begin require 'em-hiredis' require 'redis' rescue Gem::LoadError => e raise Gem::LoadError, "You are trying to use the Redis ActionCable adapter, but do not have the proper gems installed. Add `gem 'em-hiredis'` and `gem 'redis'` to your Gemfile (and ensure its version is at the minimum required by ActionCable)." end module ActionCable module SubscriptionAdapter class Redis < Base def broadcast(channel, payload) redis_conn.publish(channel, payload) end def subscribe(channel, message_callback, success_callback = nil) hi_redis_conn.pubsub.subscribe(channel, &message_callback).tap do |result| result.callback(&success_callback) if success_callback end end def unsubscribe(channel, message_callback) hi_redis_conn.pubsub.unsubscribe_proc(channel, message_callback) end private # The redis instance used for broadcasting. Not intended for direct user use. def redis_conn @broadcast ||= end # The EventMachine Redis instance used by the pubsub adapter. def hi_redis_conn @hi_redis_conn ||= EM::Hiredis.connect(@server.config.cable[:url]).tap do |redis| redis.on(:reconnect_failed) do "[ActionCable] Redis reconnect failed." end end end def redis_conn @redis_conn ||= end end end end