module ActionCable module Server # Collection class for all the connections that have been established on this specific server. Remember, usually you'll run many Action Cable servers, so # you can't use this collection as a full list of all of the connections established against your application. Instead, use RemoteConnections for that. module Connections # :nodoc: BEAT_INTERVAL = 3 def connections @connections ||= [] end def add_connection(connection) connections << connection end def remove_connection(connection) connections.delete connection end # WebSocket connection implementations differ on when they'll mark a connection as stale. We basically never want a connection to go stale, as you # then can't rely on being able to communicate with the connection. To solve this, a 3 second heartbeat runs on all connections. If the beat fails, we automatically # disconnect. def setup_heartbeat_timer @heartbeat_timer ||= BEAT_INTERVAL) do { } end.tap(&:execute) end def open_connections_statistics end end end end