* The JavaScript WebSocket client will no longer try to reconnect when you call `reject_unauthorized_connection` on the connection. *Mick Staugaard* * `ActionCable.Connection#getState` now references the configurable `ActionCable.adapters.WebSocket` property rather than the `WebSocket` global variable, matching the behavior of `ActionCable.Connection#open`. *Richard Macklin* * The ActionCable javascript package has been converted from CoffeeScript to ES2015, and we now publish the source code in the npm distribution. This allows ActionCable users to depend on the javascript source code rather than the compiled code, which can produce smaller javascript bundles. This change includes some breaking changes to optional parts of the ActionCable javascript API: - Configuration of the WebSocket adapter and logger adapter have been moved from properties of `ActionCable` to properties of `ActionCable.adapters`. If you are currently configuring these adapters you will need to make these changes when upgrading: ```diff - ActionCable.WebSocket = MyWebSocket + ActionCable.adapters.WebSocket = MyWebSocket ``` ```diff - ActionCable.logger = myLogger + ActionCable.adapters.logger = myLogger ``` - The `ActionCable.startDebugging()` and `ActionCable.stopDebugging()` methods have been removed and replaced with the property `ActionCable.logger.enabled`. If you are currently using these methods you will need to make these changes when upgrading: ```diff - ActionCable.startDebugging() + ActionCable.logger.enabled = true ``` ```diff - ActionCable.stopDebugging() + ActionCable.logger.enabled = false ``` *Richard Macklin* * Add `id` option to redis adapter so now you can distinguish ActionCable's redis connections among others. Also, you can set custom id in options. Before: ``` $ redis-cli client list id=669 addr= fd=8 name= age=18 ... ``` After: ``` $ redis-cli client list id=673 addr= fd=8 name=ActionCable-PID-19413 age=2 ... ``` *Ilia Kasianenko* * Rails 6 requires Ruby 2.4.1 or newer. *Jeremy Daer* Please check [5-2-stable](https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/5-2-stable/actioncable/CHANGELOG.md) for previous changes.