gem 'pg', '~> 0.18' require 'pg' require 'thread' module ActionCable module SubscriptionAdapter class PostgreSQL < Base # :nodoc: def broadcast(channel, payload) with_connection do |pg_conn| pg_conn.exec("NOTIFY #{pg_conn.escape_identifier(channel)}, '#{pg_conn.escape_string(payload)}'") end end def subscribe(channel, callback, success_callback = nil) listener.subscribe_to(channel, callback, success_callback) end def unsubscribe(channel, callback) listener.unsubscribe_from(channel, callback) end def with_connection(&block) # :nodoc: ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.with_connection do |ar_conn| pg_conn = ar_conn.raw_connection unless pg_conn.is_a?(PG::Connection) raise 'ActiveRecord database must be Postgres in order to use the Postgres ActionCable storage adapter' end yield pg_conn end end private def listener @listener ||= end class Listener def initialize(adapter) @adapter = adapter @subscribers = { |h,k| h[k] = [] } @sync = @queue = do Thread.current.abort_on_exception = true listen end end def listen @adapter.with_connection do |pg_conn| loop do until @queue.empty? action, channel, callback = @queue.pop(true) escaped_channel = pg_conn.escape_identifier(channel) if action == :listen pg_conn.exec("LISTEN #{escaped_channel}") ::EM.next_tick(&callback) if callback elsif action == :unlisten pg_conn.exec("UNLISTEN #{escaped_channel}") end end pg_conn.wait_for_notify(1) do |chan, pid, message| @subscribers[chan].each do |callback| ::EM.next_tick { } end end end end end def subscribe_to(channel, callback, success_callback) @sync.synchronize do if @subscribers[channel].empty? @queue.push([:listen, channel, success_callback]) end @subscribers[channel] << callback end end def unsubscribe_from(channel, callback) @sync.synchronize do @subscribers[channel].delete(callback) if @subscribers[channel].empty? @queue.push([:unlisten, channel]) end end end end end end end