From 305e2922a4b358f0ae5630672b6144d3013b603d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jon Moss <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2016 10:59:24 -0500
Subject: Create `CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest`; common tests module

Created a new module (a la Action Cable subscription adapter's test
suite) to be included in all sub class test to ensure compatability and
reduce duplicated code.
 activesupport/test/xml_mini/common.rb              | 229 +++++++++++++++++++++
 activesupport/test/xml_mini/jdom_engine_test.rb    | 142 +------------
 activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxml_engine_test.rb  | 190 +----------------
 .../test/xml_mini/libxmlsax_engine_test.rb         | 183 +---------------
 .../test/xml_mini/nokogiri_engine_test.rb          | 205 +-----------------
 .../test/xml_mini/nokogirisax_engine_test.rb       | 206 +-----------------
 activesupport/test/xml_mini/rexml_engine_test.rb   |  40 ++--
 7 files changed, 279 insertions(+), 916 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 activesupport/test/xml_mini/common.rb

(limited to 'activesupport/test/xml_mini')

diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/common.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/common.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..900fb31ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/common.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+module CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
+  def setup
+    @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
+    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = adapter_name
+  end
+  def teardown
+    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend
+  end
+  def test_file_from_xml
+    hash = Hash.from_xml(<<-eoxml)
+    <blog>
+      <logo type="file" name="logo.png" content_type="image/png">
+      </logo>
+    </blog>
+  eoxml
+    assert hash.has_key?("blog")
+    assert hash["blog"].has_key?("logo")
+    file = hash["blog"]["logo"]
+    assert_equal "logo.png", file.original_filename
+    assert_equal "image/png", file.content_type
+  end
+  def test_exception_thrown_on_expansion_attack
+    assert_raise expansion_attack_error do
+      attack_xml = <<-EOT
+    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <!DOCTYPE member [
+      <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
+      <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
+      <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
+      <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
+      <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
+      <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
+      <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
+    ]>
+    <member>
+    &a;
+    </member>
+    EOT
+      Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_setting_backend
+    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = adapter_name
+    assert_equal ActiveSupport.const_get("XmlMini_#{adapter_name}"), ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
+    #assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_Nokogiri
+  end
+  def test_blank_returns_empty_hash
+    assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(nil))
+    assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
+  end
+  def test_array_type_makes_an_array
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+    <blog>
+      <posts type="array">
+        <post>a post</post>
+        <post>another post</post>
+      </posts>
+    </blog>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_one_node_document_as_hash
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+    <products/>
+    eoxml
+  end
+  def test_one_node_with_attributes_document_as_hash
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+    <products foo="bar"/>
+    eoxml
+  end
+  def test_products_node_with_book_node_as_hash
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <products>
+    <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
+  </products>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_products_node_with_two_book_nodes_as_hash
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <products>
+    <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
+    <book name="america" id="67890" />
+  </products>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_single_node_with_content_as_hash
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+    <products>
+      hello world
+    </products>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_children
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products>
+      <book name="america" id="67890" />
+    </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_text
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products>
+      hello everyone
+    </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_non_adjacent_text
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    good
+    <products>
+      hello everyone
+    </products>
+    morning
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_parse_from_io
+    jdom_skip
+    io =<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    good
+    <products>
+      hello everyone
+    </products>
+    morning
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+    assert_equal_rexml(io)
+  end
+  def test_children_with_simple_cdata
+    jdom_skip
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products>
+       <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
+    </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_multiple_cdata
+    jdom_skip
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products>
+       <![CDATA[cdatablock1]]><![CDATA[cdatablock2]]>
+    </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_text_and_cdata
+    jdom_skip
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products>
+      hello <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
+      morning
+    </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_blank_text
+    jdom_skip
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products>   </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  def test_children_with_blank_text_and_attribute
+    jdom_skip
+    assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
+  <root>
+    <products type="file">   </products>
+  </root>
+  eoxml
+  end
+  private
+    def adapter_name
+      raise NotImplementedError
+    end
+    def assert_equal_rexml(xml)
+      parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)
+      xml.rewind if xml.respond_to?(:rewind)
+      hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml) }
+      assert_equal(hash, parsed_xml)
+    end
+    def expansion_attack_error
+      raise NotImplementedError
+    end
+    def jdom_skip
+      skip "JDOM does not support this test" if adapter_name == "JDOM"
+    end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/jdom_engine_test.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/jdom_engine_test.rb
index 66b15aed4a..f42fc195cc 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/jdom_engine_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/jdom_engine_test.rb
@@ -2,33 +2,12 @@ if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("java")
   require "abstract_unit"
   require "active_support/xml_mini"
   require "active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions"
+  require_relative "./common"
   class JDOMEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
     FILES_DIR = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../fixtures/xml"
-    def setup
-      @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "JDOM"
-    end
-    def teardown
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend
-    end
-    def test_file_from_xml
-      hash = Hash.from_xml(<<-eoxml)
-         <blog>
-           <logo type="file" name="logo.png" content_type="image/png">
-           </logo>
-         </blog>
-       eoxml
-      assert hash.has_key?("blog")
-      assert hash["blog"].has_key?("logo")
-      file = hash["blog"]["logo"]
-      assert_equal "logo.png", file.original_filename
-      assert_equal "image/png", file.content_type
-    end
+    include CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
     def test_not_allowed_to_expand_entities_to_files
       attack_xml = <<-EOT
@@ -61,121 +40,14 @@ if RUBY_PLATFORM.include?("java")
       assert_equal "x", Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)["member"]
-    def test_exception_thrown_on_expansion_attack
-      assert_raise Java::OrgXmlSax::SAXParseException do
-        attack_xml = <<-EOT
-      <!DOCTYPE member [
-        <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
-        <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
-        <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
-        <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
-        <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
-        <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
-        <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-      ]>
-      <member>
-      &a;
-      </member>
-        EOT
-        Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
-      end
-    end
-    def test_setting_JDOM_as_backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "JDOM"
-      assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_JDOM, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-    end
-    def test_blank_returns_empty_hash
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(nil))
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
-    end
-    def test_array_type_makes_an_array
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <posts type="array">
-          <post>a post</post>
-          <post>another post</post>
-        </posts>
-      </blog>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_with_attributes_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products foo="bar"/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_book_node_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-    </products>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_two_book_nodes_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-      <book name="america" id="67890" />
-    </products>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_single_node_with_content_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products>
-        hello world
-      </products>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_children
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        <book name="america" id="67890" />
-      </products>
-    </root>
-      eoxml
-    end
+    private
-    def test_children_with_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-    </root>
-      eoxml
+    def adapter_name
+      "JDOM"
-    def test_children_with_non_adjacent_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-      eoxml
+    def expansion_attack_error
+      Java::OrgXmlSax::SAXParseException
-    private
-      def assert_equal_rexml(xml)
-        parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)
-        hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml) }
-        assert_equal(hash, parsed_xml)
-      end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxml_engine_test.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxml_engine_test.rb
index ae3a5562e0..ff4759b082 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxml_engine_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxml_engine_test.rb
@@ -6,196 +6,24 @@ else
   require "abstract_unit"
   require "active_support/xml_mini"
   require "active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions"
+  require_relative "./common"
   class LibxmlEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-    def setup
-      @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "LibXML"
+    include CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
+    def setup
+      super
       LibXML::XML::Error.set_handler(&lambda { |error| }) #silence libxml, exceptions will do
-    def teardown
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend
-    end
-    def test_exception_thrown_on_expansion_attack
-      assert_raise LibXML::XML::Error do
-        attack_xml = %{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-        <!DOCTYPE member [
-          <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
-          <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
-          <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
-          <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
-          <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
-          <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
-          <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-        ]>
-        <member>
-        &a;
-        </member>
-       }
-        Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
-      end
-    end
-    def test_setting_libxml_as_backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "LibXML"
-      assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_LibXML, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-    end
-    def test_blank_returns_empty_hash
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(nil))
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
-    end
-    def test_array_type_makes_an_array
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <posts type="array">
-          <post>a post</post>
-          <post>another post</post>
-        </posts>
-      </blog>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_with_attributes_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products foo="bar"/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_book_node_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_two_book_nodes_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-      <book name="america" id="67890" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_single_node_with_content_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products>
-        hello world
-      </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_children
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        <book name="america" id="67890" />
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_non_adjacent_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_parse_from_io
-      io =<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-      assert_equal_rexml(io)
-    end
-    def test_children_with_simple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_multiple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock1]]><![CDATA[cdatablock2]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text_and_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-        morning
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
+    private
-    def test_children_with_blank_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def adapter_name
+      "LibXML"
-    def test_children_with_blank_text_and_attribute
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products type="file">   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def expansion_attack_error
+      LibXML::XML::Error
-    private
-      def assert_equal_rexml(xml)
-        parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)
-        xml.rewind if xml.respond_to?(:rewind)
-        hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml) }
-        assert_equal(hash, parsed_xml)
-      end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxmlsax_engine_test.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxmlsax_engine_test.rb
index f52afd273e..73eff9ac44 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxmlsax_engine_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/libxmlsax_engine_test.rb
@@ -6,188 +6,19 @@ else
   require "abstract_unit"
   require "active_support/xml_mini"
   require "active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions"
+  require_relative "./common"
   class LibXMLSAXEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-    def setup
-      @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "LibXMLSAX"
-    end
-    def teardown
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend
-    end
-    def test_exception_thrown_on_expansion_attack
-      assert_raise LibXML::XML::Error do
-        attack_xml = <<-EOT
-      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-      <!DOCTYPE member [
-        <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
-        <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
-        <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
-        <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
-        <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
-        <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
-        <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-      ]>
-      <member>
-      &a;
-      </member>
-      EOT
-        Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
-      end
-    end
-    def test_setting_libxml_as_backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "LibXMLSAX"
-      assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_LibXMLSAX, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-    end
-    def test_blank_returns_empty_hash
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(nil))
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
-    end
+    include CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
-    def test_array_type_makes_an_array
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <posts type="array">
-          <post>a post</post>
-          <post>another post</post>
-        </posts>
-      </blog>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_with_attributes_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products foo="bar"/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_book_node_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_two_book_nodes_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-      <book name="america" id="67890" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_single_node_with_content_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products>
-        hello world
-      </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_children
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        <book name="america" id="67890" />
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_non_adjacent_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_parse_from_io
-      io =<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-      assert_equal_rexml(io)
-    end
-    def test_children_with_simple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_multiple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock1]]><![CDATA[cdatablock2]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
+    private
-    def test_children_with_text_and_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-        morning
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def adapter_name
+      "LibXMLSAX"
-    def test_children_with_blank_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def expansion_attack_error
+      LibXML::XML::Error
-    private
-      def assert_equal_rexml(xml)
-        parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)
-        xml.rewind if xml.respond_to?(:rewind)
-        hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml) }
-        assert_equal(hash, parsed_xml)
-      end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogiri_engine_test.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogiri_engine_test.rb
index 44b82da4e4..b0c4985a50 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogiri_engine_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogiri_engine_test.rb
@@ -6,210 +6,19 @@ else
   require "abstract_unit"
   require "active_support/xml_mini"
   require "active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions"
+  require_relative "./common"
   class NokogiriEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-    def setup
-      @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "Nokogiri"
-    end
-    def teardown
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend
-    end
-    def test_file_from_xml
-      hash = Hash.from_xml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <logo type="file" name="logo.png" content_type="image/png">
-        </logo>
-      </blog>
-    eoxml
-      assert hash.has_key?("blog")
-      assert hash["blog"].has_key?("logo")
-      file = hash["blog"]["logo"]
-      assert_equal "logo.png", file.original_filename
-      assert_equal "image/png", file.content_type
-    end
+    include CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
-    def test_exception_thrown_on_expansion_attack
-      assert_raise Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError do
-        attack_xml = <<-EOT
-      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-      <!DOCTYPE member [
-        <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
-        <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
-        <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
-        <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
-        <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
-        <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
-        <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-      ]>
-      <member>
-      &a;
-      </member>
-      EOT
-        Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
-      end
-    end
-    def test_setting_nokogiri_as_backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "Nokogiri"
-      assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_Nokogiri, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-    end
-    def test_blank_returns_empty_hash
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(nil))
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
-    end
-    def test_array_type_makes_an_array
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <posts type="array">
-          <post>a post</post>
-          <post>another post</post>
-        </posts>
-      </blog>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_with_attributes_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products foo="bar"/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_book_node_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_two_book_nodes_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-      <book name="america" id="67890" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_single_node_with_content_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products>
-        hello world
-      </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_children
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        <book name="america" id="67890" />
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_non_adjacent_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_parse_from_io
-      io =<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-      assert_equal_rexml(io)
-    end
-    def test_children_with_simple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_multiple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock1]]><![CDATA[cdatablock2]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text_and_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-        morning
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
+    private
-    def test_children_with_blank_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def expansion_attack_error
+      Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError
-    def test_children_with_blank_text_and_attribute
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products type="file">   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def adapter_name
+      "Nokogiri"
-    private
-      def assert_equal_rexml(xml)
-        parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)
-        xml.rewind if xml.respond_to?(:rewind)
-        hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml) }
-        assert_equal(hash, parsed_xml)
-      end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogirisax_engine_test.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogirisax_engine_test.rb
index 24b35cadf6..5be339b826 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogirisax_engine_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/nokogirisax_engine_test.rb
@@ -6,211 +6,19 @@ else
   require "abstract_unit"
   require "active_support/xml_mini"
   require "active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions"
+  require_relative "./common"
   class NokogiriSAXEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-    def setup
-      @default_backend = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "NokogiriSAX"
-    end
-    def teardown
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = @default_backend
-    end
-    def test_file_from_xml
-      hash = Hash.from_xml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <logo type="file" name="logo.png" content_type="image/png">
-        </logo>
-      </blog>
-    eoxml
-      assert hash.has_key?("blog")
-      assert hash["blog"].has_key?("logo")
-      file = hash["blog"]["logo"]
-      assert_equal "logo.png", file.original_filename
-      assert_equal "image/png", file.content_type
-    end
-    def test_exception_thrown_on_expansion_attack
-      assert_raise RuntimeError do
-        attack_xml = <<-EOT
-      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-      <!DOCTYPE member [
-        <!ENTITY a "&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;&b;">
-        <!ENTITY b "&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;&c;">
-        <!ENTITY c "&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;&d;">
-        <!ENTITY d "&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;&e;">
-        <!ENTITY e "&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;&f;">
-        <!ENTITY f "&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;&g;">
-        <!ENTITY g "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
-      ]>
-      <member>
-      &a;
-      </member>
-      EOT
-        Hash.from_xml(attack_xml)
-      end
-    end
-    def test_setting_nokogirisax_as_backend
-      ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "NokogiriSAX"
-      assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_NokogiriSAX, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-    end
-    def test_blank_returns_empty_hash
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(nil))
-      assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
-    end
-    def test_array_type_makes_an_array
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <blog>
-        <posts type="array">
-          <post>a post</post>
-          <post>another post</post>
-        </posts>
-      </blog>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_one_node_with_attributes_document_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products foo="bar"/>
-      eoxml
-    end
-    def test_products_node_with_book_node_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
+    include CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
-    def test_products_node_with_two_book_nodes_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <products>
-      <book name="awesome" id="12345" />
-      <book name="america" id="67890" />
-    </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_single_node_with_content_as_hash
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-      <products>
-        hello world
-      </products>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_children
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        <book name="america" id="67890" />
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_non_adjacent_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_parse_from_io
-      io =<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-      assert_equal_rexml(io)
-    end
-    def test_children_with_simple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_multiple_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-         <![CDATA[cdatablock1]]><![CDATA[cdatablock2]]>
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
-    def test_children_with_text_and_cdata
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>
-        hello <![CDATA[cdatablock]]>
-        morning
-      </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    end
+    private
-    def test_children_with_blank_text
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products>   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def adapter_name
+      "NokogiriSAX"
-    def test_children_with_blank_text_and_attribute
-      assert_equal_rexml(<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      <products type="file">   </products>
-    </root>
-    eoxml
+    def expansion_attack_error
+      RuntimeError
-    private
-      def assert_equal_rexml(xml)
-        parsed_xml = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml)
-        xml.rewind if xml.respond_to?(:rewind)
-        hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.with_backend("REXML") { ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml) }
-        assert_equal(hash, parsed_xml)
-      end
diff --git a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/rexml_engine_test.rb b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/rexml_engine_test.rb
index dc62f3f671..0f4e690746 100644
--- a/activesupport/test/xml_mini/rexml_engine_test.rb
+++ b/activesupport/test/xml_mini/rexml_engine_test.rb
@@ -1,44 +1,30 @@
 require "abstract_unit"
 require "active_support/xml_mini"
+require_relative "./common"
 class REXMLEngineTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
-  def test_default_is_rexml
-    assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-  end
+  include CommonXMLMiniAdapterTest
-  def test_set_rexml_as_backend
-    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "REXML"
+  def test_default_is_rexml
     assert_equal ActiveSupport::XmlMini_REXML, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend
-  def test_parse_from_io
-    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "REXML"
-    io =<<-eoxml)
-    <root>
-      good
-      <products>
-        hello everyone
-      </products>
-      morning
-    </root>
-    eoxml
-    hash = ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(io)
-    assert hash.has_key?("root")
-    assert hash["root"].has_key?("products")
-    assert_match "good", hash["root"]["__content__"]
-    products = hash["root"]["products"]
-    assert products.has_key?("__content__")
-    assert_match "hello everyone", products["__content__"]
-  end
   def test_parse_from_empty_string
-    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "REXML"
     assert_equal({}, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(""))
   def test_parse_from_frozen_string
-    ActiveSupport::XmlMini.backend = "REXML"
     xml_string = "<root></root>".freeze
     assert_equal({ "root" => {} }, ActiveSupport::XmlMini.parse(xml_string))
+  private
+  def adapter_name
+    "REXML"
+  end
+  def expansion_attack_error
+    RuntimeError
+  end
cgit v1.2.3