From 361dcad8fd022065bc38fd557b0ec02d6e3f1a0b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Leon Breedt
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2005 05:39:45 +0000
Subject: be explicit about the object to do #instance_eval in for delegated
dispatching, clean up iterations to use #zip (bitsweat),
git-svn-id: 5ecf4fe2-1ee6-0310-87b1-e25e094e27de
actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api.rb | 205 ++++++++++++++++++++-
.../lib/action_web_service/api/base.rb | 204 --------------------
actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/casting.rb | 3 +-
.../lib/action_web_service/client/soap_client.rb | 2 -
.../container/delegated_container.rb | 2 +-
.../dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb | 5 +-
.../action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb | 9 +-
.../action_web_service/support/signature_types.rb | 9 +-
.../templates/scaffolds/parameters.rhtml | 2 -
.../lib/action_web_service/test_invoke.rb | 13 +-
10 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 229 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api/base.rb
(limited to 'actionwebservice/lib')
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api.rb
index ab8b696ab4..4548856d86 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api.rb
@@ -1 +1,204 @@
-require 'action_web_service/api/base'
+module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
+ module API # :nodoc:
+ # A web service API class specifies the methods that will be available for
+ # invocation for an API. It also contains metadata such as the method type
+ # signature hints.
+ #
+ # It is not intended to be instantiated.
+ #
+ # It is attached to web service implementation classes like
+ # ActionWebService::Base and ActionController::Base derivatives by using
+ # ClassMethods#web_service_api.
+ class Base
+ # Whether to transform the public API method names into camel-cased names
+ class_inheritable_option :inflect_names, true
+ # Whether to allow ActiveRecord::Base models in :expects.
+ # The default is +false+, you should be aware of the security implications
+ # of allowing this, and ensure that you don't allow remote callers to
+ # easily overwrite data they should not have access to.
+ class_inheritable_option :allow_active_record_expects, false
+ # If present, the name of a method to call when the remote caller
+ # tried to call a nonexistent method. Semantically equivalent to
+ # +method_missing+.
+ class_inheritable_option :default_api_method
+ # Disallow instantiation
+ private_class_method :new, :allocate
+ class << self
+ include ActionWebService::SignatureTypes
+ # API methods have a +name+, which must be the Ruby method name to use when
+ # performing the invocation on the web service object.
+ #
+ # The signatures for the method input parameters and return value can
+ # by specified in +options+.
+ #
+ # A signature is an array of one or more parameter specifiers.
+ # A parameter specifier can be one of the following:
+ #
+ # * A symbol or string of representing one of the Action Web Service base types.
+ # See ActionWebService::Signature for a canonical list of the base types.
+ # * The Class object of the parameter type
+ # * A single-element Array containing one of the two preceding items. This
+ # will cause Action Web Service to treat the parameter at that position
+ # as an array containing only values of the given type.
+ # * A Hash containing as key the name of the parameter, and as value
+ # one of the three preceding items
+ #
+ # If no method input parameter or method return value signatures are given,
+ # the method is assumed to take no parameters and/or return no values of
+ # interest, and any values that are received by the server will be
+ # discarded and ignored.
+ #
+ # Valid options:
+ # [:expects] Signature for the method input parameters
+ # [:returns] Signature for the method return value
+ # [:expects_and_returns] Signature for both input parameters and return value
+ def api_method(name, options={})
+ validate_options([:expects, :returns, :expects_and_returns], options.keys)
+ if options[:expects_and_returns]
+ expects = options[:expects_and_returns]
+ returns = options[:expects_and_returns]
+ else
+ expects = options[:expects]
+ returns = options[:returns]
+ end
+ expects = canonical_signature(expects)
+ returns = canonical_signature(returns)
+ if expects
+ expects.each do |type|
+ type = type.element_type if type.is_a?(ArrayType)
+ if type.type_class.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) && !allow_active_record_expects
+ raise(ActionWebServiceError, "ActiveRecord model classes not allowed in :expects")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ name = name.to_sym
+ public_name = public_api_method_name(name)
+ method =, public_name, expects, returns)
+ write_inheritable_hash("api_methods", name => method)
+ write_inheritable_hash("api_public_method_names", public_name => name)
+ end
+ # Whether the given method name is a service method on this API
+ def has_api_method?(name)
+ api_methods.has_key?(name)
+ end
+ # Whether the given public method name has a corresponding service method
+ # on this API
+ def has_public_api_method?(public_name)
+ api_public_method_names.has_key?(public_name)
+ end
+ # The corresponding public method name for the given service method name
+ def public_api_method_name(name)
+ if inflect_names
+ name.to_s.camelize
+ else
+ name.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ # The corresponding service method name for the given public method name
+ def api_method_name(public_name)
+ api_public_method_names[public_name]
+ end
+ # A Hash containing all service methods on this API, and their
+ # associated metadata.
+ def api_methods
+ read_inheritable_attribute("api_methods") || {}
+ end
+ # The Method instance for the given public API method name, if any
+ def public_api_method_instance(public_method_name)
+ api_method_instance(api_method_name(public_method_name))
+ end
+ # The Method instance for the given API method name, if any
+ def api_method_instance(method_name)
+ api_methods[method_name]
+ end
+ # The Method instance for the default API method, if any
+ def default_api_method_instance
+ return nil unless name = default_api_method
+ instance = read_inheritable_attribute("default_api_method_instance")
+ if instance && == name
+ return instance
+ end
+ instance =, public_api_method_name(name), nil, nil)
+ write_inheritable_attribute("default_api_method_instance", instance)
+ instance
+ end
+ private
+ def api_public_method_names
+ read_inheritable_attribute("api_public_method_names") || {}
+ end
+ def validate_options(valid_option_keys, supplied_option_keys)
+ unknown_option_keys = supplied_option_keys - valid_option_keys
+ unless unknown_option_keys.empty?
+ raise(ActionWebServiceError, "Unknown options: #{unknown_option_keys}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Represents an API method and its associated metadata, and provides functionality
+ # to assist in commonly performed API method tasks.
+ class Method
+ attr :name
+ attr :public_name
+ attr :expects
+ attr :returns
+ def initialize(name, public_name, expects, returns)
+ @name = name
+ @public_name = public_name
+ @expects = expects
+ @returns = returns
+ @caster =
+ end
+ # The list of parameter names for this method
+ def param_names
+ return [] unless @expects
+{ |type| }
+ end
+ # Casts a set of Ruby values into the expected Ruby values
+ def cast_expects(params)
+ @caster.cast_expects(params)
+ end
+ # Cast a Ruby return value into the expected Ruby value
+ def cast_returns(return_value)
+ @caster.cast_returns(return_value)
+ end
+ # String representation of this method
+ def to_s
+ fqn = ""
+ fqn << (@returns ? (friendly_param(@returns[0], false) + " ") : "void ")
+ fqn << "#{@public_name}("
+ fqn <<{ |p| friendly_param(p) }.join(", ") if @expects
+ fqn << ")"
+ fqn
+ end
+ private
+ def friendly_param(type, show_name=true)
+ name =
+ type_type = type.array?? type.element_type.type.to_s : type.type.to_s
+ str = type.array?? (type_type + '[]') : type_type
+ show_name ? (str + " " + name) : str
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api/base.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api/base.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4548856d86..0000000000
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/api/base.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
- module API # :nodoc:
- # A web service API class specifies the methods that will be available for
- # invocation for an API. It also contains metadata such as the method type
- # signature hints.
- #
- # It is not intended to be instantiated.
- #
- # It is attached to web service implementation classes like
- # ActionWebService::Base and ActionController::Base derivatives by using
- # ClassMethods#web_service_api.
- class Base
- # Whether to transform the public API method names into camel-cased names
- class_inheritable_option :inflect_names, true
- # Whether to allow ActiveRecord::Base models in :expects.
- # The default is +false+, you should be aware of the security implications
- # of allowing this, and ensure that you don't allow remote callers to
- # easily overwrite data they should not have access to.
- class_inheritable_option :allow_active_record_expects, false
- # If present, the name of a method to call when the remote caller
- # tried to call a nonexistent method. Semantically equivalent to
- # +method_missing+.
- class_inheritable_option :default_api_method
- # Disallow instantiation
- private_class_method :new, :allocate
- class << self
- include ActionWebService::SignatureTypes
- # API methods have a +name+, which must be the Ruby method name to use when
- # performing the invocation on the web service object.
- #
- # The signatures for the method input parameters and return value can
- # by specified in +options+.
- #
- # A signature is an array of one or more parameter specifiers.
- # A parameter specifier can be one of the following:
- #
- # * A symbol or string of representing one of the Action Web Service base types.
- # See ActionWebService::Signature for a canonical list of the base types.
- # * The Class object of the parameter type
- # * A single-element Array containing one of the two preceding items. This
- # will cause Action Web Service to treat the parameter at that position
- # as an array containing only values of the given type.
- # * A Hash containing as key the name of the parameter, and as value
- # one of the three preceding items
- #
- # If no method input parameter or method return value signatures are given,
- # the method is assumed to take no parameters and/or return no values of
- # interest, and any values that are received by the server will be
- # discarded and ignored.
- #
- # Valid options:
- # [:expects] Signature for the method input parameters
- # [:returns] Signature for the method return value
- # [:expects_and_returns] Signature for both input parameters and return value
- def api_method(name, options={})
- validate_options([:expects, :returns, :expects_and_returns], options.keys)
- if options[:expects_and_returns]
- expects = options[:expects_and_returns]
- returns = options[:expects_and_returns]
- else
- expects = options[:expects]
- returns = options[:returns]
- end
- expects = canonical_signature(expects)
- returns = canonical_signature(returns)
- if expects
- expects.each do |type|
- type = type.element_type if type.is_a?(ArrayType)
- if type.type_class.ancestors.include?(ActiveRecord::Base) && !allow_active_record_expects
- raise(ActionWebServiceError, "ActiveRecord model classes not allowed in :expects")
- end
- end
- end
- name = name.to_sym
- public_name = public_api_method_name(name)
- method =, public_name, expects, returns)
- write_inheritable_hash("api_methods", name => method)
- write_inheritable_hash("api_public_method_names", public_name => name)
- end
- # Whether the given method name is a service method on this API
- def has_api_method?(name)
- api_methods.has_key?(name)
- end
- # Whether the given public method name has a corresponding service method
- # on this API
- def has_public_api_method?(public_name)
- api_public_method_names.has_key?(public_name)
- end
- # The corresponding public method name for the given service method name
- def public_api_method_name(name)
- if inflect_names
- name.to_s.camelize
- else
- name.to_s
- end
- end
- # The corresponding service method name for the given public method name
- def api_method_name(public_name)
- api_public_method_names[public_name]
- end
- # A Hash containing all service methods on this API, and their
- # associated metadata.
- def api_methods
- read_inheritable_attribute("api_methods") || {}
- end
- # The Method instance for the given public API method name, if any
- def public_api_method_instance(public_method_name)
- api_method_instance(api_method_name(public_method_name))
- end
- # The Method instance for the given API method name, if any
- def api_method_instance(method_name)
- api_methods[method_name]
- end
- # The Method instance for the default API method, if any
- def default_api_method_instance
- return nil unless name = default_api_method
- instance = read_inheritable_attribute("default_api_method_instance")
- if instance && == name
- return instance
- end
- instance =, public_api_method_name(name), nil, nil)
- write_inheritable_attribute("default_api_method_instance", instance)
- instance
- end
- private
- def api_public_method_names
- read_inheritable_attribute("api_public_method_names") || {}
- end
- def validate_options(valid_option_keys, supplied_option_keys)
- unknown_option_keys = supplied_option_keys - valid_option_keys
- unless unknown_option_keys.empty?
- raise(ActionWebServiceError, "Unknown options: #{unknown_option_keys}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Represents an API method and its associated metadata, and provides functionality
- # to assist in commonly performed API method tasks.
- class Method
- attr :name
- attr :public_name
- attr :expects
- attr :returns
- def initialize(name, public_name, expects, returns)
- @name = name
- @public_name = public_name
- @expects = expects
- @returns = returns
- @caster =
- end
- # The list of parameter names for this method
- def param_names
- return [] unless @expects
-{ |type| }
- end
- # Casts a set of Ruby values into the expected Ruby values
- def cast_expects(params)
- @caster.cast_expects(params)
- end
- # Cast a Ruby return value into the expected Ruby value
- def cast_returns(return_value)
- @caster.cast_returns(return_value)
- end
- # String representation of this method
- def to_s
- fqn = ""
- fqn << (@returns ? (friendly_param(@returns[0], false) + " ") : "void ")
- fqn << "#{@public_name}("
- fqn <<{ |p| friendly_param(p) }.join(", ") if @expects
- fqn << ")"
- fqn
- end
- private
- def friendly_param(type, show_name=true)
- name =
- type_type = type.array?? type.element_type.type.to_s : type.type.to_s
- str = type.array?? (type_type + '[]') : type_type
- show_name ? (str + " " + name) : str
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/casting.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/casting.rb
index 42ef97fd3b..88462d8cc9 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/casting.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/casting.rb
@@ -29,8 +29,7 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
def cast_expects(api_method, params) # :nodoc:
return [] if api_method.expects.nil?
- i = -1
-{ |type| cast(params[i+=1], type) }
+{ |type, param| cast(param, type) }
def cast_returns(api_method, return_value) # :nodoc:
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/client/soap_client.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/client/soap_client.rb
index c906a71331..79edac0b71 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/client/soap_client.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/client/soap_client.rb
@@ -78,12 +78,10 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
expects = method.expects
returns = method.returns
param_def = []
- i = 0
if expects
expects.each do |type|
type_binding = @protocol.marshaler.lookup_type(type)
param_def << ['in',, type_binding.mapping]
- i += 1
if returns
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/container/delegated_container.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/container/delegated_container.rb
index 674141aab6..ae2c257c9c 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/container/delegated_container.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/container/delegated_container.rb
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
raise(ContainerError, "no such web service '#{web_service_name}'")
service = info[:block]
- service ? instance_eval(&service) : info[:object]
+ service ? self.instance_eval(&service) : info[:object]
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb
index a4659e5183..822939a101 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/dispatcher/action_controller_dispatcher.rb
@@ -121,8 +121,7 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
api_method = request.api_method
params = request.method_params
if api_method && api_method.expects
- i = 0
- params ={ |type| param = "#{}=>#{params[i].inspect}"; i+= 1; param }
+ params ={ |type, param| "#{}=>#{param.inspect}" }
params ={ |param| param.inspect }
@@ -255,11 +254,9 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
expects = method.expects
- i = 1
expects.each do |type|
binding = marshaler.register_type(type)
xm.part('name' =>, 'type' => binding.qualified_type_name('typens'))
- i += 1
end if expects
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb
index cc3e90a4cc..4bc9d2806e 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/protocol/soap_protocol.rb
@@ -40,13 +40,10 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
param_types.each{ |type| marshaler.register_type(type) } if param_types
qname =, method_name)
param_def = []
- i = 0
if param_types
- params = do |param|
- param_type = param_types[i]
- param_def << ['in',, marshaler.lookup_type(param_type).mapping]
- i += 1
- [, marshaler.ruby_to_soap(param)]
+ params = do |type, param|
+ param_def << ['in',, marshaler.lookup_type(type).mapping]
+ [, marshaler.ruby_to_soap(param)]
params = []
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/support/signature_types.rb b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/support/signature_types.rb
index 5c57254bc3..a7ee2fc773 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/support/signature_types.rb
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/support/signature_types.rb
@@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
def canonical_signature_entry(spec, i)
name = "param#{i}"
if spec.is_a?(Hash)
- name = spec.keys.first
- spec = spec.values.first
- type = spec
- else
- type = spec
+ name, spec = spec.keys.first, spec.values.first
+ type = spec
if spec.is_a?(Array)[0], 0), name)
@@ -173,7 +170,7 @@ module ActionWebService # :nodoc:
yield name, type
elsif @type_class.respond_to?(:columns)
- i = 0
+ i = -1
@type_class.columns.each do |column|
yield, canonical_signature_entry(column.klass, i += 1)
diff --git a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/templates/scaffolds/parameters.rhtml b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/templates/scaffolds/parameters.rhtml
index 64548360ad..f06b0986b4 100644
--- a/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/templates/scaffolds/parameters.rhtml
+++ b/actionwebservice/lib/action_web_service/templates/scaffolds/parameters.rhtml
@@ -10,13 +10,11 @@
Method Parameters:
-<% i = 0 %>
<% @scaffold_method.expects.each do |type| %>