Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2011 06:18:32 +0900
Subject: more "SSL everywhere" for GitHub URLs
railties/guides/source/contribute.textile | 10 ++++----
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.../rails/app/templates/config/locales/en.yml | 2 +-
14 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
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@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ endprologue.
h3. How to Contribute?
* We have an open commit policy: anyone is welcome to contribute and to review contributions.
-* "docrails is hosted on GitHub": and has public write access.
+* "docrails is hosted on GitHub": and has public write access.
* Guides are written in Textile, and reside at +railties/guides/source+ in the docrails project.
-* Follow the "Rails Guides Conventions":
+* Follow the "Rails Guides Conventions":
* Assets are stored in the +railties/guides/assets+ directory.
-* Sample format : "Active Record Associations":
+* Sample format : "Active Record Associations":
* Sample output : "Active Record Associations":association_basics.html.
* You can build the Guides during testing by running +bundle exec rake generate_guides+ in the +railties+ directory.
* You're encouraged to validate XHTML for the generated guides before commiting your changes by running +bundle exec rake validate_guides+ in the +railties+ directory.
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ h3. Rules
* If the same guide writer wants to write multiple guides, that's ideally the situation we'd love to be in! However, that guide writer will only receive the cash prize for all the subsequent guides (and not the GitHub or RPM prizes).
* Our review team will have the final say on whether the guide is complete and of good enough quality.
-All authors should read and follow the "Rails Guides Conventions": and the "Rails API Documentation Conventions":
+All authors should read and follow the "Rails Guides Conventions": and the "Rails API Documentation Conventions":
h3. Translations
-The translation effort for the Rails Guides is just getting underway. We know about projects to translate the Guides into Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and French. For more details or to get involved see the "Translating Rails Guides": page.
+The translation effort for the Rails Guides is just getting underway. We know about projects to translate the Guides into Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, and French. For more details or to get involved see the "Translating Rails Guides": page.
h3. Mailing List
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@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Ruby on Rails uses git for source code control. The "git homepage":http://git-sc
* "Everyday Git": will teach you just enough about git to get by.
* The "PeepCode screencast": on git ($9) is easier to follow.
-* "GitHub": offers links to a variety of git resources.
+* "GitHub": offers links to a variety of git resources.
* "Pro Git": is an entire book about git with a Creative Commons license.
h4. Clone the Ruby on Rails Repository
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ h3. Contributing to the Rails Documentation
Ruby on Rails has two main sets of documentation: The guides help you to learn Ruby on Rails, and the API is a reference.
-You can create a ticket in Lighthouse to fix or expand documentation. However, if you're confident about your changes you can push them yourself directly via "docrails": docrails is a branch with an *open commit policy* and public write access. Commits to docrails are still reviewed, but that happens after they are pushed. docrails is merged with master regularly, so you are effectively editing the Ruby on Rails documentation.
+You can create a ticket in Lighthouse to fix or expand documentation. However, if you're confident about your changes you can push them yourself directly via "docrails": docrails is a branch with an *open commit policy* and public write access. Commits to docrails are still reviewed, but that happens after they are pushed. docrails is merged with master regularly, so you are effectively editing the Ruby on Rails documentation.
When working with documentation, please take into account the "API Documentation Guidelines":api_documentation_guidelines.html and the "Ruby on Rails Guides Guidelines":ruby_on_rails_guides_guidelines.html.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/credits.html.erb b/railties/guides/source/credits.html.erb
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@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Ruby on Rails Guides: Credits
<% end %>
<%= author('Mikel Lindsaar', 'raasdnil') do %>
- Mikel Lindsaar has been working with Rails since 2006 and is the author of the Ruby Mail gem and core contributor (he helped re-write Action Mailer's API). Mikel is the founder of RubyX, has a blog and tweets.
+ Mikel Lindsaar has been working with Rails since 2006 and is the author of the Ruby Mail gem and core contributor (he helped re-write Action Mailer's API). Mikel is the founder of RubyX, has a blog and tweets.
<% end %>
<%= author('Cássio Marques', 'cmarques') do %>
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@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ In this section, you will learn how to find and fix such leaks by using tools su
h4. BleakHouse
-"BleakHouse": is a library for finding memory leaks.
+"BleakHouse": is a library for finding memory leaks.
If a Ruby object does not go out of scope, the Ruby Garbage Collector won't sweep it since it is referenced somewhere. Leaks like this can grow slowly and your application will consume more and more memory, gradually affecting the overall system performance. This tool will help you find leaks on the Ruby heap.
@@ -668,7 +668,7 @@ To analyze it, just run the listed command. The top 20 leakiest lines will be li
This way you can find where your application is leaking memory and fix it.
-If "BleakHouse": doesn't report any heap growth but you still have memory growth, you might have a broken C extension, or real leak in the interpreter. In that case, try using Valgrind to investigate further.
+If "BleakHouse": doesn't report any heap growth but you still have memory growth, you might have a broken C extension, or real leak in the interpreter. In that case, try using Valgrind to investigate further.
h4. Valgrind
@@ -682,12 +682,12 @@ h3. Plugins for Debugging
There are some Rails plugins to help you to find errors and debug your application. Here is a list of useful plugins for debugging:
-* "Footnotes": Every Rails page has footnotes that give request information and link back to your source via TextMate.
-* "Query Trace": Adds query origin tracing to your logs.
-* "Query Stats": A Rails plugin to track database queries.
+* "Footnotes": Every Rails page has footnotes that give request information and link back to your source via TextMate.
+* "Query Trace": Adds query origin tracing to your logs.
+* "Query Stats": A Rails plugin to track database queries.
* "Query Reviewer": This rails plugin not only runs "EXPLAIN" before each of your select queries in development, but provides a small DIV in the rendered output of each page with the summary of warnings for each query that it analyzed.
-* "Exception Notifier": Provides a mailer object and a default set of templates for sending email notifications when errors occur in a Rails application.
-* "Exception Logger": Logs your Rails exceptions in the database and provides a funky web interface to manage them.
+* "Exception Notifier": Provides a mailer object and a default set of templates for sending email notifications when errors occur in a Rails application.
+* "Exception Logger": Logs your Rails exceptions in the database and provides a funky web interface to manage them.
h3. References
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@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ To leverage time zone support in Rails, you have to ask your users what time zon
There is also +time_zone_options_for_select+ helper for a more manual (therefore more customizable) way of doing this. Read the API documentation to learn about the possible arguments for these two methods.
-Rails _used_ to have a +country_select+ helper for choosing countries, but this has been extracted to the "country_select plugin": When using this, be aware that the exclusion or inclusion of certain names from the list can be somewhat controversial (and was the reason this functionality was extracted from Rails).
+Rails _used_ to have a +country_select+ helper for choosing countries, but this has been extracted to the "country_select plugin": When using this, be aware that the exclusion or inclusion of certain names from the list can be somewhat controversial (and was the reason this functionality was extracted from Rails).
h3. Using Date and Time Form Helpers
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ def upload
-Once a file has been uploaded, there are a multitude of potential tasks, ranging from where to store the files (on disk, Amazon S3, etc) and associating them with models to resizing image files and generating thumbnails. The intricacies of this are beyond the scope of this guide, but there are several plugins designed to assist with these. Two of the better known ones are "Attachment-Fu": and "Paperclip":
+Once a file has been uploaded, there are a multitude of potential tasks, ranging from where to store the files (on disk, Amazon S3, etc) and associating them with models to resizing image files and generating thumbnails. The intricacies of this are beyond the scope of this guide, but there are several plugins designed to assist with these. Two of the better known ones are "Attachment-Fu": and "Paperclip":
NOTE: If the user has not selected a file the corresponding parameter will be an empty string.
@@ -805,9 +805,9 @@ Many apps grow beyond simple forms editing a single object. For example when cre
* As of Rails 2.3, Rails includes "Nested Attributes":./2_3_release_notes.html#nested-attributes and "Nested Object Forms":./2_3_release_notes.html#nested-object-forms
* Ryan Bates' series of Railscasts on "complex forms":
* Handle Multiple Models in One Form from "Advanced Rails Recipes":
-* Eloy Duran's "complex-forms-examples": application
-* Lance Ivy's "nested_assignment": plugin and "sample application":
-* James Golick's "attribute_fu": plugin
+* Eloy Duran's "complex-forms-examples": application
+* Lance Ivy's "nested_assignment": plugin and "sample application":
+* James Golick's "attribute_fu": plugin
h3. Changelog
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/generators.textile b/railties/guides/source/generators.textile
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--- a/railties/guides/source/generators.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/generators.textile
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ $ rails generate helper --help
h3. Creating Your First Generator
-Since Rails 3.0, generators are built on top of "Thor": Thor provides powerful options parsing and a great API for manipulating files. For instance, let's build a generator that creates an initializer file named +initializer.rb+ inside +config/initializers+.
+Since Rails 3.0, generators are built on top of "Thor": Thor provides powerful options parsing and a great API for manipulating files. For instance, let's build a generator that creates an initializer file named +initializer.rb+ inside +config/initializers+.
The first step is to create a file at +lib/generators/initializer_generator.rb+ with the following content:
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ If you generate another resource, you can see that we get exactly the same resul
h3. Adding Generators Fallbacks
-One last feature about generators which is quite useful for plugin generators is fallbacks. For example, imagine that you want to add a feature on top of TestUnit like "shoulda": does. Since TestUnit already implements all generators required by Rails and shoulda just wants to overwrite part of it, there is no need for shoulda to reimplement some generators again, it can simply tell Rails to use a +TestUnit+ generator if none was found under the +Shoulda+ namespace.
+One last feature about generators which is quite useful for plugin generators is fallbacks. For example, imagine that you want to add a feature on top of TestUnit like "shoulda": does. Since TestUnit already implements all generators required by Rails and shoulda just wants to overwrite part of it, there is no need for shoulda to reimplement some generators again, it can simply tell Rails to use a +TestUnit+ generator if none was found under the +Shoulda+ namespace.
We can easily simulate this behavior by changing our +config/application.rb+ once again:
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
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+++ b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ TIP. If you're working on Windows, you should be aware that the vast majority of
h4. Creating the Blog Application
-The best way to use this guide is to follow each step as it happens, no code or step needed to make this example application has been left out, so you can literally follow along step by step. If you need to see the completed code, you can download it from "Getting Started Code":
+The best way to use this guide is to follow each step as it happens, no code or step needed to make this example application has been left out, so you can literally follow along step by step. If you need to see the completed code, you can download it from "Getting Started Code":
To begin, open a terminal, navigate to a folder where you have rights to create files, and type:
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile b/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
index ac05e1c6c7..3e7e396e8d 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@ en:
hello: "Hello world"
-This means, that in the +:en+ locale, the key _hello_ will map to the _Hello world_ string. Every string inside Rails is internationalized in this way, see for instance Active Record validation messages in the "+activerecord/lib/active_record/locale/en.yml+": file or time and date formats in the "+activesupport/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml+": file. You can use YAML or standard Ruby Hashes to store translations in the default (Simple) backend.
+This means, that in the +:en+ locale, the key _hello_ will map to the _Hello world_ string. Every string inside Rails is internationalized in this way, see for instance Active Record validation messages in the "+activerecord/lib/active_record/locale/en.yml+": file or time and date formats in the "+activesupport/lib/active_support/locale/en.yml+": file. You can use YAML or standard Ruby Hashes to store translations in the default (Simple) backend.
The I18n library will use *English* as a *default locale*, i.e. if you don't set a different locale, +:en+ will be used for looking up translations.
-NOTE: The i18n library takes a *pragmatic approach* to locale keys (after "some discussion":, including only the _locale_ ("language") part, like +:en+, +:pl+, not the _region_ part, like +:en-US+ or +:en-UK+, which are traditionally used for separating "languages" and "regional setting" or "dialects". Many international applications use only the "language" element of a locale such as +:cz+, +:th+ or +:es+ (for Czech, Thai and Spanish). However, there are also regional differences within different language groups that may be important. For instance, in the +:en-US+ locale you would have $ as a currency symbol, while in +:en-UK+, you would have £. Nothing stops you from separating regional and other settings in this way: you just have to provide full "English - United Kingdom" locale in a +:en-UK+ dictionary. Various "Rails I18n plugins": such as "Globalize2": may help you implement it.
+NOTE: The i18n library takes a *pragmatic approach* to locale keys (after "some discussion":, including only the _locale_ ("language") part, like +:en+, +:pl+, not the _region_ part, like +:en-US+ or +:en-UK+, which are traditionally used for separating "languages" and "regional setting" or "dialects". Many international applications use only the "language" element of a locale such as +:cz+, +:th+ or +:es+ (for Czech, Thai and Spanish). However, there are also regional differences within different language groups that may be important. For instance, in the +:en-US+ locale you would have $ as a currency symbol, while in +:en-UK+, you would have £. Nothing stops you from separating regional and other settings in this way: you just have to provide full "English - United Kingdom" locale in a +:en-UK+ dictionary. Various "Rails I18n plugins": such as "Globalize2": may help you implement it.
The *translations load path* (+I18n.load_path+) is just a Ruby Array of paths to your translation files that will be loaded automatically and available in your application. You can pick whatever directory and translation file naming scheme makes sense for you.
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ match '/:locale' => 'dashboard#index'
Do take special care about the *order of your routes*, so this route declaration does not "eat" other ones. (You may want to add it directly before the +root :to+ declaration.)
-NOTE: Have a look at two plugins which simplify work with routes in this way: Sven Fuchs's "routing_filter": and Raul Murciano's "translate_routes":
+NOTE: Have a look at two plugins which simplify work with routes in this way: Sven Fuchs's "routing_filter": and Raul Murciano's "translate_routes":
h4. Setting the Locale from the Client Supplied Information
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ def extract_locale_from_accept_language_header
-Of course, in a production environment you would need much more robust code, and could use a plugin such as Iain Hecker's "http_accept_language": or even Rack middleware such as Ryan Tomayko's "locale":
+Of course, in a production environment you would need much more robust code, and could use a plugin such as Iain Hecker's "http_accept_language": or even Rack middleware such as Ryan Tomayko's "locale":
h5. Using GeoIP (or Similar) Database
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ So that would give you:
!images/i18n/demo_localized_pirate.png(rails i18n demo localized time to pirate)!
-TIP: Right now you might need to add some more date/time formats in order to make the I18n backend work as expected (at least for the 'pirate' locale). Of course, there's a great chance that somebody already did all the work by *translating Rails' defaults for your locale*. See the "rails-i18n repository at Github": for an archive of various locale files. When you put such file(s) in +config/locales/+ directory, they will automatically be ready for use.
+TIP: Right now you might need to add some more date/time formats in order to make the I18n backend work as expected (at least for the 'pirate' locale). Of course, there's a great chance that somebody already did all the work by *translating Rails' defaults for your locale*. See the "rails-i18n repository at Github": for an archive of various locale files. When you put such file(s) in +config/locales/+ directory, they will automatically be ready for use.
h4. Localized Views
@@ -778,23 +778,23 @@ Rails uses fixed strings and other localizations, such as format strings and oth
h5. Action View Helper Methods
-* +distance_of_time_in_words+ translates and pluralizes its result and interpolates the number of seconds, minutes, hours, and so on. See "datetime.distance_in_words": translations.
+* +distance_of_time_in_words+ translates and pluralizes its result and interpolates the number of seconds, minutes, hours, and so on. See "datetime.distance_in_words": translations.
-* +datetime_select+ and +select_month+ use translated month names for populating the resulting select tag. See "date.month_names": for translations. +datetime_select+ also looks up the order option from "date.order": (unless you pass the option explicitly). All date selection helpers translate the prompt using the translations in the "datetime.prompts": scope if applicable.
+* +datetime_select+ and +select_month+ use translated month names for populating the resulting select tag. See "date.month_names": for translations. +datetime_select+ also looks up the order option from "date.order": (unless you pass the option explicitly). All date selection helpers translate the prompt using the translations in the "datetime.prompts": scope if applicable.
-* The +number_to_currency+, +number_with_precision+, +number_to_percentage+, +number_with_delimiter+, and +number_to_human_size+ helpers use the number format settings located in the "number": scope.
+* The +number_to_currency+, +number_with_precision+, +number_to_percentage+, +number_with_delimiter+, and +number_to_human_size+ helpers use the number format settings located in the "number": scope.
h5. Active Record Methods
-* +model_name.human+ and +human_attribute_name+ use translations for model names and attribute names if available in the "activerecord.models": scope. They also support translations for inherited class names (e.g. for use with STI) as explained above in "Error message scopes".
+* +model_name.human+ and +human_attribute_name+ use translations for model names and attribute names if available in the "activerecord.models": scope. They also support translations for inherited class names (e.g. for use with STI) as explained above in "Error message scopes".
* +ActiveRecord::Errors#generate_message+ (which is used by Active Record validations but may also be used manually) uses +model_name.human+ and +human_attribute_name+ (see above). It also translates the error message and supports translations for inherited class names as explained above in "Error message scopes".
-*+ ActiveRecord::Errors#full_messages+ prepends the attribute name to the error message using a separator that will be looked up from "activerecord.errors.format.separator": (and which defaults to +' '+).
+*+ ActiveRecord::Errors#full_messages+ prepends the attribute name to the error message using a separator that will be looked up from "activerecord.errors.format.separator": (and which defaults to +' '+).
h5. Active Support Methods
-* +Array#to_sentence+ uses format settings as given in the "support.array": scope.
+* +Array#to_sentence+ uses format settings as given in the "support.array": scope.
h3. Customize your I18n Setup
@@ -867,15 +867,15 @@ I18n support in Ruby on Rails was introduced in the release 2.2 and is still evo
Thus we encourage everybody to experiment with new ideas and features in plugins or other libraries and make them available to the community. (Don't forget to announce your work on our "mailing list":!)
-If you find your own locale (language) missing from our "example translations data": repository for Ruby on Rails, please "_fork_": the repository, add your data and send a "pull request":
+If you find your own locale (language) missing from our "example translations data": repository for Ruby on Rails, please "_fork_": the repository, add your data and send a "pull request":
h3. Resources
* "": - Homepage of the rails-i18n project. You can find lots of useful resources on the "wiki":
* "Google group: rails-i18n": - The project's mailing list.
-* "Github: rails-i18n": - Code repository for the rails-i18n project. Most importantly you can find lots of "example translations": for Rails that should work for your application in most cases.
-* "Github: i18n": - Code repository for the i18n gem.
+* "Github: rails-i18n": - Code repository for the rails-i18n project. Most importantly you can find lots of "example translations": for Rails that should work for your application in most cases.
+* "Github: i18n": - Code repository for the i18n gem.
* "Lighthouse: rails-i18n": - Issue tracker for the rails-i18n project.
* "Lighthouse: i18n": - Issue tracker for the i18n gem.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/index.html.erb b/railties/guides/source/index.html.erb
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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Ruby on Rails Guides
<% if @edge %>
These are Edge Guides, based on the current
- master branch.
+ master branch.
If you are looking for the ones for the stable version please check
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile b/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile
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+++ b/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ The Active Record way claims that intelligence belongs in your models, not in th
Validations such as +validates :foreign_key, :uniqueness => true+ are one way in which models can enforce data integrity. The +:dependent+ option on associations allows models to automatically destroy child objects when the parent is destroyed. Like anything which operates at the application level these cannot guarantee referential integrity and so some people augment them with foreign key constraints.
-Although Active Record does not provide any tools for working directly with such features, the +execute+ method can be used to execute arbitrary SQL. There are also a number of plugins such as "foreign_key_migrations": which add foreign key support to Active Record (including support for dumping foreign keys in +db/schema.rb+).
+Although Active Record does not provide any tools for working directly with such features, the +execute+ method can be used to execute arbitrary SQL. There are also a number of plugins such as "foreign_key_migrations": which add foreign key support to Active Record (including support for dumping foreign keys in +db/schema.rb+).
h3. Changelog
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile
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--- a/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile
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@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ h4. Rails Plugins and Gems
* "Rails Analyzer":
* "Palmist":
-* "Rails Footnotes":
-* "Query Reviewer":
+* "Rails Footnotes":
+* "Query Reviewer":
h4. Generic Tools
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/security.textile b/railties/guides/source/security.textile
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--- a/railties/guides/source/security.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/security.textile
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ h4. File Uploads
Many web applications allow users to upload files. _(highlight)File names, which the user may choose (partly), should always be filtered_ as an attacker could use a malicious file name to overwrite any file on the server. If you store file uploads at /var/www/uploads, and the user enters a file name like “../../../etc/passwd”, it may overwrite an important file. Of course, the Ruby interpreter would need the appropriate permissions to do so – one more reason to run web servers, database servers and other programs as a less privileged Unix user.
-When filtering user input file names, _(highlight)don't try to remove malicious parts_. Think of a situation where the web application removes all “../” in a file name and an attacker uses a string such as “....//” - the result will be “../”. It is best to use a whitelist approach, which _(highlight)checks for the validity of a file name with a set of accepted characters_. This is opposed to a blacklist approach which attempts to remove not allowed characters. In case it isn't a valid file name, reject it (or replace not accepted characters), but don't remove them. Here is the file name sanitizer from the "attachment_fu plugin":
+When filtering user input file names, _(highlight)don't try to remove malicious parts_. Think of a situation where the web application removes all “../” in a file name and an attacker uses a string such as “....//” - the result will be “../”. It is best to use a whitelist approach, which _(highlight)checks for the validity of a file name with a set of accepted characters_. This is opposed to a blacklist approach which attempts to remove not allowed characters. In case it isn't a valid file name, reject it (or replace not accepted characters), but don't remove them. Here is the file name sanitizer from the "attachment_fu plugin":
def sanitize_filename(filename)
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
index a6d70da76c..a75cedbdc1 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
@@ -939,8 +939,8 @@ h3. Other Testing Approaches
The built-in +test/unit+ based testing is not the only way to test Rails applications. Rails developers have come up with a wide variety of other approaches and aids for testing, including:
* "NullDB":, a way to speed up testing by avoiding database use.
-* "Factory Girl":, as replacement for fixtures.
-* "Machinist":, another replacement for fixtures.
+* "Factory Girl":, as replacement for fixtures.
+* "Machinist":, another replacement for fixtures.
* "Shoulda":, an extension to +test/unit+ with additional helpers, macros, and assertions.
* "RSpec":, a behavior-driven development framework
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/locales/en.yml b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/locales/en.yml
index a747bfa698..179c14ca52 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
-# See for starting points.
+# See for starting points.
hello: "Hello world"
cgit v1.2.3
From 092538045e890e0a8769cc99586c8483426e0e2e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Kalafarski
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2011 09:55:57 -0500
Subject: The root route example was the only using double quotes; switched it
to single quotes for consistency
railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/routes.rb | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/routes.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/routes.rb
index 3e35d81a69..d50f536164 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/routes.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/routes.rb
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
# You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
# just remember to delete public/index.html.
- # root :to => "welcome#index"
+ # root :to => 'welcome#index'
# See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes"
cgit v1.2.3
From c7cfdd01c114e103508c435d5e6cfee0703e2e1d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Diego Carrion
Date: Sat, 5 Mar 2011 01:57:25 -0300
Subject: refactored Engine.#find by giving an explicit name to a variable and
reducing calls
[#6529 state:committed]
Signed-off-by: Santiago Pastorino
railties/lib/rails/engine.rb | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb b/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
index 50bba22a3a..4fc23fe277 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
@@ -382,9 +382,9 @@ module Rails
# Finds engine with given path
def find(path)
- path = path.to_s
- Rails::Engine::Railties.engines.find { |r|
- File.expand_path(r.root.to_s) == File.expand_path(path)
+ expanded_path = File.expand_path path.to_s
+ Rails::Engine::Railties.engines.find { |engine|
+ File.expand_path(engine.root.to_s) == expanded_path
cgit v1.2.3
From f41dd99be78e6e0243e9910aaab64ebd29bdad58 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xavier Noria
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 07:42:35 +0100
Subject: revises links to the API websites of individual components (no longer
maintained), and rewrites the section about after and around filters in the
controller guide
.../source/action_controller_overview.textile | 35 ++++++++++++++--------
.../guides/source/action_view_overview.textile | 2 +-
.../test_unit/model/templates/fixtures.yml | 2 +-
3 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile b/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile
index be015c4f9b..ecb03a48e4 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile
@@ -423,27 +423,36 @@ Now, the +LoginsController+'s +new+ and +create+ actions will work as before wit
h4. After Filters and Around Filters
-In addition to before filters, you can run filters after an action has run or both before and after. The after filter is similar to the before filter, but because the action has already been run it has access to the response data that's about to be sent to the client. Obviously, after filters can not stop the action from running.
+In addition to before filters, you can also run filters after an action has been executed, or both before and after.
-Around filters are responsible for running the action, but they can choose not to, which is the around filter's way of stopping it.
+After filters are similar to before filters, but because the action has already been run they have access to the response data that's about to be sent to the client. Obviously, after filters cannot stop the action from running.
+Around filters are responsible for running their associated actions by yielding, similar to how Rack middlewares work.
+For example, in a website where changes have an approval workflow an administrator could be able to preview them easily, just apply them within a transaction:
-# Example taken from the Rails API filter documentation:
-class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- around_filter :catch_exceptions
+class ChangesController < ActionController::Base
+ around_filter :wrap_in_transaction, :only => :show
- def catch_exceptions
- yield
- rescue => exception
- logger.debug "Caught exception! #{exception}"
- raise
+ def wrap_in_transaction
+ ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do
+ begin
+ yield
+ ensure
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ end
+Note that an around filter wraps also rendering. In particular, if in the example above the view itself reads from the database via a scope or whatever, it will do so within the transaction and thus present the data to preview.
+They can choose not to yield and build the response themselves, in which case the action is not run.
h4. Other Ways to Use Filters
While the most common way to use filters is by creating private methods and using *_filter to add them, there are two other ways to do the same thing.
@@ -481,7 +490,7 @@ Again, this is not an ideal example for this filter, because it's not run in the
h3. Verification
-Verifications make sure certain criteria are met in order for a controller or action to run. They can specify that a certain key (or several keys in the form of an array) is present in the +params+, +session+ or +flash+ hashes or that a certain HTTP method was used or that the request was made using +XMLHttpRequest+ (Ajax). The default action taken when these criteria are not met is to render a 400 Bad Request response, but you can customize this by specifying a redirect URL or rendering something else and you can also add flash messages and HTTP headers to the response. It is described in the "API documentation": as "essentially a special kind of before_filter".
+Verifications make sure certain criteria are met in order for a controller or action to run. They can specify that a certain key (or several keys in the form of an array) is present in the +params+, +session+ or +flash+ hashes or that a certain HTTP method was used or that the request was made using +XMLHttpRequest+ (Ajax). The default action taken when these criteria are not met is to render a 400 Bad Request response, but you can customize this by specifying a redirect URL or rendering something else and you can also add flash messages and HTTP headers to the response.
Here's an example of using verification to make sure the user supplies a username and a password in order to log in:
@@ -558,7 +567,7 @@ In every controller there are two accessor methods pointing to the request and t
h4. The +request+ Object
-The request object contains a lot of useful information about the request coming in from the client. To get a full list of the available methods, refer to the "API documentation": Among the properties that you can access on this object are:
+The request object contains a lot of useful information about the request coming in from the client. To get a full list of the available methods, refer to the "API documentation": Among the properties that you can access on this object are:
|_.Property of +request+|_.Purpose|
|host|The hostname used for this request.|
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile b/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile
index bf592c06ed..cfd71ad287 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile
@@ -1472,5 +1472,5 @@ You can read more about the Rails Internationalization (I18n) API "here"
h3. Changelog
-* September 3, 2009: Continuing work by Trevor Turk, leveraging the "Action Pack docs": and "What's new in Edge Rails":
+* September 3, 2009: Continuing work by Trevor Turk, leveraging the Action Pack docs and "What's new in Edge Rails":
* April 5, 2009: Starting work by Trevor Turk, leveraging Mike Gunderloy's docs
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/model/templates/fixtures.yml b/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/model/templates/fixtures.yml
index a30132bc99..6465a6a6e2 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/model/templates/fixtures.yml
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/model/templates/fixtures.yml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Read about fixtures at
+# Read about fixtures at
<% unless attributes.empty? -%>
cgit v1.2.3
From e05e9979075b37342b7c88e557dbffd672b2086a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeff Kreeftmeijer
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 10:58:18 +0100
Subject: Add a note to discourage users from using presence validators with
railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
index 58a184a48e..2301d6715d 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
@@ -463,9 +463,11 @@ h3. Common Validation Options
There are some common options that all the validation helpers can use. Here they are, except for the +:if+ and +:unless+ options, which are discussed later in "Conditional Validation":#conditional-validation.
+TIP: Note that +allow_nil+ and +allow_blank+ will be ignored when using the presence validator. Please use the length validator if you want to validate if something is a specific length but allows for +nil+ values.
h4. +:allow_nil+
-The +:allow_nil+ option skips the validation when the value being validated is +nil+. Using +:allow_nil+ with +validates_presence_of+ allows for +nil+, but any other +blank?+ value will still be rejected.
+The +:allow_nil+ option skips the validation when the value being validated is +nil+.
class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
cgit v1.2.3
From 532b77077fc97211cb9f8d047116a72b8cd286a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Kulakov
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 01:22:56 +0800
Subject: Use Rubys own Float#round method in versions 1.9 and above
railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
index 1df36137b4..39a87d9f64 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
@@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ h3. Extensions to +Float+
h4. +round+
-The built-in method +Float#round+ rounds a float to the nearest integer. Active Support adds an optional parameter to let you specify a precision:
+The built-in method +Float#round+ rounds a float to the nearest integer. In Ruby 1.9 this method takes optional parameter to let you specify a precision. Active Support adds that functionality to +round+ in previous versions of Ruby:
Math::E.round(4) # => 2.7183
cgit v1.2.3
From 32b5c4b77a880b8a10c20402477a392f1465d0c9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xavier Noria
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 18:43:55 +0100
Subject: copy-edits 532b770
railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
index 39a87d9f64..788f528654 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
@@ -1818,7 +1818,7 @@ h3. Extensions to +Float+
h4. +round+
-The built-in method +Float#round+ rounds a float to the nearest integer. In Ruby 1.9 this method takes optional parameter to let you specify a precision. Active Support adds that functionality to +round+ in previous versions of Ruby:
+The built-in method +Float#round+ rounds a float to the nearest integer. In Ruby 1.9 this method takes an optional argument to let you specify a precision. Active Support adds that functionality to +round+ in previous versions of Ruby:
Math::E.round(4) # => 2.7183
cgit v1.2.3
From 6fba542f4487bd825203ea5b14bf038fe722709b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Aaron Fendley
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 18:06:50 -0600
Subject: Added note re: functional tests and HTTP methods.
railties/guides/source/testing.textile | 2 ++
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
index a75cedbdc1..f4111269ba 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
@@ -500,6 +500,8 @@ If you're familiar with the HTTP protocol, you'll know that +get+ is a type of r
All of request types are methods that you can use, however, you'll probably end up using the first two more often than the others.
+NOTE: Functional tests do not verify whether the specified request type should be be accepted by the action. Request types in this context exist to make your tests more descriptive.
h4. The Four Hashes of the Apocalypse
After a request has been made by using one of the 5 methods (+get+, +post+, etc.) and processed, you will have 4 Hash objects ready for use:
cgit v1.2.3
From 439ccdc3cf2aa46e22a8dfb7debcee073127df86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vijay Dev
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 19:58:55 +0530
Subject: update plugin urls to reflect official maintainers
railties/guides/source/3_0_release_notes.textile | 4 ++--
railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile | 2 +-
railties/guides/source/debugging_rails_applications.textile | 2 +-
railties/guides/source/form_helpers.textile | 2 +-
4 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/3_0_release_notes.textile b/railties/guides/source/3_0_release_notes.textile
index 001f458fd9..f75b245ed8 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/3_0_release_notes.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/3_0_release_notes.textile
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ The +config.gem+ method is gone and has been replaced by using +bundler+ and a +
h4. Upgrade Process
-To help with the upgrade process, a plugin named "Rails Upgrade": has been created to automate part of it.
+To help with the upgrade process, a plugin named "Rails Upgrade": has been created to automate part of it.
Simply install the plugin, then run +rake rails:upgrade:check+ to check your app for pieces that need to be updated (with links to information on how to update them). It also offers a task to generate a +Gemfile+ based on your current +config.gem+ calls and a task to generate a new routes file from your current one. To get the plugin, simply run the following:
-$ ruby script/plugin install git://
+$ ruby script/plugin install git://
You can see an example of how that works at "Rails Upgrade is now an Official Plugin":
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
index 2301d6715d..bfb06a9cd5 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
@@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ Rails maintains an official plugin that provides helpers to display the error me
h4. Installing as a plugin
-$ rails plugin install git://
+$ rails plugin install git://
h4 Installing as a Gem
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/debugging_rails_applications.textile b/railties/guides/source/debugging_rails_applications.textile
index 67e17056e5..045b8823ca 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/debugging_rails_applications.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/debugging_rails_applications.textile
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ There are some Rails plugins to help you to find errors and debug your applicati
* "Query Trace": Adds query origin tracing to your logs.
* "Query Stats": A Rails plugin to track database queries.
* "Query Reviewer": This rails plugin not only runs "EXPLAIN" before each of your select queries in development, but provides a small DIV in the rendered output of each page with the summary of warnings for each query that it analyzed.
-* "Exception Notifier": Provides a mailer object and a default set of templates for sending email notifications when errors occur in a Rails application.
+* "Exception Notifier": Provides a mailer object and a default set of templates for sending email notifications when errors occur in a Rails application.
* "Exception Logger": Logs your Rails exceptions in the database and provides a funky web interface to manage them.
h3. References
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/form_helpers.textile b/railties/guides/source/form_helpers.textile
index 0cfc005f80..1f21c27ae6 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/form_helpers.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/form_helpers.textile
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ To leverage time zone support in Rails, you have to ask your users what time zon
There is also +time_zone_options_for_select+ helper for a more manual (therefore more customizable) way of doing this. Read the API documentation to learn about the possible arguments for these two methods.
-Rails _used_ to have a +country_select+ helper for choosing countries, but this has been extracted to the "country_select plugin": When using this, be aware that the exclusion or inclusion of certain names from the list can be somewhat controversial (and was the reason this functionality was extracted from Rails).
+Rails _used_ to have a +country_select+ helper for choosing countries, but this has been extracted to the "country_select plugin": When using this, be aware that the exclusion or inclusion of certain names from the list can be somewhat controversial (and was the reason this functionality was extracted from Rails).
h3. Using Date and Time Form Helpers
cgit v1.2.3
From ee7c48678f443ed7fb77fe97042f7a698e359df9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Mike Gehard
Date: Thu, 10 Mar 2011 10:08:30 -0500
Subject: Minor formatting changes and remove a comment
railties/guides/source/plugins.textile | 13 +++++++------
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/plugins.textile b/railties/guides/source/plugins.textile
index daca50ee9e..2d9821e627 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/plugins.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/plugins.textile
@@ -45,9 +45,9 @@ as a gem. This tutorial will begin to bridge that gap by demonstrating how to c
"Enginex gem":
- gem install enginex
- enginex --help
- enginex yaffle
+$ gem install enginex
+$ enginex --help
+$ enginex yaffle
This command will create a new directory named "yaffle" within the current directory.
@@ -401,7 +401,9 @@ h3. Publishing your Gem
Gem plugins in progress can be easily be shared from any Git repository. To share the Yaffle gem with others, simply
commit the code to a Git repository (like Github) and add a line to the Gemfile of the any application:
-gem 'yaffle', :git => 'git://'
+gem 'yaffle', :git => 'git://'
After running +bundle install+, your gem functionality will be available to the application.
@@ -450,8 +452,6 @@ Once your comments are good to go, navigate to your plugin directory and run:
$ rake rdoc
-!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure these still make sense. Add any references that you see fit. !!!!!!!!!!!!!
h4. References
* "Developing a RubyGem using Bundler":
@@ -462,6 +462,7 @@ h4. References
h3. Changelog
+* March 10, 2011: Minor formatting tweaks.
* February 13, 2011: Get guide in synch with Rails 3.0.3. Remove information not compatible with Rails 3. Send reader elsewhere
for information that is covered elsewhere.
* April 4, 2010: Fixed document to validate XHTML 1.0 Strict. "Jaime Iniesta":
cgit v1.2.3
From 68802d0fbe9d20ef8c5f6626d4b3279bd3a42d3e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Prem Sichanugrist & Xavier Noria
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 23:51:05 +0700
Subject: Filter sensitive query string parameters in the log [#6244
This provides more safety to applications that put secret information in the query string, such as API keys or SSO tokens.
Signed-off-by: Xavier Noria
railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb b/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb
index 32acc66f10..3be262de08 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Rails
def before_dispatch(env)
request =
- path = request.fullpath
+ path = request.filtered_path
info "\n\nStarted #{request.request_method} \"#{path}\" " \
"for #{request.ip} at #{}"
cgit v1.2.3
From 94031ef422357e5802c965a9e8365e5494e7cc2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samuel Kadolph
Date: Sat, 12 Mar 2011 03:22:19 +0800
Subject: Add require 'date' to use in plugin template MIT-LICENSE
railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
index 8b1aed974f..5b4687ce64 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/slice'
require "rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator"
+require 'date'
module Rails
class PluginBuilder
cgit v1.2.3
From c540b3544100a29d3d34ada220c175dbd70bab2f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lars Smit
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 09:07:23 +0100
Subject: Removed double texts
.../guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile | 13 -------------
1 file changed, 13 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile b/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
index 4ba01a2a8f..846a25d6d2 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
@@ -364,19 +364,6 @@ Please make sure the patch does not introduce whitespace errors:
$ git apply --whitespace=error-all mynew_patch.diff
-You can check your patches by applying your patch to an different dedicated branch:
-$ git checkout -b testing_branch
-$ git apply --check my_new_patch.diff
-You can make sure your patches don't add any whitespace by applying it yourself using the --whitespace=error-all option. Make sure you are on your dedicated test branche and:
-$ git apply --whitespace=error-all mynew_patch.diff
h4. Create a Lighthouse Ticket
cgit v1.2.3
From 88d8ca2ef976ea802657c92a3d27e2737247ee5c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jack Dempsey
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 08:01:12 +0800
Subject: use parens and silence ambiguous args warnings
.../test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb | 12 +++++------
railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb | 24 +++++++++++-----------
2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb
index 2a8b337144..3c11c8dbaf 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class PluginNewGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
def test_ensure_that_plugin_options_are_not_passed_to_app_generator
- assert_no_match /It works from file!.*It works_from_file/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"])
+ assert_no_match(/It works from file!.*It works_from_file/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"]))
def test_ensure_that_test_dummy_can_be_generated_from_a_template
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class PluginNewGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
def test_ensure_that_skip_active_record_option_is_passed_to_app_generator
run_generator [destination_root, "--skip_active_record"]
assert_no_file "test/dummy/config/database.yml"
- assert_no_match /ActiveRecord/,, "test/test_helper.rb"))
+ assert_no_match(/ActiveRecord/,, "test/test_helper.rb")))
def test_ensure_that_database_option_is_passed_to_app_generator
@@ -134,21 +134,21 @@ class PluginNewGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
def test_template_from_dir_pwd
- assert_match /It works from file!/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"])
+ assert_match(/It works from file!/, run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "lib/template.rb"]))
def test_ensure_that_tests_works
run_generator destination_root
`bundle install`
- assert_match /1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bundle exec rake test`
+ assert_match(/1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bundle exec rake test`)
def test_ensure_that_tests_works_in_full_mode
run_generator [destination_root, "--full", "--skip_active_record"] destination_root
`bundle install`
- assert_match /2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bundle exec rake test`
+ assert_match(/2 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, `bundle exec rake test`)
def test_creating_engine_in_full_mode
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ class PluginNewGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
def test_being_quiet_while_creating_dummy_application
- assert_no_match /create\s+config\/application.rb/, run_generator
+ assert_no_match(/create\s+config\/application.rb/, run_generator)
def test_create_mountable_application_with_mountable_option
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb b/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
index 9e6169721b..592da39ccd 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
def test_invalid_database_option_raises_an_error
content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "unknown"]) }
- assert_match /Invalid value for \-\-database option/, content
+ assert_match(/Invalid value for \-\-database option/, content)
def test_test_unit_is_skipped_if_required
@@ -42,21 +42,21 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
def test_options_before_application_name_raises_an_error
content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator(["--pretend", destination_root]) }
- assert_match /Options should be given after the \w+ name. For details run: rails( plugin)? --help\n/, content
+ assert_match(/Options should be given after the \w+ name. For details run: rails( plugin)? --help\n/, content)
def test_name_collision_raises_an_error
reserved_words = %w[application destroy plugin runner test]
reserved_words.each do |reserved|
content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, reserved)] }
- assert_match /Invalid \w+ name #{reserved}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words.\n/, content
+ assert_match(/Invalid \w+ name #{reserved}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words.\n/, content)
def test_name_raises_an_error_if_name_already_used_constant
%w{ String Hash Class Module Set Symbol }.each do |ruby_class|
content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, ruby_class)] }
- assert_match /Invalid \w+ name #{ruby_class}, constant #{ruby_class} is already in use. Please choose another \w+ name.\n/, content
+ assert_match(/Invalid \w+ name #{ruby_class}, constant #{ruby_class} is already in use. Please choose another \w+ name.\n/, content)
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
def test_template_raises_an_error_with_invalid_path
content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "non/existant/path"]) }
- assert_match /The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content
- assert_match /non\/existant\/path/, content
+ assert_match(/The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content)
+ assert_match(/non\/existant\/path/, content)
def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
generator([destination_root], :template => path).expects(:open).with(path, 'Accept' => 'application/x-thor-template').returns(template)
- assert_match /It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke_all }
+ assert_match(/It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke_all })
def test_dev_option
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
def test_template_raises_an_error_with_invalid_path
content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator([destination_root, "-m", "non/existant/path"]) }
- assert_match /The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content
- assert_match /non\/existant\/path/, content
+ assert_match(/The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content)
+ assert_match(/non\/existant\/path/, content)
def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
generator([destination_root], :template => path).expects(:open).with(path, 'Accept' => 'application/x-thor-template').returns(template)
- assert_match /It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke_all }
+ assert_match(/It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke_all })
def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied_an_https_path
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
generator([destination_root], :template => path).expects(:open).with(path, 'Accept' => 'application/x-thor-template').returns(template)
- assert_match /It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke_all }
+ assert_match(/It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke_all })
def test_dev_option
@@ -191,6 +191,6 @@ module SharedCustomGeneratorTests
generator([destination_root], :builder => path).expects(:open).with(path, 'Accept' => 'application/x-thor-template').returns(template)
capture(:stdout) { generator.invoke_all }
- default_files.each{ |path| assert_no_file path }
+ default_files.each{ |path| assert_no_file(path) }
cgit v1.2.3
From dfa9e2811320d44ff140f115a4f7a3abb41bda16 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jack Dempsey
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 08:59:20 +0800
Subject: silence @dummy_path not defined warnings
railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb | 1 +
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
index 5b4687ce64..c373ca5e67 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ task :default => :test
def initialize(*args)
raise Error, "Options should be given after the plugin name. For details run: rails plugin --help" if args[0].blank?
+ @dummy_path = nil
cgit v1.2.3
From de5e41f855a8d715d99eec6195f9b31cc4048b99 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xavier Noria
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 21:59:58 +0100
Subject: move the tips about :allow_(nil|blank) near their explanations, also
no need to say these are options for all validators if they are not
.../guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile | 8 +++++---
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
index bfb06a9cd5..e5349d546c 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
@@ -461,9 +461,7 @@ The block receives the model, the attribute's name and the attribute's value. Yo
h3. Common Validation Options
-There are some common options that all the validation helpers can use. Here they are, except for the +:if+ and +:unless+ options, which are discussed later in "Conditional Validation":#conditional-validation.
-TIP: Note that +allow_nil+ and +allow_blank+ will be ignored when using the presence validator. Please use the length validator if you want to validate if something is a specific length but allows for +nil+ values.
+These are common validation options:
h4. +:allow_nil+
@@ -476,6 +474,8 @@ class Coffee < ActiveRecord::Base
+TIP: +:allow_nil+ is ignored by the presence validator.
h4. +:allow_blank+
The +:allow_blank+ option is similar to the +:allow_nil+ option. This option will let validation pass if the attribute's value is +blank?+, like +nil+ or an empty string for example.
@@ -489,6 +489,8 @@ Topic.create("title" => "").valid? # => true
Topic.create("title" => nil).valid? # => true
+TIP: +:allow_blank+ is ignored by the presence validator.
h4. +:message+
As you've already seen, the +:message+ option lets you specify the message that will be added to the +errors+ collection when validation fails. When this option is not used, Active Record will use the respective default error message for each validation helper.
cgit v1.2.3
From a0826cceea8d181cc28046929c9025147f9325af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xavier Noria
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 22:06:27 +0100
Subject: be be -> be
railties/guides/source/testing.textile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
index f4111269ba..4ebdb3edf6 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ If you're familiar with the HTTP protocol, you'll know that +get+ is a type of r
All of request types are methods that you can use, however, you'll probably end up using the first two more often than the others.
-NOTE: Functional tests do not verify whether the specified request type should be be accepted by the action. Request types in this context exist to make your tests more descriptive.
+NOTE: Functional tests do not verify whether the specified request type should be accepted by the action. Request types in this context exist to make your tests more descriptive.
h4. The Four Hashes of the Apocalypse
cgit v1.2.3
From 3edba7189509915c0159e84a7c9be980fae0732f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nicolas Cavigneaux
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 13:04:39 +0100
Subject: Add link to mailing-list
railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile b/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
index 846a25d6d2..1fcc4fd7e3 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Now create a ticket with your patch. Go to the "new ticket":http://rails.lightho
h4. Get Some Feedback
-Now you need to get other people to look at your patch, just as you've looked at other people's patches. You can use the rubyonrails-core mailing list or the #rails-contrib channel on IRC freenode for this. You might also try just talking to Rails developers that you know.
+Now you need to get other people to look at your patch, just as you've looked at other people's patches. You can use the "rubyonrails-core mailing list": or the #rails-contrib channel on IRC freenode for this. You might also try just talking to Rails developers that you know.
h4. Iterate as Necessary
cgit v1.2.3
From 6c309f04c9e2538cc61d6a1c753da3c6cc91b51f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gabriel Horner
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 19:53:36 -0400
Subject: Beef up Rails::Railtie::Configuration docs
railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb | 8 ++++++++
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb b/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb
index e4368866a1..2c7b5bc048 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/railtie/configuration.rb
@@ -31,26 +31,34 @@ module Rails
+ # First configurable block to run. Called before any initializers are run.
def before_configuration(&block)
ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_configuration, :yield => true, &block)
+ # Third configurable block to run. Does not run if config.cache_classes
+ # set to false.
def before_eager_load(&block)
ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_eager_load, :yield => true, &block)
+ # Second configurable block to run. Called before frameworks initialize.
def before_initialize(&block)
ActiveSupport.on_load(:before_initialize, :yield => true, &block)
+ # Last configurable block to run. Called after frameworks initialize.
def after_initialize(&block)
ActiveSupport.on_load(:after_initialize, :yield => true, &block)
+ # Array of callbacks defined by #to_prepare.
def to_prepare_blocks
@@to_prepare_blocks ||= []
+ # Defines generic callbacks to run before #after_initialize. Useful for
+ # Rails::Railtie subclasses.
def to_prepare(&blk)
to_prepare_blocks << blk if blk
cgit v1.2.3
From c24e5548fd372e4d0058ab417230ebc2fa3bebde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Bigg
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 12:16:13 +1100
Subject: Querying guide: mention that performing a where on an relation that
contains an includes statement will generate a LEFT OUTER JOIN rather than an
INNER JOIN or another query
railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile | 14 ++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
index ed3968e226..e0fab46db9 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
@@ -747,6 +747,20 @@ h4. Specifying Conditions on Eager Loaded Associations
Even though Active Record lets you specify conditions on the eager loaded associations just like +joins+, the recommended way is to use "joins":#joining-tables instead.
+However if you must do this, you may use +where+ as you would normally.
+Post.includes(:comments).where("comments.visible", true)
+This would generate a query which contains a +LEFT OUTER JOIN+ whereas the +joins+ method would generate one using the +INNER JOIN+ function instead.
+ SELECT "posts"."id" AS t0_r0, ... "comments"."updated_at" AS t1_r5 FROM "posts" LEFT OUTER JOIN "comments" ON "comments"."post_id" = "posts"."id" WHERE (comments.visible)
+If in this case there were no comments for any posts, all the posts would still be loaded. By using +joins+ (an INNER JOIN), the join conditions *must* match, otherwise no records will be returned.
h3. Scopes
Scoping allows you to specify commonly-used ARel queries which can be referenced as method calls on the association objects or models. With these scopes, you can use every method previously covered such as +where+, +joins+ and +includes+. All scope methods will return an +ActiveRecord::Relation+ object which will allow for further methods (such as other scopes) to be called on it.
cgit v1.2.3
From 5a44951186b410c3a79685f8aeaa926d93a6aab0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Bigg
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 12:16:15 +1100
Subject: Querying guide: mention that performing a where on an relation that
contains an includes statement will generate a LEFT OUTER JOIN rather than an
INNER JOIN or another query
railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
index e0fab46db9..009d541106 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
@@ -759,7 +759,9 @@ This would generate a query which contains a +LEFT OUTER JOIN+ whereas the +join
SELECT "posts"."id" AS t0_r0, ... "comments"."updated_at" AS t1_r5 FROM "posts" LEFT OUTER JOIN "comments" ON "comments"."post_id" = "posts"."id" WHERE (comments.visible)
-If in this case there were no comments for any posts, all the posts would still be loaded. By using +joins+ (an INNER JOIN), the join conditions *must* match, otherwise no records will be returned.
+If there was no +where+ condition, this would generate the normal set of two queries.
+If, in the case of this +includes+ query, there were no comments for any posts, all the posts would still be loaded. By using +joins+ (an INNER JOIN), the join conditions *must* match, otherwise no records will be returned.
h3. Scopes
cgit v1.2.3
From 137ff0402a05e39c85852b148443750d5d222b66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ryan Bigg
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 08:33:06 +1100
Subject: Caching guide: Capitalize 'Note' so that it's rendered as a proper
railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile b/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile
index 1b5ec40d16..297ba2d661 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ end
If you want a more complicated expiration scheme, you can use cache sweepers to expire cached objects when things change. This is covered in the section on Sweepers.
-Note: Page caching ignores all parameters. For example +/products?page=1+ will be written out to the filesystem as +products.html+ with no reference to the +page+ parameter. Thus, if someone requests +/products?page=2+ later, they will get the cached first page. Be careful when page caching GET parameters in the URL!
+NOTE: Page caching ignores all parameters. For example +/products?page=1+ will be written out to the filesystem as +products.html+ with no reference to the +page+ parameter. Thus, if someone requests +/products?page=2+ later, they will get the cached first page. Be careful when page caching GET parameters in the URL!
INFO: Page caching runs in an after filter. Thus, invalid requests won't generate spurious cache entries as long as you halt them. Typically, a redirection in some before filter that checks request preconditions does the job.
cgit v1.2.3
From ee8ca49414271026575dab70947b446ac6e4b51a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dr Nic Williams
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 15:11:12 -0700
Subject: Update 'Getting Started on Windows' tip to go to one-click Rails
railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
index e94bdc97b0..0661549644 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Usually run this as the root user:
# gem install rails
-TIP. If you're working on Windows, you should be aware that the vast majority of Rails development is done in Unix environments. While Ruby and Rails themselves install easily using for example "Ruby Installer":, the supporting ecosystem often assumes you are able to build C-based rubygems and work in a command window. If at all possible, we suggest that you install a Linux virtual machine and use that for Rails development, instead of using Windows.
+TIP. If you're working on Windows, you can quickly install Ruby and Rails with "Rails Installer":
h4. Creating the Blog Application
cgit v1.2.3
From 3a7c7dc73d6111e7c821a81d9c56024dd35769a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aditya Sanghi
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 18:06:22 +0100
Subject: Fix test for prepend giving a false positive. [#5716 state:resolved]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Signed-off-by: José Valim
railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb | 2 +-
railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb | 3 +--
2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
(limited to 'railties')
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
index c373ca5e67..3cf8410d1e 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ task :default => :test
def generate_test_dummy(force = false)
- opts = (options || {}).slice(:skip_active_record, :skip_javascript, :database, :javascript)
+ opts = (options || {}).slice(:skip_active_record, :skip_javascript, :database, :javascript, :quiet, :pretend, :force, :skip)
opts[:force] = force
invoke Rails::Generators::AppGenerator,
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb b/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
index 592da39ccd..c9c5d2fad2 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators/shared_generator_tests.rb
@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ module SharedGeneratorTests
def test_plugin_new_generate_pretend
run_generator ["testapp", "--pretend"]
- default_files.each{ |path| assert_no_file path }
+ default_files.each{ |path| assert_no_file File.join("testapp",path) }
def test_invalid_database_option_raises_an_error
cgit v1.2.3