From 654704247eba742e139cfaa8d1385f13605d9e12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "yuuji.yaginuma" <>
Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2016 06:52:17 +0900
Subject: use Thor option parser in server commands parse

The `ServerCommand` inherits Thor, but currently does not use Thor
option parser.
Therefore, if leave the argument of Thor as it is, it becomes an error by
the argument checking of Thor.
To avoid it, to use the Thor option parser instead of reimplementing it.

Fixes #26964
 .../lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb    | 121 ++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

(limited to 'railties/lib')

diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb b/railties/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb
index e9538b804c..15c636103b 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/commands/server/server_command.rb
@@ -7,51 +7,14 @@ require "rails/dev_caching"
 module Rails
   class Server < ::Rack::Server
     class Options
-      DEFAULT_PID_PATH = File.expand_path("tmp/pids/").freeze
       def parse!(args)
-        args, options = args.dup, {}
-        option_parser(options).parse! args
-        options[:log_stdout] = options[:daemonize].blank? && (options[:environment] || Rails.env) == "development"
-        options[:server]     = args.shift
-        options
-      end
-      def option_parser(options) # :nodoc:
- do |opts|
-          opts.banner = "Usage: rails server [puma, thin etc] [options]"
-          opts.separator ""
-          opts.separator "Options:"
-          opts.on("-p", "--port=port", Integer,
-                  "Runs Rails on the specified port.", "Default: 3000") { |v| options[:Port] = v }
-          opts.on("-b", "--binding=IP", String,
-                  "Binds Rails to the specified IP.", "Default: localhost") { |v| options[:Host] = v }
-          opts.on("-c", "--config=file", String,
-                  "Uses a custom rackup configuration.") { |v| options[:config] = v }
-          opts.on("-d", "--daemon", "Runs server as a Daemon.") { options[:daemonize] = true }
-          opts.on("-e", "--environment=name", String,
-                  "Specifies the environment to run this server under (test/development/production).",
-                  "Default: development") { |v| options[:environment] = v }
-          opts.on("-P", "--pid=pid", String,
-                  "Specifies the PID file.",
-                  "Default: tmp/pids/") { |v| options[:pid] = v }
-          opts.on("-C", "--[no-]dev-caching",
-                  "Specifies whether to perform caching in development.",
-                  "true or false") { |v| options[:caching] = v }
-          opts.separator ""
-          opts.on("-h", "--help", "Shows this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
-        end
+[], args).server_options
-    def initialize(*)
-      super
+    def initialize(options = nil)
+      @default_options = options || {}
+      super(@default_options)
@@ -90,15 +53,7 @@ module Rails
     def default_options
-      super.merge(
-        Port:               ENV.fetch("PORT", 3000).to_i,
-        Host:               ENV.fetch("HOST", "localhost").dup,
-        DoNotReverseLookup: true,
-        environment:        (ENV["RAILS_ENV"] || ENV["RACK_ENV"] || "development").dup,
-        daemonize:          false,
-        caching:            nil,
-        pid:                Options::DEFAULT_PID_PATH,
-        restart_cmd:        restart_command)
+      super.merge(@default_options)
@@ -140,14 +95,33 @@ module Rails
   module Command
     class ServerCommand < Base # :nodoc:
-      def help
-        puts
+      DEFAULT_PID_PATH = File.expand_path("tmp/pids/").freeze
+      class_option :port, aliases: "-p", type: :numeric,
+        desc: "Runs Rails on the specified port.", banner: :port, default: 3000
+      class_option :binding, aliases: "-b", type: :string, default: "localhost",
+        desc: "Binds Rails to the specified IP.", banner: :IP
+      class_option :config, aliases: "-c", type: :string, default: "",
+        desc: "Uses a custom rackup configuration.", banner: :file
+      class_option :daemon, aliases: "-d", type: :boolean, default: false,
+        desc: "Runs server as a Daemon."
+      class_option :environment, aliases: "-e", type: :string,
+        desc: "Specifies the environment to run this server under (development/test/production).", banner: :name
+      class_option :pid, aliases: "-P", type: :string, default: DEFAULT_PID_PATH,
+        desc: "Specifies the PID file."
+      class_option "dev-caching", aliases: "-C", type: :boolean, default: nil,
+        desc: "Specifies whether to perform caching in development."
+      def initialize(args = [], local_options = {}, config = {})
+        @original_options = local_options
+        super
+        @server = self.args.shift
+        @log_stdout = options[:daemon].blank? && (options[:environment] || Rails.env) == "development"
       def perform
- do |server|
+ do |server|
           # Require application after server sets environment to propagate
           # the --environment option.
           require APP_PATH
@@ -155,6 +129,45 @@ module Rails
+      no_commands do
+        def server_options
+          {
+            server:             @server,
+            log_stdout:         @log_stdout,
+            Port:               port,
+            Host:               host,
+            DoNotReverseLookup: true,
+            config:             options[:config],
+            environment:        environment,
+            daemonize:          options[:daemon],
+            pid:                options[:pid],
+            caching:            options["dev-caching"],
+            restart_cmd:        restart_command
+          }
+        end
+      end
+      private
+        def port
+          ENV.fetch("PORT", options[:port]).to_i
+        end
+        def host
+          ENV.fetch("HOST", options[:binding])
+        end
+        def environment
+          options[:environment] || Rails::Command.environment
+        end
+        def restart_command
+          "bin/rails server #{@server} #{@original_options.join(" ")}"
+        end
+        def self.banner(*)
+          "rails server [puma, thin etc] [options]"
+        end
cgit v1.2.3