_accessor :redis_connector, default: ->(config) do ::Redis.new(config.slice(:url, :host, :port, :db, :password)) end def initialize(*) super @listener = nil @redis_connection_for_broadcasts = nil end def broadcast(channel, payload) redis_connection_for_broadcasts.publish(channel, payload) end def subscribe(channel, callback, success_callback = nil) listener.add_subscriber(channel, callback, success_callback) end def unsubscribe(channel, callback) listener.remove_subscriber(channel, callback) end def shutdown @listener.shutdown if @listener end def redis_connection_for_subscriptions redis_connection end private def listener @listener || @server.mutex.synchronize { @listener ||= Listener.new(self, @server.event_loop) } end def redis_connection_for_broadcasts @redis_connection_for_broadcasts || @server.mutex.synchronize do @redis_connection_for_broadcasts ||= redis_connection end end def redis_connection self.class.redis_connector.call(@server.config.cable) end class Listener < SubscriberMap def initialize(adapter, event_loop) super() @adapter = adapter @event_loop = event_loop @subscribe_callbacks = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } @subscription_lock = Mutex.new @raw_client = nil @when_connected = [] @thread = nil end def listen(conn) conn.without_reconnect do original_client = conn.client conn.subscribe("_action_cable_internal") do |on| on.subscribe do |chan, count| @subscription_lock.synchronize do if count == 1 @raw_client = original_client until @when_connected.empty? @when_connected.shift.call end end if callbacks = @subscribe_callbacks[chan] next_callback = callbacks.shift @event_loop.post(&next_callback) if next_callback @subscribe_callbacks.delete(chan) if callbacks.empty? end end end on.message do |chan, message| broadcast(chan, message) end on.unsubscribe do |chan, count| if count == 0 @subscription_lock.synchronize do @raw_client = nil end end end end end end def shutdown @subscription_lock.synchronize do return if @thread.nil? when_connected do send_command("unsubscribe") @raw_client = nil end end Thread.pass while @thread.alive? end def add_channel(channel, on_success) @subscription_lock.synchronize do ensure_listener_running @subscribe_callbacks[channel] << on_success when_connected { send_command("subscribe", channel) } end end def remove_channel(channel) @subscription_lock.synchronize do when_connected { send_command("unsubscribe", channel) } end end def invoke_callback(*) @event_loop.post { super } end private def ensure_listener_running @thread ||= Thread.new do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true conn = @adapter.redis_connection_for_subscriptions listen conn end end def when_connected(&block) if @raw_client block.call else @when_connected << block end end def send_command(*command) @raw_client.write(command) very_raw_connection = @raw_client.connection.instance_variable_defined?(:@connection) && @raw_client.connection.instance_variable_get(:@connection) if very_raw_connection && very_raw_connection.respond_to?(:flush) very_raw_connection.flush end end end end end end