source '' gemspec if ENV['AREL'] gem 'arel', path: ENV['AREL'] else gem 'arel', github: 'rails/arel' end gem 'mocha', '>= 0.11.2', :require => false gem 'rack-test', github: "brynary/rack-test" gem 'bcrypt-ruby', '~> 3.0.0' gem 'jquery-rails' if ENV['JOURNEY'] gem 'journey', path: ENV['JOURNEY'] else gem 'journey', github: "rails/journey" end if ENV['AR_DEPRECATED_FINDERS'] gem 'activerecord-deprecated_finders', path: ENV['AR_DEPRECATED_FINDERS'] else gem 'activerecord-deprecated_finders', github: 'rails/activerecord-deprecated_finders' end # This needs to be with require false to avoid # it being automatically loaded by sprockets gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3', require: false group :doc do # The current sdoc cannot generate GitHub links due # to a bug, but the PR that fixes it has been there # for some weeks unapplied. As a temporary solution # this is our own fork with the fix. gem 'sdoc', github: 'fxn/sdoc' gem 'RedCloth', '~> 4.2' gem 'w3c_validators' end # AS gem 'dalli', '>= 2.2.1' # Add your own local bundler stuff local_gemfile = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/.Gemfile" instance_eval local_gemfile if File.exists? local_gemfile platforms :mri do group :test do gem 'ruby-prof', '~> 0.11.2' end end platforms :ruby do gem 'json' gem 'yajl-ruby' gem 'nokogiri', '>= 1.4.5' # AR gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.6' group :db do gem 'pg', '>= 0.11.0' gem 'mysql', '>= 2.8.1' if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0' gem 'mysql2', '>= 0.3.10' end end platforms :jruby do gem 'json' gem 'activerecord-jdbcsqlite3-adapter', '>= 1.2.0' # This is needed by now to let tests work on JRuby # TODO: When the JRuby guys merge jruby-openssl in # jruby this will be removed gem 'jruby-openssl' group :db do gem 'activerecord-jdbcmysql-adapter', '>= 1.2.0' gem 'activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter', '>= 1.2.0' end end # gems that are necessary for ActiveRecord tests with Oracle database if ENV['ORACLE_ENHANCED_PATH'] || ENV['ORACLE_ENHANCED'] platforms :ruby do gem 'ruby-oci8', '>= 2.0.4' end if ENV['ORACLE_ENHANCED_PATH'] gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', path: ENV['ORACLE_ENHANCED_PATH'] else gem 'activerecord-oracle_enhanced-adapter', github: 'rsim/oracle-enhanced' end end # A gem necessary for ActiveRecord tests with IBM DB gem 'ibm_db' if ENV['IBM_DB'] gem 'benchmark-ips'